Speak Forth


Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20;
Matthew 21:21

Faith Speaks, (Romans 10:6), As Mark 11:23 States, “For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,¤ Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart* But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~! ~ ¤{ THIS IS YAHOSHUA SPEAKING~! ~ The Head Of The Church~!}.  *That Means For Faith To Work It Has To Be In Your Heart Also, (“For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart Their Mouth Speaks”, Matthew 12:34-35; Luke 6:45).


You Will Have What You Say ~! , (Hwys)
The Power To Call Things That Be Not As Though They Were, (Romans 4:17).

On The Day That Peter Got Up To Prophesy, He Said, “And It Shall Come To Pass In The Last Days, Said God, I Will Pour Out My Spirit Upon ALL Flesh, And Your Sons And Your Daughters Shall Prophesy”.

Once I Went To A New Church.  The Pastor Had Moved Here From Another City, And This Was The Church’s One-Year Anniversary.  And Today Was Also The First Day That They Had A Choir, And I Got To Be A Part Of The Worship As I Participated From The Audience And Knew Many In The Choir And They Would Sway Back And Forth And Clap, As I Danced And Twirled, And They Would Be Sparked On By Me, And I By Them.  They Had Over 100 People There.

It Was In The Exact Building Where I Used To Work At And Privately Walk Into The Restroom And Declare, “The Kingdom Of Yahweh Come In This Building, And The Will Of Yahweh Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven”, And Then Walking Back Into The Very Same Bathroom Many Years Later And To See What I Had Spoken Fulfilled In A Way That I Could Not Have Dreamed, Even More Abundantly Than I Could Ask or Think, (Ephesians 3:20).

This Wasn’t The First Time By Far That This Happened To Me, (Click Here To Read Of One Other Time).

Acts 2:17

And It Shall Come To Pass In The Last Days, Says Yahweh, I Will Pour Out Of My Spirit Upon ALL Flesh: And Your Sons And Your Daughters Shall Prophesy, And Your Young Men Shall See Visions, And Your Old Men Shall Dream Dreams:

< Prophesy ~ This Means That We Will Say Things With Our Mouth And That They Will Come About~!   We Are Made In The Image Of Yahweh And Our Mouth Have Creative Life Force In Them And We Call Things Into Being That Be Not As If They Were.


Mouth’” ~ A Fool’s Mouth Is His Destruction~!

Proverbs 18:7 ~ A Fool’s Mouth Is Their Destruction, And Their Lips Are A Snare To Their Soul.  < We Declare, (To Confess Out Loud With Our Have What You SayMouth), A Hedge Of Protection Around Us When We Declare Yahweh’s Name As, Yahweh You Are My Fortress, My Rock In You Will I Trust. Hallelujah

If You Are Still Having Problems With This, And Thinking That This Makes Us Sound Like Gods On The Planet Earth.  We Have Authority On The Planet Earth.  If This Just Made You Cringe, Take A Look At Romans 5:17.  Read It Below Over And Over And Over .


Romans 5:17   

For If By One Man’s Offence Death Reigned By One; Much More They Which Receive Abundance Of Grace And Of The Gift Of Righteousness Shall Reign In Life By One, Yahoshua, (The Messiah).


Notice, This Does Not Say That We Will Reign In “Life After Death”, But That We Would Reign In “Life”, And Like Regis Philman Used To Say On, “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”, And “That Life Starts Right Now”.

Yahoshua Was A Spirit, But Became A Human Being And Went Back To Heaven As A Human Being,

(John 3:13, Philippians 2:8-9).

 John 3:13 < (The New King James Version)


And No Person* Has Ascended Up To Heaven, But He That Came Down From Heaven, Even The Son Of Man* Which Is In Heaven.

*Note Here That It Was A Human Being That Ascended Up To Heaven.


Positive Proof That Yahoshua Was A Human Being~!, {A Human Being}

Yahoshua Was 100% God, But He Turned Off His God Powers While He Was On Earth And Became 100% Man Only, So That He Could Enter Into Covenant With God On Our Behalf.

Well, Yahoshua Functioning As A Human Being, {A Human Being} Only Had The Same Problem With The Religious Leaders Of His Day, And Notice If They Were Wrong For Calling Him A Human Being, {A Human Being}, Why Didn’t Yahoshua Correct Them?

< John 10:35-38 (ESV) < 33 The Jews Answered Him, “We Don’t Stone You For A Good Work, But For Blasphemy: Because You, Being A Human Being, Make Yourself God”. 34 < Yahoshua Answered Them, Jesus Answered Them, “Isn’t It Written In Your Law, ‘I Said, You Are Gods?’”, (Psalm 82:6). 35 If He Called Them Gods To Whom The Word Of God Came—And Scripture Cannot Be Broken— 36 Do You Say Of Him Whom The Father Consecrated And Sent Into The World, ‘You Are Blaspheming,’ Because I Said, ‘I Am The Son Of God’? 37 If I Am Not Doing The Works Of My Father, Then Do Not Believe Me; 38 But If I Do Them, Even Though You Do Not Believe Me, Believe The Works, That You May Know And Understand That The Father Is In Me And I Am In The Father”.

< Philippians 2:5-8

5 Let This Mind Be In You Which Was Also In Christ Jesus, 6 Who, Being In The Form Of God, Did Not Consider It Robbery To Be Equal With God, 7 But Made Himself Of No Reputation, Taking The Form Of A Bondservant, And Coming In The Likeness Of Men . 8 And Being Found In Human Form, He Humbled Himself And Became Obedient To The Point Of Death, Even The Death Of The Cross.

< John 14:12

Verily, Verily, I Say Unto You, They That Believe On Me, The Works That I Do Shall They Do Also; And Greater Works Than These Shall They Do; Because I Go Unto My Father.

{Yahoshua Spoke To The Wind, Saying Peace Be Still, And It Was So.  If He Was Still God, Then We Could Not Do Greater Things Than He Did.}

< Hebrews 2:14

As The Children Are Partakers Of Flesh And Blood, He Also Himself Likewise Took Part Of The Same; That Through Death He Might Destroy Him That Had The Power Of Death, That Is, The Devil.

< Hebrews 2:17

< So It Is Evident That It Was Essential That He Be Made Like His Sisters And Brothers In Every Respect, In Order That He Might Become A Merciful (Sympathetic) And Faithful High Priest In The Things Related To God, To Make Atonement And Propitiation For The People’s Sins.

< John 1:14

Became Flesh And Dwelt Among Us, And We Beheld His Glory, The Glory As Of The Only Begotten Of The Father, Full Of Grace And Truth.

< John 3:13

No Person* Has Ascended Up To Heaven, But He That Came Down From Heaven, Even The Son Of Man* Which Is In Heaven.

< 1 John 4:1-2

< 1 Beloved, Do Not Put Faith In Every Spirit, But Prove (Test) The Spirits To Discover Whether They Proceed From God; For Many False Prophets Have Gone Forth Into The World.
2 By This You May Know (Perceive And Recognize) The Spirit Of God: Every Spirit Which Acknowledges And Confesses [The Fact] That Jesus Christ (The Messiah) [Actually] Has Become Man And Has Come In The Flesh Is Of God [Has God For Its Source]

< Luke 2:40

< “And The Child Grew And Became Strong In Spirit, Filled With Wisdom; And The Grace Of God Was Upon Him”.

< Luke 2:52

< “And Yahoshua Increased In Wisdom And Stature, And In Favor With God And Men”.

< Romans 5:15

< “But The Free Gift Is Not Like The Offense.  For If By The One Man’s Offense Many Died, Much More The Grace Of God And The Gift By The Grace Of The One MAN, Jesus Christ, Abounded To Many”.

< Romans 8:29


For Whom He Foreknew, He Also Predestined To Be Conformed To The Image Of His Son, That He Might Be The Firstborn Among Many Sisters And Brothers.

< 1 Corinthians 15:21-22

21 For Since Death Came Through A Human Being, {A Man}, The Resurrection Of The Dead Came Also Through A Human Being, {A Man}.
22 For Just As In Adam All Die, So Too In Christ Shall All Be Brought To Life.

< 1 Corinthians 15:45

< And So It Is Written, “The First Man Adam Became A Living Being”.  The Last Adam Became A Life-Giving Spirit.

< 1 Corinthians 15:47

< “And “The First Man Is Of The Earth, Made Of Dust. The Second MAN Is The Lord From Heaven”.


To Read More About Yahoshua Becoming A Human Being, {Enter Here}.


It IS Finished~!

This Doesn’t Make Us The God And Lord, But When Yahoshua Said, “It Is Finished”, (John 19:30); And Sat Down On The Right Hand Of Yahweh,

(Acts 7:55-56; Romans 8:34;
Ephesians 1:20; Colossians 3:1;
Hebrews 1:3; Hebrews 8:1;
Hebrews 10:12; Hebrews 12:2;
1 Peter 3:22; Revelation 3:21;
Matthew 22:44; Acts 2:33

Tetelestai Was A Greek Word That Was Used In A Business Context On Ancient Receipts In The New Testament Bible Times,
To Indicate That A Literal Debt Had Been Paid In Full~!
And In A Judicial Context In Court ~ A Particular Sentence Had Been Fully Served~!
And In A Military Context Meaning That A Battle Has Been Won~! Like Triumph And Victory~!

Your Debt Of Sin Is Fully Paid, The Judgment For Your Sin Has Been Fully Served~! And The Spiritual War Against Death, Debt, Sin And Satan Has Been Completely Won~!  In Christ The Work Of Salvation, Healing, Victory, Reconciliation And New Life Is Fully Yours~!  It Is Finished~!

…Then We Are Now The Ones Calling In The Kingdom Of The One True God, Because We Doubt Not In Our Hearts, And We Have What We Say.

 Mark 11:23 (The New King James Version)


“For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~! ~ *{THIS IS YAHOSHUA SPEAKING~! ~ The Head Of The Church~!}.

Anyhow, It Was Awesome~!  On The Wall, Was A Banner That Said, “Ask Of Me”, (And I Knew The Rest Of This Verse, See Below).  I Just Was In Awe, Because I Had Asked Of Yahweh For The Kingdom Of Yahweh To Come In This Very Building~!  We Knew Many Folks There That Have Come From Other Churches.  It Was A Wonderful Way To Celebrate Our First Anniversary In The Kingdom Of Yahweh.

Psalm 2:8  

<“Ask Of Me, And I Shall Give You The Heathen For Your Inheritance, And The Uttermost Parts Of The Earth For Your Possession”.


If We Just Agree~!

I Want The Fervor And Forcefulness Of The Part Of Virgil, “Bud” Brigman, (Ed Harris), Had In The Abyss (1989), When His Wife By Covenant, Lindsey Brigman, (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio), Had Told Him To Go On Even Though She Was Going To Be Drowned.

She Convinced, “Bud” To Let Her Drown And Swim Towing Her To The MotherShip, And Then Administer Artificial Respiration And She Would Resuscitate, Being That It Would Only Be A Matter Of Moments ‘Til He Could Come Back And Save Her, And Considering The Coldness Of The Water Temperature, (A Couple Of Degrees Above Freezing), And That She Would Only Go Into Deep Hypothermia.  Enter Here To Listen To The Dialog

So, After The Time Passed And Bud Could Get Back To Her, He Got Very, Very Serious And Tried To Revive Her.  But, It Wasn’t As Easy As They Thought To Bring Someone Back To Life.  It Was No Good, And The Folks Around Him Said It Would Do No Good To Put The Electric Shock On Her Once More With Everyone’s Hope Fading, They Almost Convinced Bud, And Then This Is The Part Of The Movie That I Enjoy The Most.  Bud, Knew That The Two Of Them Had Agreed That She Would Be Resurrected.

 Matthew 18:19 {The King James Version}


Again I Say Unto You, That If Two Of You Shall Agree On Earth As Touching Any Thing That They Shall Ask, It Shall Be Done For Them Of My Father Which Is In Heaven.


He Refused To Accept No For An Answer, And Then In A Display That Captures Not Just Raw Guts Determination, Not Just Will Power, Not Just Mind Over Matter, or Being As Unrelenting As A Bulldog, or Tenacious As Barnacles On The Bottom Of A Ship, But He Showed What It Was Like To Reach Into His Heart And From His Heart Spout Forth Words Of Life Until Lindsey Recovered.

< I Think That This Is More Than Mind Power.  Words From The Heart That Spew Forth Out Of Our ‘Mouth’ Are So Powerful~!   This Is The Vehemence I Want To Have In Seeking The Kingdom Of Yahweh.

 Matthew 11:12


And From The Days Of John The Baptist Until Now The Kingdom Of Heaven Suffers Violence, And The Violent Take It By Force.

If You Would Like To Know More About
‘The Power Of The “Spoken” Tongue’, (Enter Here).
Thanksgiving And Praise~!


Your Words Have Life, “Have You Ever Heard George On Seinfeld Say, Yadah, Yadah, Yadah.  Well, It Turns Out That The Hebrew Word, “Yadah” Means Among Other Things, “To Confess”, or More Specifically, “To Confess The Name Of Yahweh”.

Yadah, (Strong’s Concordance # 3034) ~
{Greek Equivalent Word Is Homologéō ~ H3670 ~ “To Say The Same Thing As”}.
Like When You Body Feels Sick But You Are Agreeing With Yahweh’s Word That “By His Stripes I Am Healed”, (1 Peter 2:24).

Yadah Is A Hebrew Verb With A Root Meaning, “The Extended Hand, To Throw Out The Hand”; Therefore, “To Worship With Extended Hand”.  Eventually It Also Came To Denote Songs Of Praise-To Lift Up The Voice In Thanksgiving ~ To Tell Forth And Confess His Greatness. (e.g. Psalm 43:4).  2 Chronicles 20:19-20 Is The Yadah Type Of Praise.  The Antonym Is To Bemoan By Wringing Of The Hands, (Enter Here To See More On The Word ‘Yadah’).

Lifting Your Hands Is Almost Always Equivalent To A Yadah, (Whether Literally or Figuratively), Especially When Listening To Music.  When You Yadah To Music You Are Worshiping The Image Of The Creator/Source Of The Music~!


Following Yahweh’s Instructions To The Letter~!

  2 Chronicles 20:14-18 <{World English Bible ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition} ~ Audio Scriptures

< < <


Then On Jahaziel The Son Of Zechariah, The Son Of Benaiah, The Son Of Jeiel, The Son Of Mattaniah, The Levite, Of The Sons Of Asaph, Came The Spirit Of Yahweh In The Midst Of The Assembly;


And He Said, Listen You, ALL Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, And You King Jehoshaphat: Thus Says Yahweh To You, Don’t Be Afraid You, Neither Be Dismayed By Reason Of This Great Multitude; For The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s.


Tomorrow Go You Down Against Them: Behold, They Come Up By The Ascent Of Ziz; And You Shall Find Them At The End Of The Valley, Before The Wilderness Of Jeruel.


You Shall Not Need To Fight In This [Battle]: Set Yourselves, Stand You Still, And See The Salvation Of Yahweh [Who Is] With You, O Judah And Jerusalem; Don’t Be Afraid, Nor Be Dismayed: Tomorrow Go Out Against Them: For Yahweh Is With You.


Jehoshaphat Bowed His Head With His Face To The Ground; And ALL Judah And The Inhabitants Of Jerusalem Fell Down Before Yahweh, Worshipping Yahweh. (Click Here To See More Bowing Down To Worship Yahweh).

< Notice The When And Why’s Of What Israel Did… Things Like Tomorrow Go You Down Against Them And Tomorrow Go Out Against Them: And They Rose Early In The Morning.  I Like That.  Yahweh Told Them To Move Out Tomorrow, So No Body Left Early, But Just As Soon It Was Tomorrow Early In The Morning, They Launched.  They Didn’t Wait Around Until After Noon.  For Yahweh Is With You ~ Yahweh Is With Me,

< (Jeremiah 20:11; Psalm 118:6;
Romans 8:31

< They Believed Yahweh, (For Yahweh Is With Me, As Yahweh Is With You, And As You Stand Up To Praise Yahweh, {The God Of Israel} Also With An Exceeding Loud Voice), And Put The Praise In Front Of The ProblemEntry Here To See How Many Times Yahweh Has Said, “I Am With You” or, “Yahweh Is With You”, or, “Yahweh Was With A Certain Person”.


As They Went Forth~!

 2 Chronicles 20:19-20 <{World English Bible ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition} ~ Audio Scriptures


The Levites, Of The Children Of The Kohathites And Of The Children Of The Korahites, Stood Up To Praise Yahweh , The God Of Israel, With An Exceeding Loud Voice.


Then Rose Early In The Morning, And Went Forth Into The Wilderness Of Tekoa: And AS THEY WENT FORTH, Jehoshaphat Stood And Said, Hear Me, Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem: Believe In Yahweh Your God, So Shall You Be Established; Believe His Prophets, So Shall You Prosper.


Usually, d—Evil One Would Have Arrows Maybe With Fire On Them.  Then They Were Sending The Seemingly Unarmed Singers And Praisers To The Front To Face This Onslaught Of Arrows.  But, The Singers Weren’t Unarmed At ALL As Praising Yahweh Is A Weapon~!

Other Incidents That Happened, “As They Went” …

Yahweh Is Restricted And Cannot Do Things On The Earth Without Corresponding Faith Action On A Person’s Part, {Like “When They Began To Sing”, or “When Their Feet Touched The Water”, or “As Long As Moses Held Up The Staff In His Hand, The Israelites Had The Advantage” or “Moses Stretched Out His Hand Over The Sea”, or “David Hurried, And Ran Toward The Army To Meet The Philistine”, or “For She Said”, (Mark 11:23); orAs They Went, They Were Cleansed”, etc, (Exodus 14:21,27; Exodus 17:11; 2 Chronicles 20:22; Joshua 3:13-15; 1 Samuel 17:48; Mark 5:28; Luke 17:14)}.

2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6 Says, “Yahweh Is My Helper; I Will Not Fear. What Can Humans Do To Me?”  Not “I Am The Yahweh’s Helper”.

So, Unless You Mix Faith With The Word Of Yahweh, (Hebrews 4:2), (Faith Being The Call To Action ~ Based On Mark 16:20; Acts 14:3;
1 Corinthians 2:4; Hebrews 2:4
That Says, “They Went Forth, And Preached Everywhere, Yahweh Working With Them, And Confirming The Word By The Signs That Followed), Then It Will Not Avail Anything, {Without Faith, It Is Impossible To Please God, (Hebrews 11:6)}.

You Can Always Praise Yahweh As An Action…“When They Began To Sing”…

Acts 16:25-26 ~
25 About Midnight Paul And Silas Were Praying And Singing Hymns To God, And The Other Prisoners Were Listening To Them.
26 Suddenly There Was Such A Violent Earthquake That The Foundations Of The Prison Were Shaken.  At Once All The Prison Doors Flew Open, And Everyone’s Chains Came Loose.


May The High Praises Of God, {El}, Be In Their Mouth
Psalm 149:1-9

  1. Praise Yahweh~!  Sing To Yahweh A New Song, His Praise In The Assembly Of The Saints.

  2. Let Israel Rejoice In Him Who Made Them. Let The Children Of Zion Be Joyful In Their King.

  3. Let Them Praise His Name In The Dance~! Let Them Sing Praises To Him With Tambourine And Harp~!

  4. For Yahweh Takes Pleasure In His People.  He Crowns The Humble With Salvation.

  5. Let The Saints Rejoice In Honor.  Let Them Sing For Joy On Their Beds.

  6. May The High Praises Of Yahweh Be In Their Mouth, And A Two-Edged Sword In Their Hand;

  7. To Execute Vengeance On The Nations, And Punishments On The Peoples;

  8. To Bind Their Kings With Chains, And Their Nobles With Fetters Of Iron;

  9. To Execute On Them The Written Judgment.  All His Saints Have This Honor.  Praise Yah~!



When They Began To Sing And To Praise~!

Look At 2 Chronicles 20:21-22 ~ When He Had Taken Counsel With The People, He Appointed Those Who Should Sing To Yahweh, And Give Praise In Holy Array, As They Went Out Before The Army, And Say, Give Thanks To Yahweh; For His Loving-Kindness Endures Forever.  When They Began To Sing And To Praise, Yahweh Set Ambushers Against The Children Of Ammon, Moab, And Mount Seir, Who Had Come Against Judah; And They Were Struck.

But, Watch This..  Jahaziel’s Great Great GrandFather Was Possibly Asaph, (Psalm 77:1), And So Jahaziel Would Also Be A Levitte And A Singer Himself,

(1 Chronicles 15:19;
1 Chronicles 16:5-7;
1 Chronicles 25:1;6;
2 Chronicles 5:12;
2 Chronicles 29:30;
2 Chronicles 35:15; Ezra 2:41

So He Was Saying Put The Singers Out Front With Only Our Praise~!  You Will Find If You Click On Asaph‘s Name That He And The GateKeepers Were The Ones That Kept The Demons Out~!  Yahweh Keeps Demonic Forces At Bay When We Praise, (See Psalm 149:1-9).

Read This Again, And Answer The Following Question.  When Did Yahweh Set Ambushers?  Like At The Crossing Of The Red Sea As When Moses Moses Stretched Out His Hand Over The Sea, (Exodus 14:21-22), or At The Crossing Of The Jordan River, When The Feet Of The Priest Touched The Jordan River, (Joshua 3:13; Joshua 4:18); There Was Always An Reaction As A Response Of Faith, And WHEN That Action Was Taken There Was A Corresponding Action Taken By Yahweh. The Answer My Friend Is Blowing In The WHEN~!   When The Holy Ghost Comes Upon Us As A Mighty Rushing Wind, Then We Are Endued With Power From On High, And Then We Win~!  He wants Us To Have A When, Wind, Win Situation~!


The Praisers Went Out Before The Army~!

 2 Chronicles 20:20-21 <{World English Bible ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition} ~ Audio Scriptures


As They Went Out Before The Army, And SAY, Give Thanks To Yahweh; For His Loving-Kindness Endures Forever.


When They Began To Sing And To Praise, Yahweh Set Ambushers Against The Children Of Ammon, Moab, And Mount Seir, Who Had Come Against Judah; And They Were Struck).

They Didn’t Get A Further Word From Yahweh Through Jehoshaphat Until, “AS THEY WENT FORTH”.  The Reason That Jehoshaphat Told Them In Verse 20 At That Time Was To Assure Them That Jahaziel Was An AuThentic Prophet, And That This Word Was From Yahweh, “Believe In Yahweh Your God, So Shall You Be Established; Believe His Prophets, So Shall You Prosper”.  They Were Already On Their Way, (“AS THEY WENT FORTH”).  And It Was Only As They Believed Verse 17, (You Shall Not Need To Fight In This [Battle]: Set Yourselves, Stand You Still, And See The Salvation Of Yahweh With You, O Judah And Jerusalem; Don’t Be Afraid, Nor Be Dismayed: Tomorrow Go Out Against Them: For Yahweh Is With You), And Obeyed Jehoshaphat And Sang Giving Thanks, (ThanksGiving), To Yahweh; For His Loving-Kindness Endures Forever … Did Victory Come~!  It Was An Act Of Faith To Put The Singers Out In Front, Believing What Yahweh Said Through Jahaziel That The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s~!

Notice, They Had What They Said, (That They Made It Into Song).

Since You Will Have What You Say~! ,

(HWYS ~ Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20;
Matthew 21:21

Then Watch What You Say, Before You Throw Up Your Hands~!

The Ball Is In Your Court, So Be Careful Where You Toss It~!  Suppose Moses Assigned You To Go Out In Front Of The Armies Where They Usually Shoot Arrows… What Would Your Mouth Be Shouting?

Mark 11:23


For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’, Whoever Says To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!

If You Would Like To Know More About
‘The Power Of The “Spoken” Tongue’, (Enter Here).

I Was Just Joking~!

Usually, It Comes Down To Deciding, “Do I Want To Be Funny, (And Accepted By Others), or Do I Really Want What Yahweh Has For Me”, {or You’re Not Convinced That You, “Have What You Say” ~

Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20;
Matthew 21:21

It’s In Red, This Means It Came From Yahoshua, (The Head Of The Church) ~ For Assuredly, “I Say To You”, Whoever Says To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~! }.

Here’s Just One Example:  It Sounds Funny To Hear Someone Say, “When Yahweh Was Passing Out Brains, I Thought He Said Trains, Lol~!  That’s My New Mantra For Everything And I’m Sticking To It~!”  My Personal Favorite Is The One I Heard From My Father Because As We Get Older For Some folks It Is Easier To See Things Far Off Than Close By And So We Might Joke And Say, “Just Put It On The Floor, So I Can Read It”.  However, Do We Really Want What We Are Saying?

None For Me, Thank-You.  We Are Told To Magnify Yahweh~! (Psalm 34:3; Ezekiel 38:23).  Oh Magnify The Problem, And The Problem WILL Get Bigger, (And In This Case With The Trains For Brains Joke, You’ll Get Dumber & Dumber, And Get Mad At Yahweh For Making You So Dumb).  When You Agree With d—Evil One On Stuff That Contradicts The Word Of Yahweh, Then Your Fate Has Been Decided, And You Have Placed The “Traditions Of People” Higher Than, “The Word Of Yahweh”, {Making The Word Of No Effect or Void, A Moot Point or Useless, (Matthew 15:6, 9; Mark 7:9, 13)}.

In This Matter, The Closer I Get To The King’s Court, The Less Of A Jester I Must Be.  In Other Things, You Can Still Be Jovial And Humorous, Especially With Others, (But As For Me And My House, We Will Serve Yahweh).  If Your Argument Is That I Must Keep A Sense Of Humor So That Others Will Listen To What I‘ve Got To Say, Then Ask Yourself, “Has Anyone That Is Listening Changed Their Lifestyles Because Of What I’m Saying”.  It Could Be That They Are Adopting Your Words As Their Own And Also Progressively Telling Themselves How Dumb They Are.  Do They Seem To Be Getting Dumber As The Years Go By?

Folks On FaceBook Tend To Applaud Me If I Say Something Trivial.  We Have To Be Ministers Of The Word Of Yahweh, Not People That Are Tending To Itchy Ears, Not Wanting To Receive Sound Doctrine~!  I Charge You To Be Careful That You Aren‘t Actually Just ‘Tickling Their Ears’, (2 Timothy 4:1-4), And Giving Them What They Want To Hear, Rather Than Showing Them The Path Of Yahweh.  {Enter Here To Read About Real Joy}.

Oh Magnify Yahweh, (Psalm 34:1-4), And You’ll Find You’re Not Forgetting, And Instead, You‘ll Hear The Voice Of The Holy Ghost Reminding You Of Things That You Need To Do or To Be.

As Psalm 91:2 Instructs Us, “I Have The Mind Of Christ” ‘There Has Been Given Unto Me, “A Sound Mind’. ”

(Psalm 34:1-4; Psalm 91:2;
1 Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 2:5;
2 Timothy 1:7
{Click Here}.

Let No Corrupt, (Worthless, Rotten, Twisted, Wicked, Froward, Perverse), Communication Proceed Out Of Your Mouth, But That Which Is Good To The Use Of Edifying, That It May Minister Grace Unto The Hearers, (Ephesians 4:29).

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‘The Power Of The “Spoken” Tongue’, (Enter Here).


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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14


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