“You Will Have What You Say~!”
Yahweh Loves You And Is Not Mad At You~! You Are A Winner Too~! ~ Enter Here To Find Out More
Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue Yahweh Loves You And Is Not Mad At You~! 
	You Are A Winner Too~! ~ Enter Here To Find Out More

Romans 10:6-10
6 But The Righteousness Of Faith Speaks In This Way, “Do Not Say In Your ‘Heart’, ‘Who Will Ascend Into Heaven?’” (That Is, To Bring Christ Down From Above).  7 or, “‘Who Will Descend Into The Abyss?’ ” (That Is, To Bring Christ Up From The Dead).  8 But What Does It Say?, “The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth And In Your ‘Heart’” (That Is, The Word Of Faith Which We Preach): 9 That If You Will Confess With Your Mouth The Lord Jesus, And Believe In Your ‘Heart’ That God Raised Him From The Dead, You Will Be Saved. 10 For With The ‘Heart’, One Believes Unto Righteousness; And With The Mouth Confession Is Made Unto Salvation, (WEB).

We Call This A ‘Profession Of Faith’.  Let Us Hold Fast The Confession / Profession Of Our Faith, {To Say With Your ‘Mouth’ ~ What One Professes [Confesses]}, Of Our Hope Without Wavering, For He Who Promised Is Faithful~!, (Hebrews 10:23).

Proverbs 18:20-21
20 A Person’s Stomach Is Filled With The Fruit Of Their Mouth, With The Harvest Of Their Lips They Are Satisfied.
21 Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue, And Those Who Indulge In It Shall Eat The Fruit Of It [For Death or Life].

Matthew 12:35-37 ~ 35 A Good Person Out Of The Good Treasure Of Their ‘Heart’, Brings Forth ‘Good Things’, And An Evil Person Out Of The Evil Treasure Brings Forth Evil Things. 36 But I Say To You That For Every ‘Idle Word’ People May Speak, They Will Give Account Of It In The Day Of Judgment. 37 For ‘By Your Words’ You Will Be Justified And Acquitted, And ‘By Your Words’ You Will Be Condemned And Sentenced.

Proverbs 4:20-23; Proverbs 23:7, “Guard Your Hearts With All That You Do” ~ “As A Person Thinks, So Are They” … {Why Do We Need To Guard Our Hearts?  Because Out Of The Abundance Of The ‘Heart’. The ‘Mouth’ Will Speak And That Will Bring About Whatsoever You Say).

Psalm 34:12-13; 1 Peter 3:10 ~ Psalm 34:12 Who Is The Person Who Desires Life, And Loves Many Days, That He May See Good?  13 Keep Your Tongue From Evil, And Your Lips From Speaking Deceit. 1 Peter 3:10 For, “They Who Would Love Life And See Good Days, Let Them ‘Refrain Their Tongue’ From Evil, And Their ‘Lips’ From ‘Speaking’ Deceit, {No Guile, Speaking Lies}.

Proverbs 12:13-14 ~ 13’ The Wicked Are [Dangerously] Snared By The Transgression Of Their ‘Lips’, But The [Uncompromisingly] Righteous Shall Come Out Of Trouble.  14 A Person Will Be Satisfied With ‘‘Good Things’’ By “The Fruit Of Their ‘Mouth’ ”, And The Pay Of A Person’s Hands Will Be Rendered To Them.

Proverbs 13:2-3 ~ 2 By The Fruit Of Their Lips, A Person Enjoys ‘‘Good Things’; But The Unfaithful Crave Violence.
3 He Who Guards Their ‘Mouth’ Guards His Soul.  One Who Opens Wide Their ‘Lips’ Comes To Ruin.

Psalm 34:1,19,
1 I Will Bless Yahweh At ALL Times; His Praise Shall Continually Be In My ‘Mouth’
19 Many Are The Afflictions Of The Righteous, But Yahweh Delivers Him Out Of Them ALL.

{You Can’t Have Deliverance Apart From Your Mouth And What You Are Saying…
These Two Verses Are In The Same Chapter And Refer To The Same Occurrence}