~ “Why We Declare Things Out Loud With Our Have What You SayMouth ~

Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue, And Those Who Love It And Indulge It Will Eat Its Fruit And Bear The Consequences Of Their Words [Whether They Be For Death or Life], (Proverbs 18:20-21).

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  ~ The Weapons Of Our Warfare ~~!

Years Ago, My Parents Found Termites In Their Home.  It Was Startling News To Me Also.  I Went Into Severe Panic Mode As Well.  It Was Sort Of Like The Israelite Tribes Running Into Seven Nations Stronger Than You~!

(Deuteronomy 4:38; Deuteronomy 7:1-2, 23-24;
Deuteronomy 11:23-25; Joshua 1:3-6;
Joshua 3:10; Acts 13:19
) ~

{The Hittites, The Girgashites, The Amorites, The Canaanites, The Perizzites, The Hivites, And The Jebusites}.

All The “Ites” and From My Perspective, Termites Should Have Been Included Also~!

I Was Beside Myself With Worry.  I Finally Said, “Father, I Don’t Know What To Do”.  The Answer Was Prompt.  “Why Don’t You Turn The Matter Over To Me”.  That Sounded Wonderful As I Had No Clue As To How To Handle This..  So, I Said, “You Want It, You Got It”, And By The Way, “I Repent Of Worrying About This Any Longer Because It’s Your Problem”.  After All, He Is The CareTaker, So Why Should I Not Let Him, “Take” This, “Care” Away.  Boom, The Burden Was Lifted Off My Shoulders.  Wow, I Could Have Done That With Some Other Matters I Thought.  Awesome.  Yahweh Told Me To Call A Friend In The Pest Control Business, And It Is Already Solved In A Matter Of Less Than 24 Hours.

Magnify Yahweh, (And Not The Problem)~!  Being Thankful Gets The Focus Off Of Us And ‘Our Way’, And Onto Yahweh~!  The Main Problem With The Hanging Of The Head And Feeling So UnWorthy Is It Highlights The Fact That We Are Focused On Ourselves And What We Can Do With Our Abilities.  So, Being Anxious For Anything WILL NOT Change The Matter One Ounce, And Only Weighs Us Down, As We Are Not Properly Built To Endure That Anxiety.  “Anxiety In A Person’s Heart Weighs Them Down, But An Encouraging Word Brings Them Joy”, (Proverbs 12:25).  However, Yahweh Is Able To Handle This Anxiety, For He Said In 1 Peter 5:6-7; James 4:6-7.  Cast ALL Your Anxiety / Worries On Him, Because He Cares For You.  Did You See The Movie “The Longest Yard”, With Burt Reynolds, or The Newer Version With Adam Sandler and Notice That There Was A CareTaker, (If You Needed Something, Then Turn The Matter Over To The CareTaker And He Would Get It For You.  Yahweh Is The “CareTaker”, So Let Him, “Take Your Cares”~!

In The Same Way About The Termite Problem, That I Wanted To Cry Out To Anybody And To Everybody And Speak Some Negative, “Woe Is Me” With My Voice…

Now, Before I Go On To How We Should Be Speaking As We’ve Not Been Speaking Faith-Filled Words, But More Of, “Look At This”…, “Can You Believe This Or That?”  Instead We Should Be Saying Words Of Faith.  After All, We Are The ‘Believers, Not The World.  So Don’t Expect The World To Believe The Word Of Yahweh And To Rely On And Trust In Yahweh’s Word To Bring Them Out Of Their Present Situations.

1 Now It Shall Come To Pass, IF You Diligently Obey The Voice Of Yahweh Your God, To Observe Carefully ALL His Commandments Which I Command You Today, That Yahweh Your God WILL Set You High Above ALL Nations Of The Earth 2 And ALL These Blessings Shall Come Upon You And Overtake You, Because You Obey The Voice Of Yahweh Your God(Deuteronomy 28:1-12).

After We’ve Done That, What Is Our Part?  As Always, Our Part Is To Just Take A Stand, (Having Done All To Stand, Stand).  That Means To Stand By Faith, (Ephesians 6:13), And Faith Always Involves Speaking It With Our Mouth.

I Am Not The Savior.  I Am Not The Deliverer.  I Am Not The Healer.  But My Part Is To Believe By Faith That The Word Of Yahweh Is Coming To Pass, (Hebrews 4:2).  The Battle Is Yahweh’s, (2 Chronicles 32:7-8), {But He Shares The Victory With Us~! “…And He Will Give You Into Our Hands(1 Samuel 17:45)} ~

2 Kings 6:18
When They Came Down To Him, Elisha Prayed To Yahweh, And Said, Please Strike This People With Blindness”.  He Struck Them With Blindness According To The Word Of Elisha

1 Samuel 17:45
And All This Assembly Shall Know That Yahweh Saves Not With Sword And Spear: The Battle Is Yahweh’s, And He Will Give You Into Our Hands,

2 Chronicles 20:15
And He Said, “Listen, All Judah, And You Inhabitants Of Jerusalem, And You King Jehoshaphat. Yahweh Says To You, ‘Don’t Be Afraid, Neither Be Dismayed By Reason Of This Great Multitude; For The Battle Is Not Yours, But Yahweh’s.

The Battle Is Yahweh’s, (2 Chronicles 32:7-8), {But He Shares The Victory With Us~!, (1 Samuel 17:45)}.  (1 Samuel 17:47; 2 Chronicles 20:15; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14); And Yahweh Will Fight For Us ~ Deuteronomy 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Joshua 10:42; 23:3, 10; 2 Chronicles 20:29; 32:8; Psalm 35:1; Zechariah 14:3; Revelation 19:11-21).

Proverbs 16:2, 7, 17, 25
2 All The Ways Of A Person Are Clean In Their Own Eyes; But Yahweh Weighs The Motives.
7 When A Person’s Ways Please Yahweh, They Makes Even Their Enemies To Be At Peace With Them.
17 The Highway Of The Upright Is To Depart From Evil.  He Who Keeps His Way Preserves His Soul.
25 There Is A Way Which Seems Right To A Person, But In The End It Leads To Death.


God’s Will~!

Let’s Just Say That We Both Believe That “God’s Perfect Will” Will Be Done…

Page 1

Where Do We Get The “God’s Perfect Will” Concept From?  It Comes From Romans 12:1-2 ~

Romans 12:1-2 ~
1 I Appeal To You, Sisters And Brothers, By The Mercies Of God, That You Present Your Bodies A Living Sacrifice, Holy, Acceptable To God, Which Is Your Reasonable Service, {Worship}.
2 And Do Not Be Conformed To This World, But Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind, That You May Prove What Is That Good And Acceptable And “Perfect Will Of God”.

Read It Again, But Notice The “And’s”.  This Is Not An Optional Choice.  These Were Not “Or’s”.  These Were Written To All Be Three Descriptions Of The Same Things?, (Inspired Writings By The Holy Ghost To Convey To Us That Three Different Attributes Are Of The Same Action).

2 And Do Not Be Conformed To This World, But Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind, That You May Prove What Is That
Perfect Will Of God”.

Read It A Third Time, But This Time Notice The “Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind, That You May Prove What Is That”.

2 And Do Not Be Conformed To This World, “Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind, That You May Prove What Is That
Perfect Will Of God”.

The Whole Purpose For Hitting The Big Three, “GoodAND AcceptableAND Perfect Will Of God” Is Caused When We Are:
Transformed By The Renewing Of Our Minds
And What Is The Purpose Of Us Renewing Our Minds?
That You May Prove What Is That” …

Now Read Romans 12:1-2 From The World English Bible:
1 Therefore I Urge You, Sisters And Brothers, By The Mercies Of God, To Present Your Bodies A Living Sacrifice, Holy, Acceptable To God, Which Is Your Spiritual Service.
2 Don’t Be Conformed To This World, But Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind, So That You May Prove What Is The Good, Well-Pleasing, And “Perfect Will Of God”.

Page 2

But We Don’t Say Anything. Umph…

…And If I Accept The “God’s Perfect Will” Stance…That Means That Instead Of Saying Something In Faith, I Now Say Nothing At All.  And Then Psalm 91:2-3 Is Of No Effect.  “I Will SAY Of Yahweh”, “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”, (Psalm 91:2-3).  Compare That To 2 Samuel 22:4; Psalm 18:3 ~ I Will Call Upon Yahweh” … “So Shall I Be Saved From My Enemies”.

At The Least, We Should Say Out Loud, “God’s Perfect Will” Is Going To Be Done On Our Behalf Today~!  That’s Strong~!  That’s Powerful~! But, That’s Not The Best, That’s The Least That We Ought To Be Saying, But, We Don’t Even Say That.  We Don’t Say Out Loud That We Believe For “God’s Perfect Will” To Be Done And We Just Kind Of Give A Nod To Acknowledge That We Understand What That Means … But, That’s All We Did.  And d-Evil One Comes In And Has A Heyday~!

One Thing That Can Make The Word Of God Of, “NO Effect” ~ “The Traditions Of Folks”, (Matthew 15:6;9; Mark 7:9;13).

Now, On The Other Hand When We Come In With A Shopping List And Say By Faith… “It Will All Go Well.”  “They Will Like Us And We Will Have An Instant Rapport~!”

We Won’t Get Into Strife, But Will Stay And Walk In Love… And Faith Because We Let Not Steadfast Love And Faithfulness Forsake Us; We Bind Them Around Our Neck; Write Them On The Tablet Of Your Heart.  So You Will Find Favor And Good Success In The Sight Of God And MAN, {Humans}, (Proverbs 3:3-4).

Pray For Folks You Are Going To Meet And Interact With To Already Be Blessed And Having A Good Day Before You Even Get There.

“We Will Get There And Back With No Problems”, {(Psalm 121:7-8) Has Got That Covered}.

“We Will Get An Outstanding Deal On Our Purchases.”

“We Enjoy Our Fellowship Together. Quality Time Together…” We Will Talk…” “We Build Each Other Up”.

“I Will Tell My Husband 25 Times How Smart He Is And What A Good Husband And Provider And Excellent Father.  I Couldn’t Ask For A More Godly Man In My Life To Lead Our Family…”

Now, You Have Given A Voice To Yahweh’s Words That The Angels Can Follow.

Psalm 103:20-21, {World English Bible}

20 Praise Yahweh, You Angels Of His,
Who Are Mighty In Strength, Who Fulfill His Word,
Obeying The Voice Of His Word.
21 Praise Yahweh, All You Armies Of His,
You Servants Of His, Who Do His Pleasure.

Romans 10:8, (ESV) But What Does It Say? “The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth And In Your Heart” (That Is, The Word Of Faith That We Proclaim).

For Everyone Who Has Been Born Of God Overcomes The World. And THIS Is The Victory That Has Overcome The World, Even OUR Faith~!  (1 John 5:4-5).

I Will SAY Of Yahweh”, “For [Then] He WILL Deliver Me”, (Psalm 91:2-3).

I Believe That With My Background In The “Word Of Faith”, (Romans 10:8).  Mixing This With The “Pentecostal Flavor” Is Causing Me To Think That Yahweh Is Joining And Changing Stuff On Our Parts, (We Are After All One Body).  I’m Gaining From The Ultra Pentecostal & Chárismatics That Are More Open To The Moving Of The Holy Ghost, And The Pentecostal & Chárismatics, (Of Which I Am One), Are Learning To Believe And To Speak Only What The Scriptures Said Based On The Word Of Yahweh.  If Yahweh Said It, Then Our Part Is Just So Simple.

Just To Believe The Word Of God Is Nice, But Even The Devil Believes And Trembles… Therefore, Holy Brothers, You Who Share In A Heavenly Calling, Consider Jesus, The Apostle And High Priest Of Our Confession, (Hebrews 3:1).  So, It’s Important For Us To Say The Right Things~!


Before We Rant And Rage And Stir Up Others, (Pastors Gagged).  Don’t Be Surprised When All This Stuff Happens.  We Know What d—Evil One Schemes, (Plans), And Devices, {Like HAARP, or CERN or HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX)} Are, (2 Corinthians 2:11).  Look For Ways That You Can Show Love To That Guy, For It Will Be Us Representing Our Heavenly Father, As He Did To Us,

Romans 2:4 ~ Or Do You Despise The Riches Of His Goodness, Forbearance, And Patience, Not Knowing That The Goodness Of God Leads You To Repentance?.

However, We Are Not In Dismay, Because We Were Forewarned That These Things Would Take Place.  Now When These Things Begin To Happen, Look Up And Lift Up Your Heads, Because Your Redemption Draws Near, (Luke 21:28).

So, Just Like We Know That The Root Of This Defiance Is Rebellion Towards Yahweh And His Plans For Earth.  Even A Thief That Knows Not To Steal or A Person That Knows Not To Commit Adultery Knows What The Scriptures Say About It, But They Figure That They Know Better Than Yahweh.  That Is The Basic Premise Behind All This That Is In The World Right Now, (And The Lack Of A Father Could Have Brought About This Deception).  However, d—Evil One Time Is Going To Be Cut Short, (Matthew 24:22; Mark 13:20).

So, What’s Our Plan?  To Show Love, To Love.  Not To Be Haughty, (Like If We Were In Their Shoes We Would Not Have Made The Same Choices).

One Thing We That Love Israel Seemed To Have Missed.  We Pray For Israel.  But, We Were Given Another Directive.  That Is To, “First Of ALL, Pray For Those In Kings And Those In Authority”… First Of All, Even Before We Pray For Israel~!

1 Therefore I Exhort First Of ALL That Supplications, Prayers, Intercessions, And Giving Of Thanks Be Made For ALL Men, 2 For Kings And All Who Are In Authority, That We May Lead A Quiet And Peaceable Life In ALL Godliness And Reverence.  3 For This Is Good And Acceptable In The Sight Of God Our Savior, 4 Who Desires All Men To Be Saved And To Come To The Knowledge Of The Truth, (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

What’s The Word That We Can Trust?  Personally, I Like 2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ “If My People Who Are Called By My Name Will Humble Themselves, And Pray And Seek My Face, And Turn From Their Wicked Ways, Then I Will Hear From Heaven, And Will Forgive Their Sin And Heal Their Land.”

Turn From Our Wicked Ways, Doesn’t Mean Just To Just Stop Smoking, Drinking, Stealing, Gambling, Nor Even Looking At Porn, (They Certainly Are Included).  But, There Are Things Like Fighting And Arguing, Causing Strife, or Accusing, (Like Isaiah 58:9 Talks About The Pointing Of The Finger, {Accusing}, And Speaking Wickedness), (Galatians 5:19-21).  We Repent Of Speaking Wickedness Against Our President And Also The Communities And Our Pastors, or Other Leaders Both Civic And Political or Even Our Parents And Fathers.  From This Day Forward, I Will Endeavor Not Speak Against Those In Authority, And If I Do, I Ask You Father To Show To Me And Reveal To Me Where I Have or That I Am Missing You.  I Don’t Want To Be Arrogant And Say I’ll Never Make A Mistake, But I Humble Myself Knowing That You’ll Guide Me In Paths Of Righteousness In Case I Do Fall.

Yahweh Is Healing Our Land~!  Watch My Words.  People Will Be Saved That You Thought Were Impossible To Be Saved~!  I Stay In Love.

Blessed Is The Nation, {or People Group ~ (H1465); Whose God Is Yahweh~!  (Psalm 33:12)}.  I Didn’t Say That, But I’m Agreeing And Believing By Faith That What Yahweh Said He Will Do~!

Possess The Land

Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO, Whom HE HAS REDEEMED From The Hand Of The Enemy; As In Saying, “I AM REDEEMED”, (Psalm 107:2).  Is It Important For Us To SAY SO?  Is It Important For Us To Open Our Mouth To Say The Same Thing ~ (Confess / Profess), As He Has Said?

Can You See Why Yahweh Called This An ‘Evil Report’ (A Report Fed Directly From d—Evil One ~ (Numbers 13:32-33).

Deuteronomy 1:34 ~ And Yahweh Heard The Voice Of Your Words, And Was Wroth…
If Yahweh Told The Truth About, “The Land Flowing With Milk And Honey”, {Which ALL Twelve Spies Confirmed}, Why Would Yahweh Not Tell The Truth When He Also Said That, “He WOULD Cause Them To Inherit This Land?” *(Which Did Occur As He Had Promised Some Forty Years Later, Delayed Of Their Doubt And UnBelief, Not Delayed On Yahweh’s Part).  Yahweh Was Ready For It To Happen Right Now, (Hebrews 3:13-19).  It Was Not Yahweh’s Plan To Have Them Wait For Forty More Years.  Though They Received The Word, They Did Not Mix It With Faith, So It Profited Them Nothing, (Hebrews 4:2).  Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO, Whom HE HAS REDEEMED From The Hand Of d—Evil One; As In Saying, “I AM REDEEMED”, (Psalm 107:2).  Is It Important For Us To SAY SO?  Is It Important For Us To Open Our Mouth And To Say The Same Thing ~ (Confess / Profess), As He Has Said?  Concerning The Children Of Israel And Them Murmuring In Their Tents,

(Deuteronomy 1:27-35; Psalm 106:24-25;
Ecclesiastes 5:2,6; Exodus 16:2;
Numbers 14:2
) ~

*Especially, Deuteronomy 1:34.) ~ And Yahweh Heard The Voice Of Your Words, And Was Wroth… Same Thing That Was Said When The Israelites Said We Have Been Giving Our Tithes, And Yet Nothing Has Happened.  Yahweh Replied Back, “Your Words Have Been Stout Against Me~!”  (Malachi 3:13).  I Didn’t Make This Up.

It’s In Hebrews 3:16-19—Hebrews 4:1-2 ~ 16 For Who, Having Heard, Rebelled?  Indeed , Was It Not All Who Came Out Of Egypt, Led By Moses?  17 Now With Whom Was He Angry Forty Years?  Was It Not With Those Who Sinned, Whose Corpses Fell In The Wilderness?  18 And To Whom Did He Swear That They Would Not Enter His Rest, But To Those Who Did Not Obey?  19 So We See That They Could Not Enter In Because Of UnBelief. Hebrews 4:1-2 1 Therefore, Since A Promise Remains Of Entering His Rest, Let Us Fear Lest Any Of You Seem To Have Come Short Of It.  2 For Indeed The Gospel Was Preached To Us As Well As To Them; But The Word Which They Heard Did Not Profit Them, Not Being Mixed With Faith In Those Who Heard It.

To Read Even More About The Ten Spies And The Evil Given By Most Of Them, Enter Here or Enter Here.

For A While People Reversed This Order And Said, “Yahweh’s Word Said It, That Settles It”, (Whether You Believe It or Not).  But, That’s Not Right.  Here We See That Because They ‘Had The Word’ On It, But, “Did Not Mix Faith With The Word That They Had Heard”, And So They Stayed In Wilderness For Forty Years~!  Ouch~!

What Is It To Become Offended?  To Feel Displeasure At A Thing, To Be Hurt, To Experience Anger And/Or Shock, To Be Angry, or To Be Shocked, To Be Bitter Against, or To Be Stung To The Heart, And To Cause Someone To No Longer Believe, (The Result Is That You No Longer Believe; To Cause To Stop Believing).

d—Evil One’s Purpose Is To Separate You From What Yahweh Has Joined You To, And To Cause You To No Longer Believe In What You’re Supposed To Never Stop Believing.  However, It’s Not The Thing You’re Prepared For That Will Shock or Offend You.  It’s The Thing You Haven’t Conceived That Will Try Your Faith, {The Trial Of Your Faith ~ (1 Peter 1:6-7)}.  You Will Be Tempted To Doubt.  Will You Stay Hooked When You Don’t Know Why Nor Understand What’s Going On?  Or Will You Deny Him, {If We Endure, We Will Also Reign With Him.  If We Will Deny Him, He Also Will Deny Us, (2 Timothy 2:12).

Yahweh Says, ‘Don’t Stop Believing In, Don’t Stop Identifying With Me.  Don’t Deny Me’, “Who Is The Liar But He Who Denies That Yahoshua Is The Messiah, (The Christ)?  This Is The Antichrist, He Who Denies The Father And The Son.  Whoever Denies The Son, The Same Doesn’t Have The Father.  He Who Confesses The Son Has The Father Also”, (1 John 2:22-23).  Can You Have The Father, {Yahweh}; While Denying Yahoshua?

The Biggest Temptation To Us That d—Evil One Bunch Brings On Earth At This Last Hour Is Not Temptation To Drink, Commit Adultery or To Murder or To Even To Chew Tobacco.  By Far, The Thing That’s Pulling Down The Most Of Us Is, “Being ‘Offended”, And How We Respond To That ‘Offense’, {Which One Of The Way That d—Evil One Is The Trying Our Faith ~ (James 1:3-4; 1 Peter 1:7)} And Getting Into Strife.

Matthew 24:10-12
10 And Then Many Will Be Offended And Rebelled And Will Begin To Distrust And Desert [Him Whom They Ought To Trust And Obey] And Will Stumble And Fall Away And Betray One Another And Pursue One Another With Hatred.
11 And Many False Prophets Will Rise Up And Deceive And Lead Many Into Error. 
12 And The Love Of The Great Body Of People Will Grow Cold Because Of The Multiplied Lawlessness And Iniquity.

We Might Find Ourselves Wanting To Bad-Mouth Someone; However, The Word Of The Living God Commands Us To Love One Another, {“This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You”, (John 15:12;17)}.  This Is Not A Suggestion Nor Was The Word, “Please”, or, “Endeavor” Included As A Prefix.  Furthermore, The Scriptures Tells Us That We Are Being Changed From Glory To Glory, (2 Corinthians 3:18).  So, I Should Be Saying, Confessing, That ________ Is Changed From Glory To Glory.  They Are Not The Person They Were, They Are Not The Person They Are Now, But I Receive By Faith That They Are The Person That They Are Being Changed Into By The One True Living Yahweh.
Bottom Line:

Therefore, Holy Brothers, You Who Share In A Heavenly Calling, Consider Jesus, The Apostle And High Priest Of Our Confession, (Hebrews 3:1).  So, It’s Important For Us To Say The Right Stuff~!

d-Evil One Needs You To Use Your Mouth To Get His Agenda Done.  He Needs You To Spout Off About How That Such-n-Such President Is Trying To Get The Such-n-Such Done, And Your Not Doubting In Your Heart And Speaking These Words Will emPower d-Evil One And His Angels, (Mark 11:23; Matthew 17:20;
Matthew 21:21
  For Brevity’s Sake, I’ll Just Reference This Web Site, If You Want Proof Enter Here.

If This Were Not So, He’d Just Do What He Did One Summer, Quietly Getting The Supreme Court Justices In Place And While We All Thought Everybody Was On Vacation, Had The Supreme Court Make A Ruling That Opposes Yahweh And The Scriptures.

Instead Use Your Faith Words To Believe What Yahweh Wrote In 2 Chronicles 7:14 ~ “If My People Who Are Called By My Name Will Humble Themselves, And Pray And Seek My Face, And Turn From Their Wicked Ways, Then I Will Hear From Heaven, And Will Forgive Their Sin And Heal Their Land.”

The Angels Are Our Ministering Spirits, (Hebrews 1:14—Hebrews 2:3).  Angels Hearken To The Voice Of His Word And We Are The Ones That Utter That Word With Our Voices, (Psalm 103:20-21).  Then He Said To Me, “Fear Not, Daniel, For From The First Day That You Set Your Heart To Understand And Humbled Yourself Before Your God, Your Words Have Been Heard, And I Have Come Because Of Your Words, Daniel 10:12.

Matthew 12:37, (ESV) ~ “For By Your Words You Will Be Justified, And By Your Words You Will Be Condemned”.

Proverbs 18:20-21
20 A Person’s Stomach Is Filled With The Fruit Of Their Mouth.  With The Harvest Of Their Lips They Are Satisfied.
21 Death And Life Are In The Power Of The Tongue, And Those Who Indulge In It Shall Eat The Fruit Of It [For Death or Life].

1 Peter 5:6-7 Reads … Casting ALL Your Care Upon Him, For He Cares For You, “Yahweh Is The CareTaker, So Let Him Take Your Cares”. Mark 11:24 Says… “Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Pray, {“Ask” Is Strong’s Concordance #: G0154 And It Also Means To Ask, Beg, Call For, Crave, Desire, Require, or ‘Demand}, When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them”.  This Is Like When You Are At The Supper/Dinner Table And You Say, “Please Pass The Salt”.  It Could Be Interpreted That You Are Begging Because You Said ‘Please’, But It Would Be Understood That You Are Really ‘Calling For, Desiring, Requiring’, Making A Request With The Understanding That They Will Do What You Are Asking For. {This Is The Same Word Used In Luke 1:63 When Zechariah Asked For A Tablet To Write On}.

James 1:6-8
6 But When You Ask Him, Be Sure That Your Faith Is In God Alone.  Do Not Waver, For A Person With Divided Loyalty Is As Unsettled As A Wave Of The Sea That Is Blown And Tossed By The Wind.
7 That Person Should Not Expect To Receive Anything From Yahweh.
8 Such A Person Is Double-Minded And Unstable In All They Do.

Shalom Means “Nothing Broken, Nothing Missing”.

Be Anxious For Nothing, But In Everything By Prayer And Supplication, With Thanksgiving, Let Your Requests Be Made Known To God; (Philippians 4:6).

Continue Earnestly In Prayer, Being Vigilant In It With Thanksgiving, (Colossians 4:2).

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ~
16 Rejoice Always,
17 Pray Without Ceasing,
18 In Everything Give Thanks; For This Is The Will Of God In Christ Jesus, (Yahoshua Ha Mashiach) For You.

In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You, (Isaiah 54:14).

But Yahweh Is Faithful, Who Will Establish You, And Guard You From d—Evil One, (2 Thessalonians 3:3).


  ~ Seven Spirits Of Yahweh ~

I Pray For You That The Sevenfold Spirit Of Yahweh Would Rise Up In You And Give You

  • The Spirit Of Yahweh (Love), 

  • The Spirit Of Wisdom, 

  • The Spirit Of Knowledge, 

  • The Spirit Of Understanding, 

  • The Spirit Of Counsel,  

  • The Spirit Of Power,  

  • And The Spirit Of The Fear Of Yahweh

 These Spirits Are Listed In Isaiah 11:2; Revelation 1:13, {Seven Spirits In Heaven}.

And Have To Do With The Four Winds… {I Plan To Have An Explanation Later On}


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  ~ The Weapons Of Our Warfare ~

For Our Wrestling Is Not Against Flesh And Blood, But Against The Principalities, Against The Powers, Against The World’s Rulers Of The Darkness Of This Age, And Against The Spiritual Forces Of Wickedness In The Heavenly Places, (Ephesians 6:12).


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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14

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