
Talking The Faith Talk

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But What Does It Say? “The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth, And In Your Heart;” That Is, The Word Of Faith Which We Preach, (Deuteronomy 30:14-15; Romans 10:8).



Luke 18:8
I Tell You That He Will Avenge Them Speedily.
Nevertheless, When The Son Of Man Comes,
Will He Really Find Faith On The Earth?



{There Are Many Links Below Included That You Can Click On, “To See The References}

Getting Out Of The Boat

We Will Often Find A Promise Of Yahweh That Will Cause Us To Get So Excited That We Catch The Vision And Get Out Of The Boat To Go After That Promise~!  Here’s One Of Those Such Promises, “Thanks Be Unto Yahweh Who Always Causes Us To Triumph In Christ”,

(1 Corinthians 15:57;
2 Corinthians 2:14

By The Way, Here’s A Quick Test On The Above.  Since Yahweh, “ALWAYS Causes Us To Triumph”, At What Point Is It Okay To ‘Tuck Tail And Run’?  Hold That Thought.  In The Next Few Paragraphs, I’ll Talk About The Word Repent or Paradigm Shift In The Same Set Of Paragraphs Before You Answer.

Anyhow, We May Have Had A Vision, And So We Get Out Of The Boat.  We Decide That, “Yes, Yahweh Has Called Me To Start A Youth Camp”, or That “I Was Called Here To Preach At This Church”, etc.  And Off We Go~!

These Are Exciting Moments~!  But, They Are Just That, “A Moment”, “Unless We Nurture The Word Imparted By Staying Focused”.


A Light Dawns, (2 Peter 1:18-19)

Peter Had One Of Those, “Leap Of Faith Moments”, (Matthew 14:28-32).  Peter Saw Yahoshua Walking Out On The Water, And Peter Said, “Yahoshua If It Be You, Bid Me Come”, And Yahoshua Said, “Come”, And Peter Began To Walk On The Water.  But, When He, “Saw” The Wind Boisterous, He Was Afraid And Was Beginning To Sink

Not Many May Have Caught This… But Peter Was Proclaiming With His Mouth A Word Of Faith That He Could Walk On The Water Also.  Compare This To When Jairus Saw Him, {Yahoshua}, Jairus Fell At His Feet And Begged Him Earnestly, SAYING, “My Little Daughter Lies At The Point Of Death.  COME AND LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER, THAT SHE WILL BE HEALED, AND SHE WILL LIVE”.  And Yahoshua Went With Him, (Mark 5:22-24; 35-43) or When The Centurion’s Servant Was Healed, (Matthew 8:5-13).  The Centurion Said, “But Only ‘Speak The Word’, And My Servant Boy Will Be Cured~ Then Yahoshua Turned To The Centurion And Said, “You May Go Home. For It Is As You ‘Say’ It Is; It Is As You Believe”.

This Was As Peter Was Saying And As Peter Believed.  Yahoshua Met Peter Where His Faith Was, And Peter’s Faith Confession Coming Out Of His Mouth From The Abundance Of Their Heart, (Matthew 12:34-37; Luke 6:45).  Peter Said, “Yahoshua If It Be You, Bid Me Come”, And Yahoshua Said, “Come”, And Peter Began To Walk On The Water. Wow Spelled Backwards ~!

However Faith Has To Be In Two Places, (Romans 10:10)… In Your Heart And Coming Out Of Your Mouth.  Peter Had The Mouth Part Right, But Something Happened To His Heart; And The Scripture Says, Peter Was Beginning To Sink.  It Didn’t Say Peter Sank, or That Peter Was Immersed.  Maybe The Water Was Only Up To His Ankles, And Maybe Peter Looked Down.  Peter Was Getting The Heebee-Jeebies~!  What Happened?  Peter Lost Focus, And I’ll Show You That He Did So.  The Focus Should Have Been On That Word From Yahoshua, “Come.  I Don’t Want To Criticize Peter, As He Is One Of The Few That At Least Got Out Of The Boat~!  Peter Was Just A Forerunner or A Firestarter In The Things That We Also Can Accomplish And We Can Learn From His Failures.  So, Where Is It A By-Law Of Physics, or Nature That States, “One Can Walk On The Water, Unless The Wind Is Blowing, Then You Will Surely Fail?”  No, This Was Something d—Evil One Was Using As A Distraction Into Peter’s Thoughts, (And That’s Where d—Evil One Operates, In Our Thoughts).  To Be Continued…

Lost-Focus & Distracted

Peter Was A Fisherman That Spent A Lot Of Time In A Boat On Water, And Was Used To Judging His Level Of Safety By The Amount Of Wind.  It Was A Wise Thing Not To Take A Boat Out To Sea When The Winds Are Rough Causing The Swells To Be 6 To 12 Feet High.  However, This Way Of Thinking For A Boat Was Not A Good Thing To Do When Walking On The Water, (Like Peter Had Experience Walking On The Water).

At Least Peter Got Out Of The Boat, And We Congratulate Him For That, And We Commend Ourselves Also For Talking A Step Out Of Our Boat.  It Is To Be Applauded.  And That’s A Start.  But, While Peter Was Walking On The Water, Where Do You Think ALL The Other Eyes In Their Boat Were Focused At?  Were They On Peter Walking Towards Yahoshua, or On The Wind?  I’ll Bet That They Were So Wowed By What They Were Seeing That They Would Not Even Have Noticed If A Bee Had Stung Them, Let Alone Notice The Wind.

Where Was Peter’s Focus On?  The Wind.  Peter Lost Focus, And Was Focused On The Distraction, The Wind.  What Was Supposed To Be The Focus?  Okay, I Know Y’all Are Wanting To Say It, So Let’s All Say It Together, “Keep Your Eyes On Yahoshua” ~ “Peter’s Focus Should Have Been On Yahoshua”.  Or To Be More Precise, The Real Focus Should Have Been That Yahoshua Had Already Said, “Come~!” ~ (In Response And Connected To The Question, If It Be You, Bid Me Come?   Peter Could Have Thought, “This Is The Son Of Yahweh, All Things Are Possible With Yahweh And He Has Told Me To Come To Him.  Where’s Your Focus?  What Has The Holy Ghost Told You To Do?

What Are Your Distractions?   Moses Was Called To Be A Spokesperson, But He Believed That He Was Not A Very Eloquent Public Speaker, And Opted For Second Best, (Which Was Aaron).  Moses Thought He Was A Slow Speaker And Said, “I Am Slow Of Speech And Have A Heavy And Awkward Tongue”, (Exodus 4:10).

When I Was In The 9th Grade, I Was In The Choir And We Went On A Bus Trip To A Mental Health Facilities For Christmas And I Was Tasked With Reading The Christmas Story From The 2nd Chapter Of The Gospel Of Luke, Before We Sang Our Christmas Cantata.  I Practiced Reading It.  When We Arrived To My Astonishment, There Were About 900-1200 Folks In The Auditorium And They Were Mentally Challenged.  Normally, I Am A Pretty Good Orator, And Very Confident In My Abilities To Read Well.  But As I Began To Recite In My Preacher / Announcer Voice, They Began To Laugh And Sneer.  It Grew Louder And Louder Until It Was A Tumultuous Roar.  It Got To Me.  I Lost Focus, And I Became Tongue-Tied And Stuttered And Stammered Over My Words, (Isaiah 28:11).  I Was Visibly Embarrassed And I Just Wanted To Get Off That Stage As Soon As Possible.

However, My Stumbling Over Words Caused A Hush To Come Over The Entire Audience, And You Could Tell That They Were Apologetic For Laughing At Me And Had Great Empathy And Compassion, {Probably Because They Had Been Laughed At Themselves And Knew How It Felt}.  The Holy Ghost Came All Over That Large Auditorium And I Got YiL, (Yahoshua Is Lord), Bumps, And I Was Able To Continue On… But, I Changed Also And Instead Of Reading It At Them In My Radio Voice, I Softened And Read It To Them Like I Was Talking To A Bunch Of Eager Young Listeners.  It Was Amazing~!  Then We Sang And Everyone Was Very Attentive And We All Could Feel The Holy Ghost As We Sang.  Even The Choir Director Said That Was Orchestrated From The Heavenly Father And Told Me That The Holy Ghost Had Told Her To Select Me To Read.  So, Speaking Slow Must Have Been Just What The People Needed To Get This New Message Across To Them~!

The Same Must Have Been True For Moses.  Speaking Slow Must Have Been Just What The People Needed To Get This New Message Across To Them.  Suppose, Yahweh Has Told You To Build A Church, And Your Reply Is, “We Don’t Need Another Church Here In The Heart Of The Bible Belt”.  Apparently, We Do or Yahweh Wouldn’t Have Directed You To Do So.  Or Your Response Might Be, “I Don’t Know How To Do That”.  So?  Apparently, Yahweh Is Going To Send Folks To You That Do Know How, or It’s Not Important, or He’s Going To Show You How, or This Is Going To Be A Brand New Concept.

Whatever The Case Is, Yahweh Must Need You With Your Way Of Thinking, To Keep d—Evil One From Knowing What His Plans Are.  Yahoshua Wouldn’t Have Told You To Do Something That You Were Not Able To Do~!   Make Your Thoughts Line Up With Yahweh’s And Say, “I’m Going To Do Whatever It Is That Yahweh Told Me To Do~!”

Nitty Gritty

Okay, Where The Rubber Meets The Road.  Suppose You Have A Lot Of High Debt, And You Are Wondering What Do I Need To Do.  Do I Go Get A 2nd Job At Lowe’s?  Thoughts Are Trying To Run Rapid In Your Brain, (Who Do You Suppose Is The Originator Of These Fear Thoughts?).  But Suppose You See And Say This, “And My God Shall Supply ALL My Need According To His Riches In Glory By The Messiah, Yahoshua. ~ (Philippians 4:19).  Or You Read, or Recall… He That Spared Not His Own Son, But Delivered Him Up For Us ALL, How Shall He Not With Him Also Freely Give Us All THINGS?, (Romans 8:32).

So, You Have The Same Exact Choice That I Had Yesterday, And The Reason Why I Included That Testimony That Had Been Tested And Proven Concerning My Drop Light That I Didn’t Know Where It Was.  I Can Either Get In Line With The Word Of Yahweh And Find The Light, or I Can Say, “I Don’t Know Where That Light Is”, And It Will Remain Lost~!  You Can Get Into Agreement With The Word Of Yahweh That You Are Rich, For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, That Being Rich He Became Poor, For Your Sakes; That Through His Poverty You Might Be Rich, (2 Corinthians 8:9).

One Choice Will Get You The Results You Want, And One Choice Will Not.

You Decide

Deuteronomy 30:12-15, 19

12 It Is Not Up In Heaven, So Distant That You Must Ask,
Who Will Go To Heaven And Bring It Down So We Can Hear And Obey It?
13 It Is Not Beyond The Sea, So Far Away That You Must Ask,
Who Will Cross The Sea To Bring It To Us So We Can Hear And Obey It?’
14 The Message Is Very Close At Hand; It Is On Your ‘Lips’ And In Your Heart So That You Can Obey It.
15 Now Listen~!  Today I Am Giving You A Choice Between Prosperity And Disaster, Between Life And Death.
19 I Call Heaven And Earth As Witnesses Today Against You, That I Have Set Before You Life And Death, Blessing And Cursing; Therefore Choose Life And Death, That Both You And Your Descendants May Live.


Not By Sight

But, To Have The “Always Causes Us To Triumph In Christ”, (2 Corinthians 2:14), or, “Victory Meets Me At Every Step”, {(Isaiah 41:2) ~ Amplified Bible Classic Edition}; We’ve Got To Stay Focused On The Promise, Despite What You Are Seeing With Your Eyes.  For The Things Seen’ Are Temporal, (NT:4340 ~ Brief And Fleeting, Subject To Change, Transitory, Lasting Only A Time, Momentary, Enduring Only For A Little While, Temporary ~ (2 Corinthians 4:18) We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight, (2 Corinthians 5:7).

I Like The Way That Amplified Bible Classic Edition Puts This..  I Resisted Getting The Amplified Bible Classic Edition For Five Years, Saying It Was Too Wordy, Not Accurate, And Whatever Else Fault I Could Find Fault About It.

I Would Not Have Begun To Grasp Simple Concepts Like, “We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight”, Unless This Wording Had Been Broken Down For Me The Way That The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Does It, As Listed Below.

For We Walk By Faith [We Regulate Our Lives And Conduct Ourselves By Our Conviction or Belief Respecting A Person’s Relationship To Yahweh And Divine Things, With Trust And Holy Fervor]; So We Walk, Not By Sight or Appearance, (2 Corinthians 5:7).

We Regulate Our Lives And Conduct Ourselves By Our Conviction or Belief.  This Is A Powerful Statement Of What The Faith Walk Is ALL About.  We Don’t Just Make The Plummet Like A Diver On The Cliffs Of Acapulco, Mexico, And Just Put Our Minds In Neutral On The Way Down Until We Hit The Water.  We Don’t Just Plunge Into What Yahweh Has Called Us To Do, And Expect That We Can Now Relax.

If We Do Relax, We Can Be Certain That The Enemy Of Yahweh Will Come Up With Some Distractions To Keep Us Off Focus.  Hebrews 10:38 Says That The Just Shall ‘Live’ By Faith.  Daily, Moment By Moment, You Have To Hold The Promise Of What Yahweh’s Word Has Told You, (“Spoken” or “Written”).


Froward Mouth, And Perverse Lips~!

Put Your Mouth Where Your Faith Is, (Supporting Scripture).  Proverbs 4:24 Talks About Putting Away From You A Froward Mouth, And Perverse Lips.  No, I Didn’t Misspell Froward, (Strong’s Concordance #:H6143).  It’s Not A Word That We Commonly Use Today.  When I First Ran Across The Word, “Froward”, I Sought Out To Find Out What This Word Conveys.  I Found That “Froward” Is Defined As, “Distortion, Crookedness”.  Also As In, “Wicked”, and “Wicker Furniture” Is Derived From Froward, (Meaning Twisted).

Listed Below Are Other Scriptures From The Book Of Proverbs That Use The Word Froward In The King James Version, (Alternate Translations Used To Improve Clarity).

Proverbs 2:12 ~ Wisdom Will Save You From Evil People, From Those Whose Words Are Twisted, {NLT}.

Proverbs 4:24 ~ Put Away From Thee A Froward Mouth, And Perverse Lips Put Far From Thee, {KJV}.
~ Remove From Yourself Deceitful Speech, And Abolish Devious Talk From Yourself, {LEB}

Proverbs 8:8 ~ Everything I Say Is Honest [All The Speeches Of My Mouth Are Righteous]; Nothing I Say Is ·Crooked [Twisted] or ·False [Perverse], {EXB}.

Proverbs 8:13 ~ The Dread Of Yahweh Hates Evil; I Curse Boast, And Pride, And A Shrewd Way, And A Double-Tongued Mouth .  (The Fear Of Yahweh Is To Hate Evil, {To Have Reverence For Yahweh Is To Hate Evil}; I Curse Boast, And Pride, And A Depraved Way, And Speaking With A Double-Tongue, or With Duplicity, {Saying One Thing, But Then Doing Something Very Different, Even Contradictory}), {WYC}

Proverbs 6:12 ~ A Worthless Person, A Wicked Man, Is He Who Goes About With A Perverse (Contrary, Wayward) Mouth, {AMPC}.
~ A Naughty Person, A Wicked Man, Walks With A Froward Mouth , {KJV}.
~ A Troublemaker And A Villain, Who Goes About With A Corrupt Mouth , {NIV}

Proverbs 10:31 ~ The Mouth Of The Righteous Flows With Wisdom, But The Froward - Twisted, {Perverted},Tongue Will Be Cut Out, {NASB}.

Proverbs 10:32 ~ The Lips Of A Righteous Person Announce Good Will, But The Mouth Of Wicked People Are Devious, {NOG}.

Proverbs 16:30 ~ He Who Shuts His Eyes, {Winks} To Devise Froward, {Perverse}, Things And Who Compresses His Lips [As If In Concealment ~ Whispers] Brings Evil To Pass, {AMPC}.

Proverbs 17:20 ~ One With A Twisted Mind Will Not Succeed, And One With Deceitful Speech Will Fall Into Ruin, {HCSB}

Psalm 34:13 ~ Keep Your Tongue From Evil, And Your Lips From Speaking Lies, (Deceit).

(Proverbs 2:12; Proverbs 4:24;
Proverbs 6:12; Proverbs 8:8,13;
Proverbs 10:31-32; Proverbs 16:30;
Proverbs 17:20; Psalm 34:13

(Enter Here To See Most All Scriptures That Use The Word, “Froward).


Twisted Thinking~!

While It Is Good For A Bent-Wood Rocker To Be Twisted, It Is Not Good For Your Mouth We Might Say, “They Twisted My Words Around”, Meaning That They Made It To Say Something That We Did Not Say.  A Television News Might Actually Take What Someone Has Said And Rearrange Their Words By Cutting, Copying And Pasting A Video To Make It Appear That The Person Said Something That Is Really Out Of Context, (And Actually Twist Their Words Around Literally).

Like The Story Of The Mother That Always Cut The End Of The Ham Off, Because Her Mother Did It This Way, And Her Mother Did This Because Her Mother Did This Also, And It Turns Out That The Original Reason Was So That The Ham Could Fit In The Pan~!  The Thing That Comes To My Mind Is That We Hear Said A Lot Is, “The Doctor Said”.  This Saying Has Been Exalted Over The Word Of Yahweh.  The First Question Often Asked Has Been, “What Did The Doctor Say?”  When A Word or An Action Becomes Set In Stone, Be Cautious As This May Have Just Become A Tradition.

Even Though These Words Above Would Be Obvious, I Believe A More Clear Example Would Be The Password Game, Where One Person Says A Word To The Next Person In A Circle Until The Word Comes Back To The Originator, And It Is Voiced What The Word Has Become As It Was, “Perverted” By Each Listener.  We Probably Would Use The Word, “Perverted” Instead Of “Twisted”, And Just Like In The Password Game, The Original Word Has Been Lost.  Then Each Person In The Game Would Probably Insist That What He Said, Was What He Heard.  However, To Willfully Change Words Is Another Thing Altogether.  The Wycliffe Bible Calls This, “Speaking With A Double-Tongue”.  The Indians Called This, “Forked Tongue” or A, “Shrewd Way”.  Modern Legal Contracts Would Say, “Misrepresentation”, And This Leads To A Wayward ‘Mouth, (Willful, Headstrong, Stubborn, Obstinate, Obdurate, Perverse, Contrary, Disobedient, Insubordinate, Undisciplined; Rebellious, Defiant, Uncooperative, Recalcitrant, Unruly, Wild, Unmanageable, Erratic; Difficult, Impossible).  For Example, We’ve Heard Something Said For So Long, That It Becomes Like A Fact To Us.

Here’s One ‘Tradition Of Folks

(Matthew 15:6; Mark 7:8-9, 13;
Colossians 2:8
) …

That Has Made The Word Of God Of No Effect, “It May Not Be God’s Will To Heal This”.  What?  This Doesn’t Represent The Character Of Yahweh Nor Match His Word.  What About At Least 101 Scriptures That I Know Of That Promise Healing, (Enter Here To See A Short List Of These Scriptures Of Healing Promises).  In The Old Testament, There Was Pole With A Snake On It And If Any Looked Upon That Snake They Would Be Healed, (Numbers 21:7-9), And This Same Caduceus, The Emblem Associated With Healing In The Military Is Mentioned Again In The New Testament Regarding Yahoshua, (John 3:14-18): 14 And As Moses Lifted Up The Serpent In The Wilderness, Even So Must The Son Of Man Be Lifted Up, 15 That Whoever Believes In Him Should Not Perish But Have Eternal Life.

Bill Johnson Said It Well, When He Said, “How Can God Choose Not To Heal Someone When He Already Purchased Their Healing?  Was His Blood Enough For All Sin, or Just Certain Sins?  Were The Stripes He Bore Only For Certain Illnesses, or Certain Seasons Of Time?  When He Bore Stripes In His Body He Made A Payment For Our Miracle.  He Already Decided To Heal. You Can’t Decide Not To Buy Something After You’ve Already Bought It.  There Are No Deficiencies On His End – Neither The Covenant Is Deficient, Nor His Compassion or Promises.  All Lack Is On Our End Of The Equation”.

You Can Return What You’ve Purchased, But You’ve Already Paid The Price And Are Out That Much Money.  The Price For Our Healing Has Already Been Bought And Paid For~!

Generally, The Usual Response I Get Is This, “Are You Saying That If We Don’t Have Enough Faith, Then It’s Our Fault?”  No, Not At All.  If We Don’t Have Enough Faith, There Are Provisions For Those Occurrences, Such As Getting Someone To Agree With You According To Matthew 18:19, or If You Feel That You Don’t Have Enough Faith, Then Call For The Elders, And The Prayer Of Faith WILL Save The Sick, And Yahweh WILL Raise Them Up ~ James 5:13-18~!  This Takes The Burden Of Praying In Faith Off Of Them And Puts The “Onus” On Us, As We Pray For Them. Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Yahweh, (Hebrews 11:6); So, It’s Going To Take Someone’s Faith To Get The Job Done, (It Just Doesn’t Have To Be Their Faith).

What Do You Suppose Would Happen If A Preacher Preached James 5:13-18 Often, Like Once A Month.  Well, Faith Would Arise For Calling For The Elders, As Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh , (Romans 10:17).  And Then The Folks Would Call Forth The Elders To Pray For Them.  This Might Intimate The Preachers And Pastors, As They May Feel That They Also Don’t Have Enough Faith, (But Don’t Want To Say So).

But, Let Me Assure You That If You Do Things According To The Word Of Yahweh, That Our Loving Father Knows All This, And He Will Provide Someone That Can Pray The Prayer Of Faith, (The Scriptures Do Not Say That It Has To Be The Preacher).  Actually, Just Before The Scriptures Say That Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word Of Yahweh In Romans 10:17, The Scripture Says In Romans 10:13-17 Quoting Joel 2:32,For Whoever Calls On The Name Of Yahweh SHALL BE Saved”, “…How Shall They Hear Without A Preacher”, So Chances Are That’s Not The Preacher’s Calling, {Vocation}, Anyhow.  The Preacher Is Just The Messenger, And There Will Be Intercessors Provided That Are Called To Pray The Prayer Of Faith, (*But Don’t Neglect To Follow James 5:13-18 To The Letter Step By Step, Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept, Even If Others Are To Pray).

Onus Bonus: Since, I’m Preaching And Faith Might Be Arising On Your Part And You May Go To A Church Where James 5:13-18 Has Risen In Their Hearts, I Make Myself Available To Come And Pray For You And Anoint You With Oil.  My Email Address Is On The Bottom Of This Web Site With An Icon That Reads, “Email”.  Invite Your Pastor To Come Along, As I Certainly Don’t Want To Cause Any Riff or Divisions.

But More Precisely The Fault Is That The Scriptures Are Saying That You’ve Had Faith In Stuff That Is Not What Yahweh Prescribes.  Yahweh Has Never Said, “Wait And See What The Doctor Says First”, And Then Beg Yahweh To Heal.  Healing Belongs To Us, Healing Is The Children’s Bread, (Matthew 15:22-28).  We’ve Been Speaking Wrong~!  We’ve Been Talking With A Froward Mouth~!   Say This Now, “Father, I Repent Of Speaking With A Froward Mouth ”.

Froward Is Only Used In A Few Places In The Scriptures, But Yahweh Is Telling Me To Include This Definition In What I’m Talking About, So It Is Very Important~!  Merriam-Webster Dictionary Describes, “Froward” As, “Habitually Disposed To Disobedience And Opposition”.

These Other Eight Spies Were Speaking With A Froward Mouth And Giving An Evil Report (Numbers 32:7). When They Were Relying On Their Own Understanding And Being Obstinate, (Perversely Adhering To An Opinion, Purpose, or Course In Spite Of Reason, Arguments, or Persuasion), To What Yahweh Said Can Be Accomplished.  Carnally Minded.  Their Evil Report Was Like A False Prophecy That Caused People Unnecessary Pain And Toil, {Forty Years Worth}, (Deuteronomy 1:28).

And Caleb Stilled The People Before Moses, And Said, Let Us Go Up At Once, And Possess It; For We Are Well Able To Overcome It.  Did You Notice That Caleb Even Used The Same Word, <Strong’s Concordance Number ~ 03423>, That Yahweh Had Promised Concerning This Land In Leviticus 20:24, I Think That Maybe Caleb Had Been Meditating And Pondering Over Leviticus 20:24, That Was Probably Read To The Congregation At Some Point. (Click On The Verse or Click On This Link To Compare Many Translations).

The Basic Definition Of ‘Posses’ Means, “To Seize, Dispossess, Take Possession Off, Inherit, DisInherit, Occupy, Impoverish, Be An Heir”, (Deuteronomy 1:21).


Saying The Same Thing As What Yahweh Said~!

Click On The Highlighted Text To See Both Verses From Numbers 13:30 & Leviticus 20:24 Compared.  Caleb Was NOT Speaking With A Froward Mouth.  He Was Saying The Same Thing, (Literally), That Yahweh Said.

The Word, “Confess” Actually Means, “To Say The Same Thing As”.  Your Mouth Should Always Shoot Straight, And Say What Yahweh Says For Faith To Operate.  Are You Speaking With A FrowardMouth’ ?  Note This In It’s Context. 

Proverbs 4:19-24 ~
19 The Way Of The Wicked Is Like Darkness; They Do Not Know What Makes Them Stumble.
20   My Son, Give Attention To My Words; Incline Your Ear To My Sayings.
21 Do Not Let Them Depart From Your Eyes; Keep Them In The Midst Of Your Heart;
22 For They Are Life To Those Who Find Them, And Health To All Their Flesh.
23   Keep [Guard] Your Heart With All Diligence, For Out Of It Springs The Issues Of Life.
24   Put Away From You A Deceitful, {Froward} (H06143
), Mouth , And Put Perverse Lips (H3891) Far From You.

[Guard] Your Heart ~ Watch What You’re Putting Into You On TV,
{ie.. The False News, Shows or Movies That Oppose Yahweh, (Psalm 119:8-11; 2 Corinthians 10:5-6

Matthew 12:34-37; Matthew 15:10-11;
Mark 7:14-15; Luke 6:44-45;
& James 3:2-13

The Scriptures Listed Above Says That Whatever Is In Your Heart Is Going To Come Out Of Your Mouth And That Will Shape Your Future.  Does What You Are Saying Contradict That Which Yahweh Told You About What He’s Called You To Do?  Perhaps, You’re Saying, “This Church Seems To Be Dying, And On It’s Way Out”.  Is That The Word Of Yahweh For This Church?  Here Is What Yahoshua Said During His Time On Earth, And After Studying The Word, “Froward”, (or Twisted, or Perverted), I Believe This Will Give You Some Insight.

Matthew 17:17 ~ “O Unbelieving And Perverse Generation~!”  Yahoshua Replied, “How Long Must I Remain With You?  How Long Must I Put Up With You?  Bring The Boy Here To Me”.  What Would Cause Yahoshua To Say Such A Thing?  Was He Not Expecting Them To Lay Hands On The Boy And See Him Healed?  How Could He Expect That?  Because The Word Had Promised Healing, (Psalm 103:3 And Many Other Scriptures ~ Enter Here To See A Short List Of These Scriptures Of Healing Promises); But A Thought Bomb Had So Permeated Their Thinking, That They Had Perverted or Twisted Yahweh’s Words, (We Do The Same Thing Today When Our First Words Are, “What Are The Doctors Saying?”  We Ought To Be Saying First, “What Does The Word Of Yahweh Say About This?” … (Psalm 112:7).

What Did Yahweh Tell You About The Vision That He Entrusted You With?  Do You Have No Vision?  Then, Go And Spend Time Away From Family Praying Until You Know What The Vision Is For Where You Are Called.  Yahweh Might Only Be Saying, “Just Get Out Of The Boat And Trust Me For The Next Steps”, or That, “I Will Bring To You Folks That Know How To Do What I’ve Called You To Start”.

Some Of The Things Happening In The United States Is That China Is Buying Large Portions Of Land In Texas And It Looks Like Fema Is Getting Ready To Close Some Wal*Mart Closings That Could Easily Be Called “Green Zones” [Fema Camps] By FEMA And Turn Them Into “Green Zones” or Fema Camps For Those That Are Not Taking The Vaccination And Fema Coffins Stored In Madison, Georgia For Those That Will Not Take The Vaccination, (They Will Probably Say COVID Killed Them).   And There Are Large Numbers Of Guillotines In Alaska, [Revelation 20:4].  During This Time, We Might Be Raptured Out Of Here.  But, What If We Are Not?

However, They’re Not Seeing The Whole Picture Because “Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is Yahweh, The People Whom He Has Chosen For His Own Inheritance”, (Psalm 33:12).  Suppose You’re Playing Hide And Seek And I Tell You That The Seeking Party Looking For You Is Coming Around The Corner Of The House Does That Mean That They Will Find You?  No, Because Now That I’ve Told You You Can Hide Better.  So, Just Because We Know Of China’s Evil Desire To Control The United States Land For Their Use, Where Christians Are Persecuted Like They Are Now In Communist China Doesn’t Mean That It Will Take Place For You If You’ll Mix Faith With The Word And Faith Involves Speaking It Out Loud.

Brother Will Deliver Up Brother To Death, And The Father His Child. Children Will Rise Up Against Parents And Cause Them To Be Put To Death, (Matthew 10:21-23). And Even Our Neighbor’s Doorbells Can Report Those Refusing To Take The Mark Of The Beast With Face Recognition Which We All Helped Confirm Our Friend’s And Family’s Faces Identify With FaceBook Recognition So Where Would You Hide, Since You’ve Given Away All Your Known Associates.

Even With All That, We Still Have The Promises From Yahweh Like A Thousand Will Fall At Your Side And Ten Thousand At Your Right Hand Side But It Will Not Come Near You, (Psalm 91:7; Psalm 34:7; Luke 10:19). If We’ll Mix Faith With The Word, (Hebrews 4:2).

The Weapons Of Our Warfare Are Not Carnal, (2 Corinthians 10:4) And Their Arsenal Is Only Carnal~!  We Have Yahweh As Our God’ And We Have ‘The Name Of Yahoshua’ And ‘The Blood Of Yahoshua’ And ‘The Word Of God. This Is Like Playing A Video Game Where You Jump Up And Grab Different Swords or Weapons That Help You Win The Battle.  Plus, We Have The Holy Spirit Telling Us Where They Are And The Things To Come, (John 14:17, John 15:26, John 16:13, 1 John 2:27).

Let Me Give You A Real Current Example.  Chick-Fil-A Was Founded By A Godly Man, (S. Truett Cathy) Who Still Taught A Boy’s Sunday School Class Up Until His Late 80’s.  Mr. Cathy Taught Sunday School For More Than 50 Years.  He Said That The Bible Is His Guide-Book For Life~!  Truett Cathy, Along With His Wife, Jeannette, Took In More Than 150 Foster Children.  He Took A Biblical Stand And The LGBTQ Community Tried To Curse Chick-Fil-A.  That Effort BackFired.  You Can Go To Any Chick-Fil-A In The USA On Any Saturday And There Are Cars Wrapped Around The Building.  Why?  Because Chick-Fil-A Is Blessed~!  That Is The Way The Blessing Works,

 (Proverbs 10:22; Deuteronomy 28:1-13;
Psalm 121:5-8; Psalm 127:2

Every Place Joseph Son Of Israel, Jacob Was Placed Became Blessed, {From The Old Testament With The Coat Of Many Colors}.  Now Read This Again.

Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is Yahweh, The People Whom He Has Chosen For His Own Inheritance”, (Psalm 33:12).

But, Even If They Could Manage To Acquire All Our Land And Property And Turn Americans Into Their Drones / Servants, {By The Use Of The Vaccination}, And Dwell Here, The Land Would Become Desolate And Barren, {Unable To Reproduce}. Because “Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is Yahweh, The People Whom He Has Chosen For His Own Inheritance”, (Psalm 33:12).  And Other Nations And Their People Do Not Have Yahweh As Their God~!

Watch What You Are Confessing And Saying Out Loud.

Are You Saying, "What Is The World Coming To?” Or “Man I Don’t Know What’s Going To Happen In The United States?”

Or Are You Saying What The Scriptures Says About Our Country.

Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is Yahweh, The People Whom He Has Chosen For His Own Inheritance”, (Psalm 33:12).

Recall That The Angels Hearken To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words, (Psalm 103:20-21); So Whose Words Are You Voicing?

With My ‘Lips’ Have I Declared, And Recounted All The Ordinances Of Your Mouth ” … (Psalm 119:13; Isaiah 55:11).


Defraud And Degrade Yourself~!

I Saw Someone Make A Mistake, And I Heard Them Say Afterwards Something Like, “Oh, Dummy Me”.  I Could Tell That This Was Not The First Time That They’ve Said This About Themselves.  What’s Worse Is That We Have Had To Deal With Their Poor Decisions, Based On Their Bad Choice Of Words.

This Is Something That I’d Never Say.  The Reason Is That It Gets Down In Our Hearts.  In Fact, If We Are Speaking It, Then That Means That It Is Already In Our Hearts In Abundance To The Point Of Overflowing, For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks,

(Matthew 12:34-37; Matthew 15:10-11;
Mark 7:14-15; Luke 6:44-45;
James 3:2-13

And Now That You’re Speaking It, Your Heart Will Be More And More Convinced That Is What You Want, And Work To Bring It About, (Proverbs 4:23); When What You Want May Be The Exact Opposite.  Don’t Say Something Else Either, Like, “I Always Call At The Wrong Time”, or, “I NEVER Get Anything Right”, or, “Everything I Do Is Always Wrong”, or, “Stupid, Stupid, STUPID”, or You’ll Again Be Reinforcing In Your Heart The Things That You Don’t Want To Have Happen~!  Also Don’t Say, I’m So Proud Of My Child… (And Open A Door To A Spirit Of Pride.  Instead Say, “I’m So Pleased With My Child~!”)

James 3:3 ~ Who Is A Wise Man And Endued With Knowledge Among You?  Let Him Show Out Of A Good Conversation His Works With Meekness Of Wisdom, {In Context ~ James 3:3-13}.

James 3:3 In The Disciples Literal New Testament, {DLNT} Says This, “Your Speech And Conduct And The Fruit They Produce Reveal The Source Of Your Wisdom”

Either Make The Tree Good And Its Fruit Good, or Else Make The Tree Bad And Its Fruit Bad; For A Tree Is Known By Its Fruit,  Brood Of Vipers~!  How Can You, Being Evil, Speak Good Things?  For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks, A Good Person Out Of The Good Treasure Of Their Heart Brings Forth Good Things, And An Evil Person Out Of The Evil Treasure Brings Forth Evil Things. (Matthew 12:33-35).

Have You Heard Someone or Yourself Say, “I’m Losing My Mind” .  I Have, And Then Later Watched As They Seem To Have Diminishing Mental Capacities?  Or, “That Just Irritates Me~!”, And Then They Are Troubled By, “Irritable Bowel Syndrome”.  Or Have You Heard A Mother, Say, “You Kids Are Driving Me Insane, Crazy, Nuts, Nutty, Wacko, Wacky, Loco, Batty, Bananas, Fruity, Bonkers, Cuckoo, Loopy, Loony, Psycho, Looney Tunes, or Out Of My Mine”, or, “If You Don’t Stop This, Y’all Are Gonna Cause Me To…”, And Then Proceed To Proclaim Self-Inflicted Wounds On Themselves, Like, “Causing Me To Have A Stroke”, {And Then Later In Life They Have A Stroke ~ Coincidence?}, or Some More, “Dead Lines”, Such As, “Causing Me To Lose My Hair”, or, “Getting On My Nerves”, “Causing Me To Go Insane”.

Also, I Wouldn’t Say, “That Makes Me Nervous”, Nor, “I Can Live Without That”, (Meaning You Can’t Live With It), Nor, “Scared To Death”, Nor, “That Just Makes Me Sick”, Nor, “I’m Worried or Anxious”, Nor, “My Feet Are Killing Me”, Nor, “That Just Kills Me”, Nor, “I’m Tired Of That”, Nor, “I’m Sick Of That”, Nor, “I’m So Worn Out”, or, “I’m Working Myself To Death” At This, “Dead End Job”~!

All Of These Lines Above Are “LIES”, And At Best, Contradict The Word Of Yahweh, And At Worse, Completely Deny The Word Of Yahweh With UnBelief.  I Can Think Of A Few Scriptures Right Off The Bat, {(Philippians 4:4) ~ Rejoice In Yahweh Always, {At All Times }; Again I Will Say, Rejoice.

1 I Will Bless Yahweh At All Times ; His Praise Shall Be In My Mouth r> 2 Continually, My Soul Makes Its Boast In Yahweh; Let The Humble Hear And Be Glad ,r> (Psalm 34:1-2).

5 If Any Of You Is Lacking In Wisdom, Ask God, Who Gives To All Generously And Ungrudgingly, And It Will Be Given You.r> 6 But Ask In Faith, Never Doubting, For The One Who Doubts Is Like A Wave Of The Sea, Driven And Tossed By The Wind.r> 7 For The Doubter, Must Not Expect To Receive Anything From Yahweh.;r> 8 Being Double-Minded , Unstable In Every Way.r> (James 1:5-8).

7 Casting All Your Care Upon Him , For He Cares For You.r> 8 Be Sober, Be Vigilant; Because Your Adversary The Devil Walks About Like A Roaring Lion, Seeking Whom He May Devour, r> (Peter 5:7-8).

This Might Surprise You, But When We’re Talking The Problem, Exalting The Problem Over The Word Of Yahweh, Yahweh Calls This An Evil Heart~!   Take Heed, Sisters And Brothers, Lest There Be In Any Of You An Evil Heart Of UnBelief , In Departing From The Living God, (Hebrews 3:12), {In Context (Hebrews 3:10-Hebrews 4:2)}. Either Make The Tree Good And Its Fruit Good, or Else Make The Tree Bad And Its Fruit Bad; For A Tree Is Known By Its Fruit,  Brood Of Vipers~!  How Can You, Being Evil, Speak Good Things?  For Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks, A Good Person Out Of The Good Treasure Of Their Heart Brings Forth Good Things, And An Evil Person Out Of The Evil Treasure Brings Forth Evil Things . (Matthew 12:33-35).  Just Like In James 3:10-11 ~ 10 Out Of The Same Mouth Proceed Blessing And Cursing.  My Sisters And Brothers, These Things Ought Not To Be So. 11Does A Spring Send Forth Fresh Water And Bitter From The Same Opening? 12Can A Fig Tree, My Sisters And Brothers, Produce Olives, or A Grapevine Bear Figs?  Thus No Spring Yields Both Salt Water And Fresh.

Even So, An Evil Person Cannot Produce Good With His Words, And A Good Person Cannot Produce Evil.  But, If Your Mouth Is Producing Evil Words That Oppose Yahweh’s Words, Then You Have UnBelief In You And Your Heart According To Hebrews 3:12 Is Evil.  You’ve Been Speaking,LIES”.

However, I Have Great News For You.  If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins, And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness, (1 John 1:9).  All It Takes Is A Simple, “I Repent… Please Put A Guard On My ‘Mouth’, ( Psalm 141:3), And Nudge Me When I’m Speaking Contrary To What Your Word Promises Me”, (Ephesians 1:3; 2 Peter 1:3).

The Operative Word Is, “LIES”, Because… I Do Not Consider, Sisters And Brothers, That I Have Captured And Made It My Own [Yet]; But One Thing I Do: Forgetting What, “Lies”; Behind And Straining Forward To What Is Ahead, I Press On Toward The Goal For The Prize Of The “High Calling” Of God In Christ Jesus, {Ha Mashiach ~ {The Anointed} Yahoshua]. (Philippians 3:13-14).

So, There Is A High Calling Such As, “But Solid Food Is For Those Who Are Full Grown, Who By Reason Of Use Have Their Senses Exercised To Discern Good And Evil”, (Hebrews 5:14).

¤ In Revelation 18:23 ~ It Talks About The End Times And Says, “The Light Of A Lamp Will Shine No More At ALL In You.  The Voice Of The Bridegroom And Of The Bride Will Be Heard No More At ALL In You; For Your Merchants Were The Princes Of The Earth; For With Your, ‘Sorcery, ’ (G5331), ALL The Nations Were Deceived”.  We’re Not Surprised At ALL That d—Evil One Uses Sorcery or Wizards, Like In The Movie, “Harry Potter”,

However, The Word, Sorcery, or, Sorceries Is Translated From The Greek Word, Pharmake or, Pharmakeía, From Which We Derive Our Modern English Words Such As, Pharmacist, And, Pharmaceutical.  Thayer’s Lexicon Describes This As, 1. ‘The Use or The Administering Of Drugs 2. ‘Poisoning’.  So, The Doctor’s Are Licensed To Practice Medicine.


Speak Positive~!

In Fact, I’d Only Say What I Want To Have Happen.  This Cuts Out A Lot Of Jokes.  Or Once I Was Using A Poulan Chain Saw, And I Thought It Would Be Funny To Say, “They Call These Chainsaw’s ‘Poulan’s’ Because You Have To Keep Pull’n And Pull’n ”.  So, I Had To Keep Pull’n And Pull’n And Still It Wouldn’t Crank.  And So I Said, ”If I Have To Pull This Just One More Time, The Cord Will Break ”, And Guess What?  Despite The Fact That I Had Never Had A Cord Break Before On Any Of My Chainsaws, The Cord Broke On The Next Pull.   I Groaned Out, “Awwwh”.  I Heard Yahweh Say, “Don’t Blame Me, You Know That You Have What You Say”.  On Another Occasion, I Was Walking Backwards Carrying A Load With Another Guy At Work; And Didn’t See A Couple Of Wooden Pallets, And Tripped Over Them And Tumbled Backwards Onto The Asphalt.

A Supervisor Had Seen This Happen And She Rushed To My Aid, And I Said, “It’s Okay, I Have A Strong Back”.  I Say, “I Have A Strong Back”, A Lot, And My Back Never Got Even So Much As A Bruise or A Strained Muscle From This Somersault.  However, I Heard Yahweh Say To Me, “I Wish You’d Say That About Your Eyes”.  It’s So Much Funnier To Say, “Put It On The Floor Where I Can Read It ”, Than It Is To Say, “My Eyes Dim Not”, (Deuteronomy 34:7).  I Know Of Another Man That Would Say As His Moniker, “My Hands Prosper In Whatever I Set Them To”, And That Guy Had The Strongest Grip That I’ve Ever Seen.  I’d Have To Carry Stuff In My Arms That He Could Carry With His Hands.  I Asked Yahweh Why His Hands Were So Strong, And Yahweh Reminded Me That On A Constant Basic He Is Heard To Say, “My Hands Prosper In Whatever I Set Them To”.

I Can Still Have A Sense Of Humor, But Now On The Positive Side, And I’m Often Heard To Say Like Foghorn LegHorn, “I Say, I Say, ‘My Hands Prosper In Whatever I Set Them To’”, And Now My Hands Are Strong~!   Or One Might Hear Me Say, “This Is The Day Yahweh Has Made, I Will Exceedingly Rejoice In It”, (Psalm 118:24).  Amen?  Why Wait As Something Like A Car Wreck Might Put You Flat On Your Back And In The Hospital Unconscious And Hoping Someone Else Will Proclaim Something Good Over You?  Be Pro-Active And Declare Everyday, “I Shall Not Die But Live, And Shall Declare The Works And Recount The Illustrious Acts Of Yahweh”, (Psalm 118:17).

Read About My Testimony Tomorrow That Will Really Benefit You About How Saying The Right Stuff Ahead Of Time Kept My Job, {This Is Another Reason To Keep A Journal, So That When Some Time Has Passed, You Can Go Back And Relive Some Of The Things Yahweh Has Done For You~!}

This Is The Main Part Of Where We Don’t Just Try To Be Positive, But That You Have A Word Of Yahweh That You’re Standing On… In Your Recipe To Make This Cake With.

My Grass Shall Be Green Even In The Year Drought~! (Jeremiah 17:7-8).
Having Done All To Stand , (Ephesians 6:13);

When I Worked At Boeing Computer Support Services, (BCSS), That Worked Within A Company Called United Space Boosters, Inc, (USBI), Whom I Also Used To Be Employed With, And I Transitioned From USBI To Boeing Through Faith, (But That’s A Story For Another Time).  I Was In Charge Of Teaching “Email” As “Email” Was Brand-New Back Then, And I Would Have Large Classes Of 150 People 4-5 Times A Day To Go Over How To Send or Receive “Email” In The Auditorium, And Because Of That I Had Everybody In The Entire Company’s Email Address.

However, The Constant Chatter At The Water Cooler Was That There Was Going To Be Large Lay-Offs And Fear Was Running Rampant.  Often We Would See Two Security Guards Walk Up To Someone’s Desk And Tell Them They Had Been Laid Off.  It Was The Worst Way Possible To Lay Someone Off.

And So Fear Was In Our Company As Well.  The Constant Buzz Within Our Company Was That They Were Going To Cut Our Budget By 10%.  There Had Been Another Employee That Also Worked For BCSS, And He Taught Me A Lot Of Computer Know-How.  He Was An Older Man and He Would Fall Asleep Often And Be Found With His Head On The Desk, (Maybe A Blood Sugar Problem).  I Prayed That Yahweh Would Be Merciful To Him And That He Would Not Lose His Job As He Was Older And Might Not Find Another Job.  I Said, “If Someone Has To Be Let Go, Let It Be Me, As I Have Yahweh, Who Promises That All My Needs Are Met Through Christ Jesus, Who Strengthens Me”, (Philippians 4:19).  Yahweh Told Me Right Then In The Elevator, That, “Because I Had Been Merciful, That I Would Receive Mercy”, (Matthew 5:7).

So, Since I Had All The Employees Email Address, I Sent The Entire Group Of Both USBI And BCSS Personnel At Once The Scripture Chapter And Verse Of Jeremiah 17:7-8.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 ~ World English Bible (WEB)
7 Blessed Is The Person Who Trusts In Yahweh, And Whose Trust Yahweh Is
8 For They Shall Be As A Tree Planted By The Waters, Who Spreads Out Its Roots By The River, And Shall Not Fear When Heat Comes, But Its Leaf Shall Be Green; And Shall Not Be Careful In The Year Of Drought, Neither Shall Cease From Yielding Fruit

My Boss Lady Called Me Into Her Office And Asked Why Would I Do This?  I Responded, Because I Thought Yahweh Should Get Equal Time Since There’s So Much Fear Being Spread, That Our God Should Get Equal Time.  She Was Perturbed, But Didn’t Pursue It Any More, But Told Me Not To Write Anymore Emails Company Wide Unless It Was Company Oriented.  I Taught Ten Computer Classes And Was The Sole Instructor Because The Other Two Ladies Asked To Be Relieved Of This Responsibility And Gave Me Their Classes With The Manager’s Approval, So When They Said They Will Reduce Boeing’s Budget By 10% And They Will Cut The Instructor Program That Meant My Job~!

Ironically, Both Of These Other Ladies That Had Taught Classes Prior To My Arrival, Tried Very Hard To Persuade Me To Get In Fear And To Say “What Are You Going To Do When Your Job Ends”, And Apparently This Fear Was Why They Left Being An Instructor To Start With.  But I Would Not Be Consumed By Fear With Their Negative Outlook And Wallow In Sorrow With Them.  I Would Respond By Quoting Jeremiah 17:7-8 And Said, “My Leaf Shall Be Green Even In The Year Of Drought”.  That Really Made Them Very Frustrated With Me, Almost To The Point Of Being Infuriated With Me, {And That Should Have Been A Clue To Me}, And They Would Start Over, “Yeah, But Blah, Blah, Blah”.

Whenever Someone Is So Stanch On Their Position And Getting Frustrated, This Is A Clue To Show What Kind Of Spirit Is Behind Their Words, {Compare This To Galatians 2:21, Where It Is Said, “I Do Not Set Aside And Invalidate And Frustrate’ And Nullify The Grace Of Yahweh”}.  The Demon Operating Behind The Scene Was Trying To Frustrate’ The Grace Of Yahweh For Success And Wanted To Make Me Have A Failure So That d—Evil One Could Point His Finger And Say, “See, There Was A Faith Person That Failed, And This Faith Stuff Doesn’t Work, Instead Try It My Way”.

I Stood My Ground In Defiance To Their Snarls And Said, “My Leaf Will Be Green In The Year Of The Drought”.  So Then They Started Looking At Me With That Look As If They Thought I Was Out Of Touch With Reality, Then They Migrated To A Look Of Pity As If I Was Crazy And Didn’t Have Enough Sense To Come In And Out Of The Rain, or To Know That My Job Was Ending And Finally They Resolved To Just Feeling Sorry For Me And Labeling Me That I Must Have Lost My Mind.  I Really Didn’t Like Their Stares or Their Words Behind My Back That I Could Hear Over The 5 Foot Cubicle Walls, (But, I’m Including It Because When You Stand By Faith, Don’t Expect Others To Jump Up And Down Shouting And To Stand With You).

However, One Of The Classes That I Taught Was Excel.  So Every Day I Would Eat My Lunch In The Park Nearby And I Would Say Out Loud Alone To Myself or To Whoever Was Listening Proverbs 22:29 ~ Do You See A Person Who EXCELS In His Work?  They Will Stand Before Kings; They Will Not Stand Before Unknown Men”.

As It Turned Out About One And A Half Months Later, My Lady Boss Told Me That My Job Would End And I Would Have Two Weeks Notice, But I Had To Go Home Immediately As I Knew How To Sabotage All The Computers, And They Had To Be Cautious For Any Reprisals From An Employee, *{The USBI Employees Did Not Have This Luxury.  When They Got Laid Off; It Was An Immediate Termination With The Two Security Guards Escorting Them Out Of The Building}.  So, I Went Home, And Said, “Father, I Thought You Said That Because I Had Been Merciful, That I Would Receive Mercy”.  The Holy Ghost Said, “You Have Not Lost Your Job Yet, You Still Have Two Weeks Notice”, (I Just Couldn’t Go To The Office).  I Said, “That’s Right~!”  I Had Just Used Up All Of A Week’s Worth Of Vacation To Go To Preaching Convention, Where I Got Hold Of Jeremiah 17:7-8, And I Was A Little Disgruntled That I Had To Use Up My Only Vacation Time.  Now, I Had A Two Weeks Lay-Off Notice, So Essentially, I Was On A Paid Vacation, (Even Though I Just Used Up My Allotted Vacation Time)~!

Then The Holy Ghost Asked Me “What Do I Think That Those Two Former Teachers Were Doing Right Now?”  I Said, “Well, They’re Talking About Me Behind My Back, And Saying How I Just Didn’t Get It And That I Was Naive”, (One Of Their Children Had Diabetes So Severe That Despite My Best Efforts Trying To Tell Her To Speak Life Instead Of Death, She Would Not And That Son Died During The Four Years That I Worked With Her).  And Then She Started Immediately Speaking Death Over Her Other Son.  I Knew That They Both Were Talking About Me Behind My Back To Everyone That Would Listen.  The Holy Ghost Told Me To Pray For Those That Persecute Me And Say Vile Things About Me,

(Matthew 5:11;43-48; Luke 6:28
1 Peter 3:9; 1 Peter 2:12-21

So, I Began To Bless, (With My ‘Mouth), Those That Had Persecuted Me, By Speaking Life Over Them And Their Situation And Declaring Life Over Her Second Son.  I Had To Forgive And Retract Any Hard Feelings That I Had For Both Of Them Speaking Behind My Back, And The Stares.  I Just Kept Praying For About an Hour And A Half, And It Took Me About A Half Hour To Drive Home, So About One Hour After I Started My Prayer or Then Three Hours From The Time That They Told Me That They Were Laying Me Off, The Supervisor That Was Higher Up Than My Boss Lady Called Me Back, And Told Me That I Had A Job With The Parent Company Of Boeing At The Alabama Super-Computer And To Show Up Monday Morning For The Final Interview.  He Was Delighted To Call Me.  He Really Liked Me, And Was In My Corner Rooting For Me.  He Believed That Yahweh Was Real, And I’ll Tell You Why.

Once About A Year or So Prior To This Time The Above Mentioned Supervisor’s Face Had Gotten Poison Ivy So Bad That He Had Dark Crimson Splotches On His Face.  It Looked Like Mikhail Gorbachev’s Head, Except It Was Near His Eye On His Cheek; (It Looked Like A BirthMark, But Since I Knew My Supervisor Before This Came About, I Knew That It Could Not Be A BirthMark).  I Didn’t Know What It Was, And On My Way To Work One Day, I Asked Yahweh What Was That?  The Reply, I Got Back Was That It Was Poison Ivy.  I Said, “Well, I’ll Lay Hands On Him”, And I Heard Our Loving Heavenly Father “Who Desires All People To Be Saved, {Sozo ~  (Strong’s Concordance # 4982) ~ Actually Is Defined As Being Healed ~ (1 Timothy 2:4).  The Loving Heavenly Father Said To Me, “You Do That And I’ll Heal Him~!”  I Said, “Well, Open Up An Opportunity, And I’ll Do It”, (Colossians 4:3); I Could Just Walk Into His Office And Tell Him I Am Here To Pray, So Please Allow Me To Save The Day.  However, He Was Not A Person That Appeared To Be Receptive To Anything About God Around Others, And I Didn’t Want To Put Him On The Spot And Have Him Appear The Bad Guy If He Wouldn’t Let Me, (James 5:13).

That Very Same Day, I Just Happened To Have Been Using The Stairs To Go To A Trouble Call, (I Also Worked Help Desk The Last Hour Of The Day When I Wasn’t Teaching Classes), And I Ran Into Him Alone Going Down, While I Was Going Up In The Stairwell Corridor, (This Had Never Happened Before, And I’ve Seldom Seen Him Leave His Office).  I Knew That Yahweh Had Opened Up This Opportunity.  We Stopped And Chatted Awhile And I Asked Him What Was Wrong With His Face.  He Said That He Was Burning Some Trash, And He Must Have Burned Some Poison Ivy.  He Said, That He Had Tried Everything And Nothing Was Working And That The Doctor’s Don’t Know What To Do, And At First They Thought It Might Be Shingles, As Nothing Was Working And He Had A Cream On His Face Right Then, But He Was Itching So Bad That He Just Had To Leave His Office, (I Think He Was Hoping To Be Alone In The Stairwell, So That He Could Scratch His Face).  Notice, I Didn’t Tell Him Yahweh Told Me It Was Poison Ivy, I Let Him Confirm What Yahweh Had Already Told Me, As A Way Of Endearing His Trust.  Unless, Yahweh Tells Me To Say Something, I Normally Keep What Yahweh’s Shared With Me To Myself.

He Said That He Was In Agony And So Much Pain That He Might Even Go Home For The Rest Of Day.  By Then I Was Very Deeply Moved With Compassion, As I Have Had Poison Ivy Myself And I Told Him So, And How Much I Hate And Detest Poison Ivy, And If It Were Up To Me I’d Remove It All From The Planet Earth, (It Seems To Me Blonde Haired White Folks Have More Problems With Poison Ivy Than Do Black or Brunette Haired Folks, And I Had And Still Do Have Blonde Hair).  Yahoshua Was Often Moved With Compassion And Healed The Sick.  For Even Yahoshua Operated In Compassion, {Enter Here To See Most Of The Scriptures About Yahoshua Operating In Compassion Before He Ministered In Faith, For Faith Works By Love, Galatians 5:6}.

I Asked Him Very Solemnly, And Sincerely, “May I Lay Hands On You And Pray For You?”  I Thought He’d Turn Me Down, But Immediately, He Said, “Please, Pray For Me ”.  I Lay Hands On The Side Of Head, Being Careful Not To Touch The Affected Areas, And Then I Thought, He’s Not Contagious, I’m Contagious With The Blood Of Yahoshua.  Then A Righteous Boldness Came Over Me, As I Had Meant Not To Show My True Chárismatic Style, And Then I Thought, Everybody Already Thinks At Work That I’m Ultra-Chárismatic, So I Think I’m Too Late To Act Conservative Now.  So, I Moved My Palm And Put It Directly On The Dark Crimson Area Of His Face, And Again I Thought He Would Scream In Pain And Move My Hand, But He Did Not.  I Said, “Poison Ivy I Curse You By The Name Of Yahoshua Ha Mashiach And By Whose Stripes We Were Made Whole By The Blood Of Yahoshua Ha Mashiach. Leave Now At Once Like A Scalded Dog~!

I Thought He Would Just Smile And Nod His Head As If He Did Not Really Receive Me And Politely Thank Me And Go On To Still Being In Pain.  But, He Amazed Me~!  He Said, “The Pain Completely Left Me When You Touched The Exact Spot”, And That He Was Surprised That I Touched It, Knowing That I Had Been Susceptible To It Before.  The Next Day, His Face Was Less Crimson, And More Of A Dark Pink, And The Next Day A Lighter Shade Of Pink, And The Third Day A Very Light Shade Of Pink, And By 5-6 Days It Was Gone Completely.  Coincidently, He Met Me In The Stairwell About A Month or So Later On, And Told Me That The Pain Went Away And Never Returned The Moment I Prayed.  To This Day, I Don’t Think Of This As, “Look I Prayed And He Got Healed”, But Rather, I Am Just So Genuinely Humbled That He Got Made Whole As I Am Not The Healer.  I Was Just The Believer, {(Mark 11:24; Mark 16:18; James 5:15) ~All Things Whatever You Pray And Ask For, Believe That You Have Received Them, And You Shall Have Them”; “They Will Lay Hands On The Sick, And They Will Recover”; “And The Prayer Of Faith Will Save The One Who Is Sick, And The Lord Will Raise Him Up”}.

But, That’s Not All The Ripples Of This Effect Of This Faith.  When I Worked At Boeing Computer Support Services, (BCSS), An Interesting Thing Happened As I Transferred To The Parent Company Of Boeing Working At The Alabama Supercomputer.  The New Boss Lady That Was Interviewing Me Asked, “How Did I Know Art Hitman?”  Art Hitman Had Been The CEO Of Boeing In Seattle Washington.  I Had Never Met Him And Did Not Know Him; Although He Came To Huntsville To The Space & Rocket Center For A Boeing Meet & Greet.  I Had Heard Our Heavenly Father Tell Me To Go Meeting; But, I Just Missed It And Did Not Go.  Later On, I So Regretted That I Did Not Go.  Well, Art Hitman Had Called And Said And “There Was No Way That We Are Going To Let Charlie Warren Go”.  But, Despite The Fact That I Missed It, Yahweh Did Not, (2 Timothy 2:13).

I So Wish You Could Have Seen The Faces Of Both Of Those Ladies, (Former Instructors), When They Allowed Me To Come Back Into The USBI Building Two Weeks Later To Get All My Belongings That Someone Had Boxed Up In Two Cardboard Boxes.  Priceless~!  I Had Been Paid For The Last Two Weeks While I Went To Monte Sano State Park And Walked The Three Mile Trail Almost Every Day While They All Had To Work.  And I Was Just More Than Thrilled To Tell Them That Not Only Did I Still Keep My Job, But I Start On Monday, And It Involved A Substantial Pay Raise~!

When I Told These Ladies How Much Money I’d Be Making, The Meaner One Said, “That Is More Than I Make”.  I Said, “Yahweh Said My Grass Would Be Green, Even In The Year Of Drought~!”  They Had A Look Of Totally Bewilderment On Their Faces Like They Were Stunned.  My Boss Lady Stepped Out Of Her Office To Congratulate Me, And It Was Very Noticeable On Her Face That She Had Taken Stock And Was Pondering Over How I Kept My Job, And What I Had Written In The Emails.  So, I Just Repeated It Again With A Lot Of Folks Looking At Me, But This Time Listening,And It Can Happen To You Also, If You’ll Get In Faith And Not Fear And Believe Yahweh’s Word”, And I Repeated Jeremiah 17:7-8 Verbatim.

Jeremiah 17:7-8
7 Blessed Is The Person Who Trusts In Yahweh, And Whose Trust Yahweh Is
8 For They Shall Be As A Tree Planted By The Waters, Who Spreads Out Its Roots By The River, And Shall Not Fear When Heat Comes, But Its Leaf Shall Be Green; And Shall Not Be Careful In The Year Of Drought, Neither Shall Cease From Yielding Fruit.

After I Got My Job Back, I Asked Yahweh, “How Did Art Hitman, The CEO Of Boeing, {Whom I Had Never Met, Nor Did Not Know}, Call And Preserve My Job”.  Yahweh Reminded Me That Every Day At Lunch I Would Walk To The Adjoining Park And Quote Proverbs 22:29Do You See A Person Who EXCELS In His Work?  They Will Stand Before Kings; They Will Not Stand Before Unknown Men”.

Two Points Here.  First Of All, When It Comes To Having Bulldog Faith That Will Not Let Go, (Ephesians 6:13-14), To Stand Even After It Appears, “That All Is Said And Done”, Because A Lot Of Times It’s The Godly Way In Which We Exit That Really Impresses Them The Most~!  And Then They Hire Us Back or Down The Road, They Recommend Us For A Promotion or A Greater Position At Another Company, (Genesis 40:1-23; Genesis 41:8-16).

The Second Thing Is Because The Word Of God Stands True And It Cannot Lie And When You Stand On The Word Of God You Cannot At The Last Minute Change Your Mind And Say “Well, I Guess It Was Meant For Us To Get Another Job” or And Find Another Way Out.  If You Do That, Then From Now On, d—Evil One Will Suggest That An Alternate Way Out To You Every Time You Encounter An Occasion For Faith To Arise To Save The Day.  At The Last Minute Is When You Really Have To Stay In Faith The Most, (Remember The Auburn Alabama 2013 Iron Bowl Game And Auburn Won By One Second… I Have My Sister And Her Husband To Witness That I Decreed It Would Happen Just Before It Did, When It Looked For Certain That Alabama Would Win).

Bonus: I’m So Glad I Wrote All This Stuff Down. I Didn’t Know It At The Time, How Much Of An Encouragement These Testimonies Would Be To Me Later On In Life. So, I Invite You To Start A Journal Also Of The Great Things Yahweh Has Done For You In Your Christian Walk.


They Had What THey Said~!”

Paul William, “Bear” Bryant, Head Coach At The University Of Alabama ~ After His Last Game, Bryant Was Asked What He Planned To Do Now That He Was Retired. He Replied, “Probably Croak In A Week”.  Four Weeks After Making That Comment, And Just One Day After Passing A Routine Medical Checkup, On January 25, 1983, Bryant checked Into Druid City Hospital In Tuscaloosa After Experiencing Chest Pain.  A Day Later, When Being Prepared For An Electrocardiogram, He Died After Suffering A Massive Heart Attack At Only Age 70~!

Joseph Vincent, “Joe” Paterno, Head Coach At Penn State ~ “JoePa” Has Made It Clear To Those Close To Him That The Death Of Paul, “Bear” Bryant Weighed Heavily On Him.  Bryant Retired At The End Of The 1982 Season And Died Of A Heart Attack Four Weeks Later.  The Feeling Is That Paterno Won’t Find Anything Worthwhile To Do In Retirement, Which Will Ultimately Lead To His Death.  JoePa Passed 2 Months 13 Days Later.

John Denver Said That If Something Were To Go Wrong While Flying, That They’re Is No Place He Rather Die Than In His Airplane And He Ran Out Of Fuel And Couldn’t Get To The Other Tank In Time And Died On Impact When His Airplane Crashed In The Sea.

See Mark 11:23 For Assuredly, I Say To You, Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea’, And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart,* But Believes That Those Things They SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!


They Too Had What THey Said~!

I Read Where, “Crocodile Hunter”, Steve Irwin Felt That According To His Wife Asked By Interviewer Ray Martin If Irwin Believed He Would Die Early, Terri Irwin Said, “He Had A Very Strong Conviction That He Would”.1   Director Of His Last Underwater Scene John Stainton, Told Reporters He And Irwin Had Talked About The Risks He Was Running By Shooting This New Show.  And They Agreed That, “If Ever He Was Going To Go, We Always Said It Was Going To Be The Ocean”. 2

John Denver Said “If It’s My Time To Go, I Want To Go Flying My Plane”, And He Died In His Airplane When It Crashed.

Red Foxx Was Known For Faking Heart Attacks Frequently And For Saying, “My Heart, This Is The Big One~!  You Hear That, Elizabeth?  I’m Coming To Join Ya, Honey”, And Then In The Real World, He Had A Heart Attack And Died~! … “Guard Your Hearts With All That You Do” ~ “As A Person Thinks, So They Are” … (Proverbs 4:20-23; Proverbs 23:7).

Jerry Reed Was Quoted As Saying As A Small Child, While Running Around Strumming His Guitar, “I Am Gonna Be A Star.  I’m Gonna Go To Nashville And Be A Star”, And He Was~!

See Mark 11:23 For Assuredly, I Say To You, Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea’, And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart,* But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!

Walk By Faith

I Saw An Episode Of, “Persons Of Interest”, On Television.  There Is This Man Named Leon, That John Reese Has Had To Save Twice Before And Leon Had Gotten Himself Into Trouble Again.  Suddenly, Leon Realized That The People That Had Apprehended Him Were Planning To Kill Him, And He Knew That Every Time Folks Had Tried To Kill Him In The Past, Mr. Reese Seemed To Appear Out Of Nowhere And Fight Off His Would Be Attackers.  So, Aware That They Were Trying To Kill Him, Leon Says, “Y’all Are Planning To Kill Me Aren’t You?  Then You Better Run While You Got The Chance”, And Then Suddenly And Predictably John Comes In And Saves The Day And Beats Up The Assailants~!  That Is The Way We Ought To Be In Regard To Yahweh~!  When The Doctor’s Say, “Well, You’ve Got 4th Stage Whatever”.  We Ought To Reply, “Devil Are You Trying To Kill Me?  Then You Better RUN Like A Scalded Dog Now, While You’ve Got The Opportunity~!

It’s Like You Cannot Have The Word By Faith And Also Make Allowances Just In Case Yahweh Doesn’t Come Through For You.  You Either Have To Be, “All In”, or “You’re Not In At All”, (Matthew 6:24).  Worrying Is A Sin~!  Oops.  You Are Either Giving Thanks That All Your Needs Are Met In Christ, (Philippians 4:19); or You’re In Anxiety And Worry, (Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-9).  I’m Not Talking About Just Spouting Off, “I’m Blessed And Highly Favored~!”, or, “I’m Blessed By The Best And He’s Taking Care Of The Rest~!”, Which I Enjoy Saying Myself And Encourage You To Say Also.  However, These Sayings Should Be Like Dessert After You Show Chapter And Verse Where Yahweh Said A Promise And You Can Either Quote It or Look It Up; That You Believe It With Your Whole Heart And Are Saying It With Your Mouth, (Even If, or Especially If; You’re The Only One Around To Hear Yourself Saying It)~!

If You Don’t Tithe, Then I’d Start, Because Of This Promise And The Many Other Benefits Of Trusting Yahweh With Your Life~!

Maybe Start Saying… Malachi 3:10-11

10 Bring All The Tithes Into The Storehouse, That There May Be Food In My House, And Try Me Now In This”, Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts), “If I Will Not Open For You The Windows Of Heaven And Pour Out For You Such Blessing That There Will Not Be Room Enough To Receive It ~!
11 “And I Will Rebuke The Devourer For Your Sakes, So That He Will Not Destroy The Fruit Of Your Ground, Nor Shall The Vine Fail To Bear Fruit For You In The Field”, Says Yahweh, (Of Hosts);

Focus On The Word Of Yahweh

Peter Saw The Wind, {We Walk By Faith, And Not By Walk By Sight, (2 Corinthians 5:7)}. (Maybe The Wind Was Causing The Water To Spray Across).  But, Peter Focused On What He Could See And Understand With His Own Mind Rather Than What Yahoshua, (or Yahweh), Had Told Him,

(Matthew 10:20;
John 12:49-50; John 14:10

We Have To Stand Maintained And Ready, Like An Airplane Ready For Flight.  We Have To Have Sustained Focused On That Promised, And Not Be Distracted, or Falling For Satan’s Smokescreen.  Sometimes, When We Are Listening To A Preacher That Has A Word Specifically For Us, At That Very Moment Someone Might Open A Door Or An Infant Might Cry.  We Have To Be Determined To Stay Focused As These Things Are Only The Shadows.

A Shadow Is An Image Of Something Else.  It’s Not The Real McCoy, And Can Cause You No Harm.  d—Evil One Would Like To Have You Think These Distractions Have A Bite And To Frighten You Into Doing Nothing, But The Real Truth Is, “The Shadow Of A Dog Never Bit Anybody”.

Though We Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death; We Will Fear No Evil, (Psalm 23:4), For Yahweh Is With Us, (See Also I Am With You).

The Dog’s Already Been Whipped, And Tied Up, And Out Of The Way.  It, “Looked” As Though My Needs Are Not Going To Get Met.  What’s The Promise?  What’s The Word That You’re Standing On?  Are We Going To Walk By Sight, or Do We Walk By Faith?

Tap or Enter Here To Listen To Some Awesome Praise Songs As You Get Ready This Morning~!

Possess The Land

Remember The Time When Moses Sent Out The Twelve People To Spy Out The Land, (Numbers 13).  Well, Yahweh Had Already Previously Promised In At Least Five Places In The Word Of Yahweh.  (Click To Here See ALL The Verses I Found So Far,

Exodus 3:8; Exodus 3:17;
Exodus 13:5; Exodus 33:1-3
Leviticus 20:24

What Yahweh Said In Leviticus 20:24.

  1. You SHALL Inherit ¤, The Land, (¤ Possess Means To DisPossess Those Living There Now ~ Think Of Displace, or Displacement, Like You Fill A Jar With Soapy Dish Detergent Water And Put The Jar Under A Faucet Of Fresh Water, Eventually, The Fresh Water Will Displace The Soapy Water)

  2. It Is A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey.

  3. Seven Nations Stronger Than You~!

    (Deuteronomy 4:38
    Deuteronomy 7:1-2, 23-24
    Deuteronomy 11:23-25
    Joshua 1:3-6; Joshua 3:10
    Acts 13:19

    {The Hittites, The Girgashites, The Amorites, The Canaanites, The Perizzites, The Hivites, And The Jebusites}

And This Is The Order That He Told It To Them In.  He Told Them First That They Would Inherit It.  Like If I Were To Tell You For Certain That Your Great Aunt Left You Some Land, There Would Be No Doubt That You Got Some Land Alright, But You’d Want To Go See It, To See If It’s A Piece Of Dry Hard Desert Land In Nevada, or Swamp Land In Florida, or Rich Fertile Soil With Oil On It In Alabama.  So, Once You Examine The Land, You Might Have To Dispossess It Of Varmints~!

But, Wait There’s More As Yahweh Also Promises That This Is A Land Flowing Of Milk And Honey~!  Two Promises That The Folks Could Mull Over And Meditate And Dream About And Ponder Over Until The Time Was Right.  He Will Give You This Land, And It Is A Land Flowing With Milk & Honey, (Cattle, Goats, Bees, And That Means Flowering Plants). And One Message Of Hope, [There Shall Be Seven Nations Stronger Than You So When You See Seven Nations Stronger Than You, Don’t Panic, (Psalm 46:1-2)].

Dispossess Their Land Leviticus 20:24, Mentions What Yahweh Has Already Told Them.  But I Have Said To You, “You SHALL Inherit Their Land , And I WILL Give It To You To Possess, A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey”.  I Am Yahweh Your Elohiym, Who Has Separated You From The Peoples.  Actually, The Words Translated ‘SHALL Inherit’ Are From The Same Exact Word As The Hebrew Word ‘Possess’, And This Sentence Really Said This.

But I Have Said To You, “You Shall Surely Possess ¤ Their Land; And, I, I Am Giving It To You To Possess It, A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey; I Am Yahweh Your Elohiym, Who Has Set You Apart From The Nations”.

¤ (Please Note That The Word, “Possess, (H3423); Is From The Hebrew Word – ‘Yawrash’ — Which Means, “To Occupy By Driving Out The Previous Inhabitants, To Cast Out, To Consume, To Destroy, To DisInherit, To DisPossess, {Displace}, The Previous Occupants, And To Take Possession Of, As This Will Become Important Later On When You Read Caleb’s Report).

Bottom Line, They Didn’t Believe The Report Of Yahweh, And Yahweh Called Their Report An ‘Evil Report’, (Numbers 13:32), But All That They Did Was To Say That What They Saw; What’s Wrong With That?  They Were Walking By Sight And Not By Faith On What Yahweh Had Already Told Them, (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Of The Twelve Spies, Ten Spies Convinced The Assembly By Popular Vote That What Yahweh Has Said Was Only Partly True, {Did You Notice The Words, “Never-the-Less” At (Numbers 13:28)} ~Never-the-Less, The People Who Dwell In The Land Are Strong; The Cities Are Fortified And Very Large; Moreover We Saw The Descendants Of Anak There ”.  In Other Words, “Despite What Yahweh Said, This Is The Way We Believe It Is”~!  Whew~Boy~!  Same Thing Job’s Evil Companions Did… (Anybody Can Call Those Things, “As They See It Job 26:3 ~ 3 “How Have You Counseled Him That Has No Wisdom?  And How Have You Plentifully Declared The Thing As It Is?

Ten Spies Called Yahweh A ‘Flat Out Liar’, And Said ‘Trust Us, Not Yahweh’.  They Were Saying, “Trust Me, I’ve Seen It With My Own Eyes.  None Of This Faith Talk, ‘Pie In The Sky’ Kind Of Talk, We Walk By Sight”… Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart, The Mouth Speaks, (Matthew 12:34-35; Luke 6:45).  So They Were NOT Saying The Same Thing That Yahweh Was Saying, (Confessing); But Rather They Were Murmuring And Complaining,

(Deuteronomy 1:27-35;
Psalm 106:24-25;
Ecclesiastes 5:2,6; Exodus 16:2;
Numbers 14:2

Dispossess Their Land

Leviticus 20:24, Mentions What Yahweh Has Already Told Them.

But I Have Said To You, “You SHALL Inherit Their Land, And I WILL Give It To You To Possess, A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey”.  I Am Yahweh Your Elohim, Who Has Separated You From The Peoples.

Actually, The Words Translated ‘ SHALL Inherit Are From The Same Exact Word As The Hebrew Word ‘Possess’, And This Sentence Really Said This.

But I Have Said To You, “You Shall Surely Possess Their Land; And, I, I Am Giving It To You To Possess It, A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey; I Am Yahweh Your Elohiym, Who Has Set You Apart From The Nations.

(Please Note That The Word, “Possess” Is From The Hebrew Word – ‘Yawrash — Which Means, “To Occupy By Driving Out The Previous Inhabitants, To Cast Out, To Consume, To Destroy, To DisInherit, To DisPossess, {Displace}, The Previous Occupants, And To Take Possession Of, As This Will Become Important Later On When You Read Caleb’s Report).

There’s A Big Difference Between Inheriting Something From A Relative That Has Passed On, And Possessing Something Where The Folks Are Alive And Fighting Back~!

Milk And Honey~!

The Twelve Spies ALL Harmoniously Agreed, And Confirmed In One Accord That The Land Was As Yahweh Had Said,
Flowing With Milk And Honey

Numbers 13:27

Then They Told Him, And Said:, “We Went To The Land Where You Sent Us.  It Truly Flows With Milk And Honey, And This Is Its Fruit, (Referring Back To Numbers 13:23.  This Was A Single Cluster Of Grapes, Yet It Had To Be Carried On A Pole By Two Of Them, And I Imagine That They Swapped Responsibilities For Carrying This Fruit Because No One Was Named For Carrying The Fruit.  And They Brought Also Of The Pomegranates, And Of The Figs).  Then ALL Bore Witness And Presented Evidence That This Land Was As Yahweh Had Said That It Would Be.

It Was As Yahweh Told Us~!

It Was Like Now That They Could See It With Their Own Eyes, They Could Believe Yahweh.  It Was As Yahweh Told Us~!  The Attitude Should Have Been, “Let There Be Joy In The House Today~! }  It Was Already As Yahweh Had Said, But Now They Could See And Confirm That What Yahweh Was Telling Them Was The Truth~!

Don’t Down-Play This Too Much.  In Fact, Yahweh Even Reminded Them Of What He Had Already Done Separating Them From The People Of Egypt To Which They Were Supposed To Be Life-Time Bonded Into Slavery.

Yahweh Is The Master Designer Who Built Us Humans, And He Knew That We Needed To Have Some Part Of His Word Confirmed.  This Is The Way That Prophecy Always Works.  Yahweh Will Speak Through The Prophet To Tell You Something About You That You Already Know, To Allow You To Discern That The Other Part Is True Also.

Ten Spies Doubt Yahweh’s Word

Okay, What About The Other Part Of The Promise That Yahweh Would Cause Them To Inherit The Land.  Again Like Peter Who Got His Mind Fixed In A Certain Way or Pattern Of Thinking, Judging His Level Of Safety By The Amount Of Wind Was Normal For A Fisherman And So He Ended Up, “Watching The Wind”, These Spies Also Got Used To, “Walking By Sight”.  Joshua 2:11 Goes On To Show That The Canaanite Folks Hearts Had Already Melted, “As Soon As We Had Heard It Our Hearts Melted Neither Did There Remain Any More Spirit In Any Man Because Of You: For Yahweh Your God He Is God In Heaven Above And On Earth Beneath”.

If They Had Gone Into The Land At The First, It Would Have Been An Easy Battle.  They Needed A, “Paradigm Shift” To Believe That What They Thought Was A Good Criteria For Making Judgments From The Head, Mind And Intelligent, But Are Not Valid At ALL When Factoring In Faith In Yahweh’s Word.  This Is Very Important~!

The 10 Spies Came Back And Confirmed What Yahweh Had Said By Reporting The Facts… We Are Not Able To Go Up Against The People; For They Are Stronger Than We … Yahweh Had Already Previously Said, “And There Will Seven Nations Greater And Mightier Than You”, (Deuteronomy 4:38; Deuteronomy 7:1-2). …And There We Saw The Giants, The Sons Of Anak, Which Come Of The Giants: And We Were In Our Own Sight As Grasshoppers, And So We Were In Their Sight”, (Numbers 13:31, 33).  Recall That, “We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight”, (2 Corinthians 5:7).  But It Is Not The Facts That Will Set US Free.  It Is The Truth Of Yahweh’s Word That Cannot Lie That Will Set Us Free, (John 8:32).  Notice That Yahweh Calls This Lack Of Faith In What Yahweh Had Promised An EVIL REPORT, (Numbers 13:32), {Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Yahweh, (Hebrews 11:6)}.  

Spies Report~!

(Numbers 13:27-33)

27  Then They Told Him, And Said:, “We Went To The Land Where You Sent Us.  It Truly Flows With Milk And Honey, And This Is Its Fruit.

28  Nevertheless, The People Be Strong That Dwell In The Land, And The Cities Are Walled, And Very Great: And Moreover We Saw The Children Of Anak There

29  The Amalekites Dwell In The Land Of The South: And The Hittites, And The Jebusites, And The Amorites, Dwell In The Mountains: And The Canaanites Dwell By The Sea, And By The Coast Of Jordan.

30  And Caleb Stilled The People Before Moses, And Said, “Let Us Go Up At Once, And Possess It; For We Are Well Able To Overcome It.

31  But The Men That Went Up With Him Said, We Be Not Able To Go Up Against The People; For They Are Stronger Than We.

32  And They Brought Up An Evil Report Of The Land Which They Had Searched Unto The Children Of Israel, Saying, “The Land, Through Which We Have Gone To Search It, Is A Land That Eateth Up The Inhabitants Thereof; And ALL The People That We Saw In It Are Men Of A Great Stature”.

33 “And There We Saw The Giants, The Sons Of Anak, Which Come Of The Giants: And We Were In Our Own Sight As Grasshoppers, And So We Were In Their Sight”, (Numbers 13:27-33).  Recall That, “We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight”, (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Instead They Should Have Been Saying, “Oh Magnify Yahweh With Me”, (Psalm 34:3, {Not To Concentrate And Focus On The Problem}).

Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO~!

Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO, Whom HE HAS REDEEMED From The Hand Of d—Evil One; As In Saying, “I AM REDEEMED, (Psalm 107:2).  Is It Important For Us To SAY SO?  Is It Important For Us To Open Our Mouth And To Say The Same Thing ~ (Confess / Profess), As e Has Said?  … Deuteronomy 1:34 ~ And Yahweh Heard The Voice Of Your Words, And Was Wroth.

Deuteronomy 1:18-41

18 And I Commanded You At That Time All The Things Which You Should Do.
19 “So We Departed From Horeb, And Went Through All That Great And Terrible Wilderness Which You Saw On The Way To The Mountains Of The Amorites, As Yahweh Our God Had Commanded Us.  Then We Came To Kadesh Barnea.
20 And I Said To You, ‘You Have Come To The Mountains Of The Amorites, Which Yahweh Our God Is Giving Us.
21 Look, Yahweh Your God Has Set The Land Before You; Go Up And Possess It, As Yahweh God Of Your Fathers Has “Spoken” To You; Do Not Fear or Be Discouraged.’
22 And Everyone Of You Came Near To Me And Said, ‘Let Us Send Men Before Us, And Let Them Search Out The Land For Us, And Bring Back Word To Us Of The Way By Which We Should Go Up, And Of The Cities Into Which We Shall Come.’
23 The Plan Pleased Me Well; So I Took Twelve Of Your Men, One Man From Each Tribe.
24 And They Departed And Went Up Into The Mountains, And Came To The Valley Of Eshcol, And Spied It Out.
25 They Also Took Some Of The Fruit Of The Land In Their Hands And Brought It Down To Us; And They Brought Back Word To Us, Saying, ‘It Is A Good Land Which Yahweh Our God Is Giving Us.’
26 “Nevertheless You Would Not Go Up, But Rebelled Against The Command Of Yahweh Your God;
27 And You Complained In Your Tents, And Said, ‘Because Yahweh Hates Us, He Has Brought Us Out Of The Land Of Egypt To Deliver Us Into The Hand Of The Amorites, To Destroy Us.
28 Where Can We Go Up?  Our Sisters And Brothers Have Discouraged Our Hearts, Saying, “The People Are Greater And Taller Than We; The Cities Are Great And Fortified Up To Heaven; Moreover We Have Seen The Sons Of The Anakim There”. ’
29 Then I Said To You, ‘Do Not Be Terrified, or Afraid Of Them.
30 Yahweh Your God, Who Goes Before You, He Will Fight For You, According To All He Did For You In Egypt Before Your Eyes,
31 And In The Wilderness Where You Saw How Yahweh Your God Carried You, As A Man Carries His Son, In All The Way That You Went Until You Came To This Place.’
32 Yet, For All That, You Did Not Believe Yahweh Your God,
33 Who Went In The Way Before You To Search Out A Place For You To Pitch Your Tents, To Show You The Way You Should Go, In The Fire By Night And In The Cloud By Day.
34 “And Yahweh Heard The Sound Of Your Words, And Was Angry, And Took An Oath, Saying,
35 ‘Surely Not One Of These Men Of This Evil Generation Shall See That Good Land Of Which I Swore To Give To Your Fathers,
36 Except Caleb The Son Of Jephunneh; He Shall See It, And To Him And His Children I Am Giving The Land On Which He Walked, Because He Wholly Followed Yahweh.’
37 Yahweh Was Also Angry With Me For Your Sakes, Saying, ‘Even You Shall Not Go In There;
38 Joshua The Son Of Nun, Who Stands Before You, He Shall Go In There. Encourage Him, For He Shall Cause Israel To Inherit It.
39 Moreover Your Little Ones And Your Children, Who You Say Will Be Victims, Who Today Have No Knowledge Of Good And Evil, They Shall Go In There; To Them I Will Give It, And They Shall Possess It.
40 But As For You, Turn And Take Your Journey Into The Wilderness By The Way Of The Red Sea.’
41 “Then You Answered And Said To Me, ‘We Have Sinned Against Yahweh’”…

If Yahweh Told The Truth About, “The Land Flowing With Milk And Honey”, {And About Seven Nations Stronger Than You~!  Which ALL Twelve Spies Confirmed Both Parts}, Why Would Yahweh Not Tell The Truth When He Also Said That, “He WOULD Cause Them To Inherit This Land?”  *{Which Did Occur As He Had Promised Some Forty Years Later, Delayed Because Of Their Doubt And UnBelief, But Not Delayed On Yahweh’s Part, (Hebrews 3:13-19)}.  Yahweh Was Ready For Them To Take The Land Right Now.  It Was Not Yahweh’s Plan To Have Them Wait For Forty More Years. Though They Received The Word, They Did Not Mix It With Faith, So It Profited Them Nothing, (Hebrews 4:2).  Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO, Whom HE HAS REDEEMED From The Hand Of d—Evil One; As In Saying, “I AM REDEEMED”, (Psalm 107:2).  Is It Important For Us To SAY SO?  Is It Important For Us To Open Our Mouth And To Say The Same Thing ~ (Confess / Profess), As He Has Said?  Yes, It Is~!

Not Mixed With Faith~!

I Didn’t Make This Up.  It’s In Hebrews 3:10-19—Hebrews 4:1-2.

Hebrews 3:1 1 Therefore, Holy Sisters And Brothers, Partakers Of The Heavenly Calling, Consider The Apostle And High Priest Of Our Confession, Christ Jesus …
6 … But Christ As A Son Over His Own House, Whose House We Are If We Hold Fast The Confidence And The Rejoicing Of The Hope Firm To The End. 7 Therefore, As The Holy Ghost Says:, “Today, If You Will Hear His Voice, 8 Do Not Harden Your Hearts As In The Rebellion, In The Day Of Trial In The Wilderness, 9 Where Your Fathers Tested Me, Tried Me, And Saw My Works Forty Years. 10 Therefore I Was Angry With That Generation, And Said, ‘They Always Go Astray In Their Heart, And They Have Not Known My Ways.’ 11 So I Swore In My Wrath, ‘They Shall Not Enter My Rest.’ 12 Beware, Sisters And Brothers, Lest There Be In Any Of You An Evil Heart Of UnBelief In Departing From The Living God; 13 But Exhort One Another Daily, While It Is Called, “Today”, Lest Any Of You Be Hardened Through The Deceitfulness Of Sin. 14 For We Have Become Partakers Of Christ If We Hold The Beginning Of Our Confidence Steadfast To The End, 15 While It Is Said: Today, If You Will Hear His Voice, Do Not Harden Your Hearts As In The Rebellion. 16 For Who, Having Heard, Rebelled?  Indeed , Was It Not All Who Came Out Of Egypt, Led By Moses? 17 Now With Whom Was He Angry Forty Years?  Was It Not With Those Who Sinned, Whose Corpses Fell In The Wilderness? 18 And To Whom Did He Swear That They Would Not Enter His Rest, But To Those Who Did Not Obey? 19 So We See That They Could Not Enter In Because Of UnBelief. Hebrews 4:1 Therefore, Since A Promise Remains Of Entering His Rest, Let Us Fear Lest Any Of You Seem To Have Come Short Of It. 2 For Indeed The Gospel Was Preached To Us As Well As To Them; But The Word Which They Heard Did Not Profit Them, Not Being Mixed With Faith In Those Who Heard It.

For A While People Reversed This Order And Said, “Yahweh’s Word Said It, That Settles It”, (Whether You Believe It or Not).  But, That’s Not Right.  Here We See That Because They ‘Had The Word’ On It, But, “Did Not Mix Faith With The Word That They Had Heard”, And So They Stayed In Wilderness For Forty Years~!  Ouch~!

Psalm 95:7-11 ~ For He Is Our God, And We Are The People Of His Pasture, And The Sheep Of His Hand. Today, If You Will Hear His Voice:

A Firm Foundation~!

If You Run A Race And Set Your Goal On The Finish Line, Then You’ll In All Likelihood Putter Out Right At The Finish Line And Someone Charging Hard Might Overtake You.  So, You Have To Set The Goal To An Imaginary Mark About 12 Yards Beyond The Finish Line, So That You Will Finish Running Strong When You Cross The Finish Line.  So, Like Paul, I Press Towards The Mark.  But, We Have Got To Know What The Mark Is.  What Is The Focus?

Psalm 112, Says, “Steady And Strong, They Will Not Be Afraid, But Will Calmly Face Their Every Foe Until They All Go Down In Defeat”, (Psalm 112:8)”, And That They Will, “Not Be Moved If It Takes Forever”, (Psalm 112:6). An, “Established Heart”, “A Fixed Heart”, Unmovable, A Firm Foundation, Steadfast, Stayed, (Psalm 112:7-8).  Having Done All To Stand, Stand~! ~ (Ephesians 6:13).

Once You’re Determined That You’re Going To Stand Forever, And You’re Not Going To Move If It Takes Forever, Then It Won’t Take Very Long.  You Become A Strong Wall, (Like A Steel Bulwark On A Ship, or A Dam To Hold Back Tons Of Water), That d—Evil One Sees Us As, “More Problems Than It’s Worth”, And He Will Go And Seek An Easier Person, As He Is Not Going To Be Able To Convince You In Your Thoughts Anymore.  If d—Evil One Was All That Powerful… If He Was All That And A Bag Of Chips, Why Doesn’t He Just Put Sickness On Us And Walk Away And Never Turn Back?  Why Does He Have To Continually Talk You Into Trying To Get You To Accept His Evil Report?

I’ll Tell You Why.  Because Faith And Fear Both Work The Same Way.  We Have To Get It Down Into Our Hearts, And Then It Comes Out Of Our Mouth, And d-Evil One Knows That.  *Sometimes Children Are Born With A Disease, or A Car Wreck Happens, And I’ll Talk About Those In The Future, But For Most Of Us That Are Saved, We Have To Deal With This Nagging Voice.  Often, The Holy Ghost Tries To Warn Us About Impending Disaster, But We Did Not Hear.

Let The REDEEMED Of Yahweh SAY SO, Whom HE HAS REDEEMED From The Hand Of d—Evil One~! … (Psalm 107:2).

Remaining Firm~!

It’s Just That Simple.  You Get An Urge To Be Mad At Someone, or To Talk About Them Behind Their Back or To Look At A Certain Woman, {or Man}, On The Internet; And You Get That Check In Your Spirit From Yahweh, And You Just Say:

“I Don’t Do That Anymore, I Have Been Redeemed~!  I’ve Been Bought With A Price”,
(Isaiah 44:22; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). 
All My Needs Are Met Through Christ Jesus, Who Strengthens Me, (Philippians 4:19). 
I Am Strong In Yahweh And In The Power Of HIS Might, (Joel 3:10; Ephesians 6:10).

Don’t Be Surprised When d—Evil One Will Wait And Come Back For A More Opportune Time, {He Did So With Yahoshua, So, He’ll Probably Do So With You, (Luke 4:13)}, Like Right When Someone Insults You, And You Then You Feel Worthless… d—Evil One Is Trying To Wear You Down, Trying To Find A Legal Means To Enter Your Life.  If You Do Give In, It Might Be Even Harder To Resist Him The Next Time… (He’s Trying To Build A Stronghold In Your Life… And You Might Be Saying What Does It Matter If I Only Get One More Piece Of Pie).

Caution, An Evil Spirit Of Gluttony Is Trying To Find A Place To Lodge~!  d-Evil One Is Bad And An Evil Hitchhiker~!  Once You Give Him A Ride, He Takes Over The Driving, Then Tosses You Out, And Steals Your Car, And Backs Up And Runs Over You~!  You’ll Find Yourself Doing And Saying Mean Things To Those You Love, All Because You Gave In To Temptation In Just One Small Area Of Your Life, (Like Eating When The Holy Ghost Advised That You’ve Had Enough).

Return To Me~!

Let’s Talk About Sin.  What If You Do Cave In?  Then Just Repent, (1 John 1:9) ~ If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness~!   What If In This Area Of Your Life, You’ve Yielded To Temptation A Bunch?  It Doesn’t Matter.  Just Repent And Repeat This Below.

However This Is Worth Repeating: Say These Scriptures Over And Over And Apply As Necessary:

I Have Been Crucified With Christ, And It Is No Longer I That Live, But Christ Living In Me. That Life Which I Now Live In The Flesh, I Live By Faith In The Son Of God, Who Loved Me, And Gave Himself Up For Me”, (Galatians 2:20-21).
I Don’t Do That Anymore, And That’s That~!  Be Subject To God, {Don’t Leave That Part Out}. Resist The Devil And He Will Flee From You, (James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8).
“I Don’t Do That Anymore, I’ve Been Redeemed,  I Have Been Bought With A Price”, (Isaiah 44:22; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). 
All My Needs Are Met Through Christ Jesus, Who Strengthens Me, (Philippians 4:19). 
I Am Strong In Yahweh And In The Power Of HIS Might, (Joel 3:10; Ephesians 6:10).

Using The CookBook Formula, It Would Seem That If You Need A Scripture Then Open The Bible Between Genesis 1:1 And Revelation 22:21 And Using Your Concordance, Fire Off A Verse Of Scripture That Applies To Your Situation.  And It Is True That His Word WILL NOT Return Unto Him Void ~ (Isaiah 55:10-11.  {It Just Seems Like The Scriptures Would Have Ended With Revelation 22:22, But It’s Sort Of A Catch-22, In That You Have The Last Word~!}

However, Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh , {Romans 10:17}.  And The Word Used Here For ‘God’ or Yahweh Is Theos, <2316> From Which We Get The Word ‘Theology’ From.  According To Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament, Theos Can Also Refer To Christ, (And Christ Means The Anointed One or The Anointing).  Plus, The Word Used For Word Is The Greek Word For Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh , Which Means An Utterance, A Spoken Word.

As We Get Yahweh’s Written Word, (Logos <3056>), Into Our Hearts, And Then As Yahweh Brings Forth Revelation About That Word, And As The Word Of Yahweh Just Jumps Off The Page Into Our Hearts, (This Becomes The Rhema’ <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh ), And Our Minds Are Renewed.  This Is The Same Word Used In Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4 ~ Where Yahoshua Said, “A Person Shall Not Live By Bread Alone, But By Every Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh That Proceeds Out Of The Mouth Of God”, {Yahweh ~ (Deuteronomy 8:3)}.  In The Context Within Romans 10:14-17 Says, “How Are They To Believe In Him Of Whom They Have Never Heard? And How Are They To Hear Without A Preacher?”  Believe Is Another Way To Say, How Are They Going To Have Faith In Something That They’ve Never Heard?  Or How Are They Going To Have Faith Without An Anointed Person Sent From Yahweh Delivering The Message?

Often The Word Used For Word Is Logos, Which Means The Written Word, <3056>.  The Scriptures Didn’t Say, “How Are They To Believe In Him Without Yahweh’s Written (Logos <3056>) Word?  What Is The Difference Between The Written Word And The Spoken Word By A Preacher?  The Logos or The Written Word Of Yahweh Sitting On A Coffee Table Will Not Help You Nor Change Your Situation~!  Only The ‘SpokenRhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh Word Is ‘Anointed’~!  Read This Again.  Faith Comes From Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed From Yahweh Word.  Faith Does Not Come By Just Having Scriptures Scroll Across Your Screen, {Unless The Holy Ghost Speaks To You And It Becomes The Revealed Word}.  The Revealed Word Is A Knowing In Your Spirit That You Know That You Know.  In Other Words, Faith Comes By The Anointed Words.

Suppose Someone You Know Request Urgent Prayer And They Are Battling COVID.  You Open The Scriptures To Psalm 118:17 And You Declare, “They Shall Not Die But Live, And Shall Declare The Works And Recount The Illustrious Acts Of Yahweh”… And Then They Die.  Ask Me How I Know?  I’ve Done This..  It Just Makes Us Look Untrustworthy, Unreliable And It Hurts Our Faith.  I Don’t Think Asking If It Is Yahweh’s Will To Heal For Them Is The Correct Way To Approach This Either… For Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Yahweh And We Know That It Is Yahweh’s Will To Heal, {Tab or Enter Here For Proof That It Is Yahweh’s Will To Heal}.

But For Now, Go To Isaiah 50:4-5 For Further Instructions, “That I Should Know ‘How’ To Speak A Word In Season To Those Who Are Weary”.  The Key Word Is How’.   It Could Be That The Holy Ghost Will Say Stand On Psalm 118:17 And You Declare, “They Shall Not Die But Live, And Shall Declare The Works And Recount The Illustrious Acts Of Yahweh”… Wonderful~!  The Very Word That First Came To You.  Okay, Now The (Logos <3056>) Word Has Come Off The Page And Becomes TheRhema, <4487> Word’ or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh.  Recall Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing By The Anointed ‘Rhema, <4487>Word’ or ‘Revealed Word’ From Yahweh

But, It Could Be After Praying, That The Holy Ghost Speaks To Your Heart And Says, “They Don’t Want To Live”… And Therefore, It Would Be A Waste Of Time To Pray For Them.

Let’s Have No More Faith Failures1 Timothy 1:5 Says, “The Purpose Of My Instruction Is That All Believers Would Be Filled With Love That Comes From A Pure Heart, A Clear Conscience, And Genuine Faith”, {Or UnFeigned Faith}”.  ‘Un’ Means ‘Not’, And Feigned Means False, or Pretend, or Pretentious Faith.

Faith Failures ~ Yahoshua Said To Peter In Luke 22:31-34 ~I Have Made Supplications That Your Faith Fail Not”.  Yahoshua Said To Peter, “You Will Deny Me~!”  Peter Said,  “I Will NOT Deny You”.  Yahoshua Repeated To Peter, “You Will Deny Me Three Times Tonight~!”.  Peter Said, Vehemently, “I Most Certainly Will NOT Deny You, I Will Stay With You To The Death”, And He Meant It For When The Time Came, He Took Out A Knife And Took A Swing At One Of Them, But The Other Person Side-Stepped And Peter Only Got An Ear.  Faith Comes From Hearing The Anointed Word.  What Was The Anointed Word That Peter Heard? “You Will Deny Me”.  Peter Said, “I Don’t Accept That As All Things Are Possible To Him That Believes”… Faith Failure. False or Pretentious Faith.  What Should Peter Have Said?

Contrast This When You Get A Rhema <4487> Word’ or ‘A Revealed From Yahweh Word’, From The Holy Ghost And Receive It, And Declare It With Your Mouth, Then Suddenly, You’ll Find That Normally Where d—Evil One Will Try To Tempt You In A Certain Area That This Time It Will Be Notably Silent.  d—Evil One Is Full Of Pride And He And His Demon Squad Do Not Like Losing ~ So, They’d Rather Leave You Alone.  It Could Be Something, Like This Gnawing Voice That Says, “There’s That Pain Again, You Better Go To A Doctor”.  We Think It’s Us Talking, (d—Evil One Is So Sly). 

Good Confessions, That You Mess Up?  You Might.  Just Start Over That Day And Recite The Scripture Above Until You Are Rooted And Grounded.  What If You Feel Condemned Because You’ve Messed Up Again, And You’ve Been Messing Up For Years And Years.

Read Isaiah 44:22 Over And Over Again ~ “I [Yahweh] Have Blotted Out Like A Thick Cloud Your Transgressions, And Like A Cloud Your Sins. Return To Me, For I Have Redeemed You”.  What If You Go Eight Days Straight Without Falling Back Into This Same Temptation And Then You Stumble And Fall.  Do You Throw In The Towel And Say, “I Just Can’t Get Out Of This Sin?”  No.  What Do You Do?   Return To Me.  What If You Mess Up 45 Times In One Day.  What Do You Do?   Return To Me.  What If This Sin That So Easily Besets You Was Inherited, Like Drinking, or Smoking or Cursing, (You’ve Been Around It All Your Life, Probably A Familiar Spirit).  What Do You Do?   Return To Me.  What If This Sin Is Being Addicted To Drugs or Anger or Jealousy or Hatred, or Worrying, or Nervousness, Gossiping or or Promiscuousness or Lust or Watching Porn, (Galatians 5:19-21).  What’s The Solution?  Somebody Help Me Out.   Return To Me.  Actually, The Temptation Will Fall InTo One Of Three Categories As Stated In 1 John 2:16 ~ “For All That Is In The World—The Lust Of The Flesh, The Lust Of The Eyes, And The Pride Of Life—Is Not Of The Father But Is Of The World”.

But, Don’t Get Down On Yourself.  d—Evil One Will Say “Don’t Beat Yourself Up With That Little-Bitty Hammer. Here, Use My Nine-Pound Sledgehammer”.  You Know That You’re The Only One That Has Ever Messed Up, or This Is The Worse Sin, {or Sickness} That Anyone Has Ever Done or Had.  But, That’s Not True.  Take A Look At 1 Corinthians 10:13 ~ “No Temptation Has Overtaken You Except What Is Common To People…”.

After You Are Convinced That There Was Only One Person That Did Not Yield To Sin, And Since d—Evil One Previous Argument Didn’t Persuade You d—Evil One Might Say, “Well, Yahweh Is Disappointed In You”.  That’s Not True Either.  Hebrews 4:15 States, “For We Do Not Have A High Priest Who Is Unable To Sympathize And Understand Our Weaknesses And Temptations, But One Who Has Been Tempted [Knowing Exactly How It Feels To Be Human] In Every Respect As We Are, Yet Without [Committing Any] Sin”.  If Anyone Knows How You Feel, It Is Yahoshua, And We Are Blessed That Yahoshua After Fulfilling The Law Just For You And I Through Love, Made A Covenant With Yahweh That Includes Us.  So, Now Read Isaiah 43:25-26;
Jeremiah 31:31-34;
1 John 1:9
Concerning The Person Yahweh Sees When He Looks At The New You, (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Ask For And Receive Forgiveness ~ (1 John 1:9)… Then, After You‘ve Asked And Received Forgiveness, Why Not Do The Lord’s Supper With Just You And Our Heavenly Father?

The Lord’s Supper~!

The Lord’s Supper Is Not Meant To Be Taken Only If You Can Do So Without Sinning, But Rather To Get You Out Of Sin. (1 Corinthians 11:28-31).  “But A Person Must [Prayerfully] Examine Themselves [And Their Relationship To Christ], And Only When They Have Done So Should They Eat Of The Bread And Drink Of The Cup”.

Faith Fight~!

Yahweh Has Already Given Us His Promises.  {Whereby Are Given Unto Us Exceeding Great And Precious Promises: That By These You Might Be Partakers Of The Divine Nature, Having Escaped The Corruption That Is In The World Through Lust.  ~ 2 Peter 1:4}.  It’s Our Place To Receive These Promises By Faith, Rather Than Trying To Get Yahweh To Do Something By Begging.  Faith Is Believing The Word Of Yahweh In Our Hearts And Speaking It Out Of Our Mouth, (Deuteronomy 30:14-15; Romans 10:8).

Since Isaiah 45:3 Says, “He Will Give You The Treasures Of Darkness And Hidden Riches Of Secret Places, That You May Know That I, Yahweh, Who Call You By Your Name, Am The God Of Israel”.  Then, There No Need For Us To Ask Anyone For Money Looking For Others To Meet Our Needs.  Psalm 37:25 ~I Have Been Young, And Now Am Old; Yet I Have Not Seen The Righteous Forsaken, Nor His Descendants Begging Bread”.  Just, Believe, Receive, And Speak This Often Until You Have Convinced Your Heart, (Then It Will Happen Rapidly Once Your Heart Is Established).

What If You Find It Hard To Believe This?  Well, Be Honest And Tell Yahweh That You’d Like To Believe This As You Know That He Can’t Lie And Ask Him To Help You Believe It.  What I Get In My Spirit Is That Yahweh Sent His Word And Healed Them, (Psalm 68:20; Psalm 107:20).  Grab The Word Of Yahweh That You’re Having Problems Believing And Post Them On Your Mirrors, And On The Visor In Your Vehicle So That When You’re At A Stop Light You Can Read It, And On The Refrigerator.  Record Them Into Your Cell Phone And Play Them Back While You Drive.  Put Them Before You Night And Day, (Proverbs 4:20-27), And Just Start Saying Them Out Loud, And Say Amen Often After Hearing Yourself~!  Tell Someone, Maybe Your Spouse or A Close Friend, But Only If They Have, “Like Precious Faith” With You, (2 Peter 1:1).  Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh , {Romans 10:17}; And This Is How Faith Will Come To You Also~!


Yahweh Is Not Mad At Me, {Isaiah 54:9}. I Am Accepted In The Beloved, {Ephesians 1:6}.
The Faith Of Yahweh Is In Me, {Mark 11:22; Galatians 2:20}; {Enter Here For Proof}.
I Am The Righteousness Of Yahweh, {2 Corinthians 5:21; James 5:16}.
I Am The Redeemed, {1 Corinthians 6:19-20}.
I’m Redeemed And I’m Gonna Say So, (Psalm 107:2).
Greater Is He That Is In Me Than He That Is In The World, (1 John 4:4

{2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Corinthians 6:20;
1 Corinthians 7:23; Psalm 103:3;
Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19;
Romans 3:25; Psalm 107:2;
1 John 4:4, 10

It Is Us That Shall Trample On The Snake, That d—Evil One Is,
(Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:13;
Matthew 28:18; Luke 10:19;
Ephesians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Right Under Our Nose~!

I Believe That When We Get To Be With Yahoshua, And We Will Know Even As We Are Known, That A Whole Lot Of Stuff Will Just Be As Plain As The Nose On Our Face.  Meaning, That We’ll Understand And See Clearly Things That Were Right Under Our Nose.  Sort Of Like The Movie, “The Santa Clause”… Where The Ladder Was Made By The Rose Suchak Ladder Company.

Guy Fell.  Not My Fault.
Reindeer On The Roof.  That Is Hard To Explain.
It’s The Ladder.
Where The Heck Did This Come From?
Look Here, Dad, “The Rose Suchak Ladder Company”.
Huh? - Out By The Roof There’s A Rose Suchak Ladder.
Just Like The Poem.  - Just Like The Poem?

The Rose Suchak Ladder Is A Mondegreen For, “There Arose Such A Clatter” In The Poem, “The Night Before Christmas”. A Mondegreen Is A Mishearing Of A Popular Phrase or Song Lyric.

Tumultuous Uproar~!

d—Evil One Goes About LIKE A “Roaring Lion”… (It Didn’t Say He Was A Lion, No, It Said, “Like A Roaring Lion”)…

Be Sober And Self-Controlled.  Be Watchful.  Your Adversary, The Devil, Walks Around Like A Roaring Lion, Seeking Whom He May Devour, (1 Peter 5:8).  d—Evil One Goes About As A, “Roaring Lion”, {He Is Not A Lion, Just A Imposter}.  Yahoshua Is The Real Lion From The Tribe Of Judah, (Revelation 5:5).

Recall That Time In Job’s Day When Yahweh Asked d—Evil One One A Question… Yahweh Said To Satan, “Where Have You Come From?”  Satan Answered Yahweh, And Said, “From Roaming About On The Earth, And From Walking Around On It”, (Job 1:7; Job 2:2).  This Is Like Spotting A Teen About To Shoplift And You Ask Them, “Do You Want To Buy Something”, And They Reply, “I Was Just Looking”… Right, You Were Just Looking For An Opportunity, So That You Can Take Something You Have Your Eyes On When No One Is Looking.  Yahweh Knew What d—Evil One Had Been Watching, And Yahweh Asked Him, Not “What Are You Doing”, But “Where Have You Come From?”  Satan Answered Yahweh, And Said, “From Roaming About On The Earth, And From Walking Around On It”.  d—Evil One Wanted Job And Was Looking For An Opportunity.  This Is The Same Thing d—Evil One Did With Yahoshua… Looking For A More Opportune Time, (Luke 4:13).  That’s His M.O.  But, That’s Not All d—Evil One Is Known For.  Lions Are Known For Their Roar.  Satan Is Not A Lion, But He Puts On A Good Show With His Roar~!

Well, Here’s Another Obvious Thing That Is In Such Plain Sight That We Haven’t Seen It.  Like When Yahoshua Went Into Jairus’ Home And The Little Girl Was Dead Laying On Her Bed, And Yahoshua Removed The Folks That Were Speaking Negatively, (Their Roar, {UpRoar}, (Mark 5:38), Was Revealing That There Was Doubt And Fear In Their Hearts ~ Mark 5:40).… Because Their, “UpRoar” or We Might Emphasize This By Saying It Twice As A, “Tumultuous UpRoar”.  From Now On, Every Time You Hear The “Roar Of The Crowd”, or, “UpRoar” or, “Tumultuous UpRoar.

Reflect Back To The Crowd Outside The Little Girl’s Home Making A Roar, “Tumultuous UpRoar”.  Reminds Me The Movie, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington”, And While James Stewart Was Filibustering, An Evil Man Was Outside Causing A Tumultuous UpRoar.  Anytime A Move Of Yahweh Is About To Happen, Expect To Hear, A Roar, An UpRoar From The Crowd Trying To Discourage You From Moving Forward In Faith And Standing Firm On The Word Of Yahweh, {I Will Not Be Moved, (Hebrews 10:39)}.

Bonus: You Will Tread On The Lion And Cobra.  You Will Trample The Young Lion And The Serpent {Adder}, Underfoot, (Psalm 91:13).

(Brown-Driver-Brigg’s Definition Of Adder) ~ Adder
1. Dragon, Serpent, Sea Monster A. Dragon or Dinosaur
b. Sea or River Monster
c. Serpent, Venomous Snake.

Enter Here To Read More About Our Protection.

Yahweh’s Word Is The Final Authority~!

Once You Begin To Understand That Yahweh Nor His Word Can Never Lie or Ever Be Wrong, The Scriptures That Talks About Always Triumphing In Christ Becomes A Reality~!

(Isaiah 41:2;
1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14

When You Remain Focused On The Covenant, That It’s Already Done, Rather Than Thinking How Am I Going To Get Those Promises To Work For Me And My Family, Then You’ll See Them Come About.  When You Are Thoroughly Convinced And Your Heart Is Fixed, {or Established, (Hebrews 13:9)}. And Your Have Faith Mixed With The Word, (Hebrews 4:2).

The Word Fixed Means That You Have Reached A Final Decision, (That Your Final Answer?), And Your Conclusion Is This ~ The Word Works, Yahweh’s Word Cannot Fail The Word Is The Final Authority~!   Yahweh’s Word Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It.  This Settles It For You And That’s Where Faith Is Going Come From.  If You Stay Focused On The Word And On Yahweh’s Promises And On Your Covenant, You Will Stand, You Will Make The Right Confession and Say The Right Things, You Will “Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”, (1 Timothy 6:12).  You Are Not Saying, "What Are We Going To Do? If We Don’t Get Such-n-Such Amount Of Money By A Certain Time, We Are Going To Fold".  Then You Are Going To Be Victorious, You Are Going To Triumph~!

There Has To Be Some Faith Mixed With The Word of Yahweh, Then I Said, “And That’s A Need, I Need Such-n-Such and Yahweh, You Said That You Would Supply All My Needs According To Philippians 4:19.  Go Back and Read Roman 10:10 Again And “With The Mouth Confession Is Made Unto Salvation~!”  If The Lawn Mower Is The Object Of My Expected Salvation Then The “Confession Is Made With The Mouth Unto Salvation~!”  Emphasis On The “Unto Salvation” and So, I Must Confess, But I Can’t Just Confess Any Old Thing That I Want, But I Must Confess The Word Of Yahweh.  In This Case, I Confessed Philippians 4:19,All My Needs Are Met, (*Not Going To Be Met, But Already Are Met), In Christ Yahoshua~!

Unto Salvation”.  What Is My “Confession” Towards or “UntoSalvation.  Let’s Say, “Where You Are”, Is On The Right Hand Side And, “Where You Are Going”, {And Want To Be}, Is “Salvation”; And It Is On The Left And You Are Heading From “Where You Are” To “Salvation”.  What Is My “Confession” “Unto” “Salvation”… Your “Confession” Is The Vehicle That Transports You From “Where You Are” To “Where You Want To Be”.  “Confession” “To”  Salvation.

The Same Way That We Got Saved Is The Same Way That We Get Everything That Belongs To Us.  In Other Words, “We Have To Say It Out Loud~!”  When We Are Saved, We Didn’t Get Saved By Works, But By Grace, (Ephesians 2:8)… However, There Was One Action That We Had To Do According To (Romans 10:9-10; Acts 2:21)… We Had To Say What Hezekiah Said, Or What David Said, or What The Three Hebrew Boys Proclaimed, “Our God Will Deliver Us”, (1 Kings 8:60; 2 Kings 18:30; 1 Samuel 17:46-47; Daniel 3:17).  You Had To Make A “Profession Of Faith”, (’Profession’ Is The Same Exact Greek Word For ’Confession’; {Strong’s Concordance # G3671})~!

Everybody That Stays Focused Becomes A Winner.  Yahoshua Said It This Way, When He Taught On The Sower Sows The Word, He Said That One Of Those Things That Will Steal The Word From You, Is The Cares Of This World, (Mark 4:14, 19).  The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Calls This The “Distraction Of The Ages”.  The d—Evil One, Our Adversary Knows That He Has Got To Distract You Off Of The Word Of Yahweh, If He Plans To Have Any Measure Of Success.


Angels Respond To The One Heralding The Voice Of Yahweh~!

One Day You Might Be Praying Protection For A Loved One On A Road Trip, And You Ask Yahweh To Send Forth Angels To Protect Them.  But, Then The Next Day, Because You Haven’t Seen Any Evidence Of Angels, You Want To Pray For Them Again Repeating The Same Prayer That You Prayed The Day Before.  Seems Like A Good Thing To Pray For.  But, Near That Time, You See In The Word At Psalm 103:20-21 That Angels Are Dispensed To Hearken To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words.

Psalm 103:20-21 ~ Bless Yahweh, You His Angels, {[Heavenly] Agents}, Who Are Mighty In Strength, Who Fulfill His Word, Listening And Hearkening To The Voice Of His Word.  Bless Yahweh, ALL You His Hosts, You Ministers Of His, Who Do His Pleasure, {His Will}.

And Then You Find At Psalm 91:10-12 (AMPC) That
10 (AMPC) There Shall No Evil Befall You, Nor Any Plague or Calamity Come Near Your Tent. 11 For He WILL GIVE His Angels [Especial] Charge Over You To Accompany And Defend And Preserve You In All Your Ways[Of Obedience And Service]. 12 They Shall Bear You Up On Their Hands, Lest You Dash Your Foot Against A Stone.  {Enter Here To Learn More About Having What You Say }.

Then You Also Find At Hebrews 1:14, That The Angels Are Sent Forth To Minister Unto Those That WILL Inherit Salvation.  Something Dawns On You And It Occurs To You That, “You Are The One Heralding The Voice Of Yahweh With Your Mouth ”.  So, Put Some Faith Into It, And Since Faith Comes By Hearing The Word Of God, Read Genesis 24:7, 40; or Read This Website On Angels First, Then Launch Out In Faith~!  But Perhaps Because Of The Tradition Of Men,

(Matthew 15:6; Mark 7:8-9, 13;
Colossians 2:8

That, “Has Been”, {Past Tense}, At Work In Your Life, That You Might Pray Sort Of Like … Begging.  And You Hear Other People Begging When They Pray.  So, You Say, Surely They Must Be Right?  You Have Presumed That They Are Men Of Faith, And You’ve Heard Others Pray, {However, Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Yahweh, (Hebrews 11:6)}.


You Are The One Uttering This Voice Of Yahweh’s Words~!

But, Here’s The Truth.  As Long As You Are Begging Yahweh To Send Forth Angels To Protect Your Loved One or Family, You Are Not In Faith, (But, Thanks Be For The Grace Of Yahweh).  Okay, Watch This..  Now, You Can See Plainly That The IT IS The Angels Job To Minister Unto The Saints, And Their Responsibility To Keep Us From Even Dashing Our Foot Against A Stone, (Isn’t A Car Made Out Of Stone ~ Isn’t Steel A Rock?).  The Angels Are Hearkening Even Now To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words And, “You Are The One Uttering The Voice Of Yahweh’s Words”.

Then Add Some Power To Your Prayers And Pray Boldly Yahweh’s Words, And Say, “Angels Of Yahweh, I Bless You As You Minister To My Family On The Highway.  d—Evil One May Come Against You Angels, But You Will Excel In Strength And Triumph Over ALL d—Evil One’s Attempts.  d—Evil One’s Plans A Trap And Falls Into It Himself”.

You Will Leave In Confidence That The Angels Are At Work, Because You Blessed Them, “As They Go”, Not, “Hoping And Praying” That They Will Go; (Like Maybe They’re On A Lunch Break).  Receiving Isn’t Just Praying For Something And Hoping It Happens.  Receiving Is Reaching Out With The Hand Of Faith And Taking What You Pray For Just Like When You Ask Someone To Pass The Salt At The Supper Table, You Extend Your Hand Believing That The Person That You’re Addressing Is Going To Pass You The Salt, (Mark 11:24 ~ Therefore I Say To You, Whatever Things You Ask When You Pray, Believe That You Receive Them, And You Will Have Them).  Put Some Faith Into It, And Since Faith Comes By Hearing The Word Of God, Read Genesis 24:7, 40; or Read This Website On Angels First, Then Launch Out In Faith~!

  • Send Your Angels To Smite The Demons That Come To Destroy Me, (Isaiah 37:36).

  • Yahweh, The God Of Heaven, Who Took Me From My Father’s House, And From The Land Of My Birth, Who Spoke To Me, And Who Swore To Me, Saying, ‘To Your Descendants I Will Give This Land.’  He Will Send His Angel Before You, And You Shall Take A Wife For My Son From There, (Genesis 24:7) … Memory Jog: 24/7 ~ 40 Days.

  • Yahweh, Before Whom I Walk, Will Send His Angel With You And Prosper Your Way”, (Genesis 24:40).

What I Find Is The Most Scripturally Accurate Is To Just Put Forth Some Faith And Say, “Yahweh, Before Whom I Walk, Will Send His Angels With Me And Prosper My Way”.  That Way I’m Not Directly Commanding Angels, But Rather Putting Faith In Yahweh’s Word.  But, This Is Not The Only Way As Angels Respond To The Voice Of Yahweh’s Word, So When We Quote In Faith Psalm 34:7 ~The Angel Of Yahweh Encamps Around Those Who Fear Him, And Delivers Them”, And The Angel Respond By Hearkening To The Voice As We’re Voicing Of Yahweh’s Word~!  Enter Here To Read More About Yahweh T’Sebaah, (Captain Of The Heavenly Host).



I, Even I, {Yahweh}, Am He Who Blots Out And Cancels Your Transgressions, For My Own Sake, And I Will NOT Remember Your Sins Put Me In Remembrance [Remind Me Of Your Merits]; Let Us Plead And Argue Together.  Set Forth Your Case, That You May Be Justified (Proved Right)”,

(Isaiah 43:25-26).  Remind Me Of Your Merits.

Once When I Was In The Navy, I Saw A Man That Had His Legs Amputated From The Thighs Down On The Streets Of Olongapo, Philippines About 2 Miles From The Naval Station.  I Saw Him Every Night Begging For Alms, And I Felt A Lot Of Compassion For Him And I Asked Our Heavenly Father What I Should Do And The Holy Ghost Told Me To Give Him $20.00.  I Didn’t Get Paid A Lot Back In 1979 And I Would Get A PayCheck For About $72.00, (So $20.00 Was A Lot To Me).  But I Had Free Room And Board Including Towels And Toilet Paper With No Rent or House Payment OnBoard The Ship, And Haircuts And Great Food Were Free, And Military Clothing Were Included, (But Toiletries Like Shaving Cream, Shaving Lotion, ToothPaste, Candy Bars or Civilian Clothes Were On Me). And The Holy Ghost Told Me To Get The Money Exchanged For The Philippine Pesos.  That Seemed Good To Me As I Also Saw The Logic In That.  I Wanted To Make It Convenient For Him, (As He Has No Legs To Be Mobile). 

I Said, Okay, With My Next PayCheck, I Would Give Him The Equivalent Of $20 American Dollars, Which Would Be About $280 Pesos or Probably About A Week’s Wages.  I Had To Wait Until I Got Paid, And I Counted The Days.  So, I Determined To Get The Best Exchange Rate Possible That I Could As I Didn’t Want To Give Him $20.00 And The Actual Value Equivalent To $16.55 Because I Got A Bad Exchange Rate On The America Dollar.  So That Meant That I Would Have To Travel About One And Half Miles Past Olongapo To The Outskirts Of Town To Get The Best Exchange Rate.  I Walked Past Him On The Other Side Of The Street.  Good, That Means That He Was Still There Tonight~!  Then I Proceeded On Down The Road To The Money Exchange And Waited In Line, And Got The Money And Asked For A Rubber Band, And Rolled The Money And Put The Rubber Band Around It. 

I Crossed The Street To The Side He Was On And Headed Back.  When I Saw Him Scooting Around On A Mechanics’ ‘Creeper’, (That Flat Thing Mechanics Use On Their Backs To Get Under Vehicles), I Gauged My Steps So That I Would Exactly Be At His Donation Drop Bucket Like In A Normal Stride.  I Didn’t Want To Bring Attention To Myself, (And Have Everybody Wanting A Hand-Out).  So, When I Was At The Precise Location, I Stooped Down And Quietly Placed My Concealed Fist With The Money Inside His 5-Gallon Bucket, {So That It Wouldn’t Make A Clunking Sound, And Dropped My Folded Money Into His Bucket ~ (Matthew 6:2), Yet It Still Made A Thud}… And I Just Kept On Walking Away Normally.

Suddenly, From Seemingly Nowhere, I Suppose It Was His Wife And I Guess That It Was His Mother or Mother-In-Law And 4 or 5 Children Watching To Make Sure No One Stole Any Money From His Bucket, Came Out Of Waiting In The Wings On A Recessed Alley or Door Jam And Had Rushed To The Bucket And Were Yelling Loudly, And Making Such A Commotion That I Thought Somebody Had Stolen The Money, {I Think At First, They Thought I Stole His Money}.  So I Turned And They Had Picked Up The Folded Money And Were Making The Hand Jester That Italians Make Kissing The Money And Waving Their Hands In The Air And Praising Yahweh; And Thanking Me And Extending Their Arms To Me Like They Wanted Me To Come Back And To Hug Me… There Was A Lot Of Rejoicing Going On, (2 Corinthians 9:11-12).  But, I Just Wanted To Give The Glory To Yahweh, So, I Kept On Walking.  I Was So Surprised As I Didn’t Think No One Was Watching Me At All.  But, I Felt Like Yahweh Was Saying, “I Saw That~!”.

So, Whenever I Feel Some Self-Condemnation, I Say, “Heavenly Father, You Got A Minute?  I Just Want To Rehearse That Moment In My Mind’s Eye When I Gave That Man That Didn’t Have A Leg To Stand On Some Money And It Blessed His Entire Family”.  Put Me In Remembrance [Remind Me Of Your Merits].  Did That Bless You Watching That?  I Know It Blessed Me.  Yeah, I Know The Sin That I Just Committed For The Umpteen Time… And I Apologize And Ask You To Forgive Me And I Receive That Forgiveness In Accordance With 1 John 1:9; And I Thank-You That You Are Delivering Me From That.

Do You Want To Know How You Get Out Of Sin?  It’s By Faith For Sure, But Also By Love As Faith Works By Love, (Galatians 5:6).  “For The Love Of Christ Constrains Us; Because We Thus Judge, That One Died For All, Therefore All Died; And He Died For All, That They Which Live Should No Longer Live Unto Themselves, But Unto Him Who For Their Sakes Died And Rose Again” — (2 Corinthians 5:14-15).  We Come Out Of Sin When We Realize That Our Sin Can Harm Others.  You Love Them More Than You Want The Pleasure That This Sin Offers.  To Do This, You Have To Love Righteousness And Hate Wickedness, And You Can’t Just Put Yourself In That Mode.  You Do This By Speaking Scriptures Over Yourself In Faith, (Isaiah 55:11), Every Day As Often As Necessary, Saying… “I Love Righteousness, And I Hate Wickedness”, (Psalm 45:7; Hebrews 1:9).  You’re Not Going To Do The Things You Hate, And When You Realize The Harm That Your Actions Are Causing Others, You Will From Sincerity Of Heart Hate Wickedness.

Then Say This Over Yourself Many Times During The Day.

Galatians 2:20 ~
20 “I Have Been Crucified With Christ; It Is No Longer I Who Live, But Christ Lives In Me; And The Life Which I Now Live In The Flesh I Live By Faith OF The Son Of Yahweh, Who Loved Me And Gave Himself For Me.

However, Let’s Watch That Video Again And See That Family Rejoice Once More~!

This Was My Testimony.  I’m Sure You Have Some Point In Your Life Where You Did Something Right.  Call The Heavenly Father And  Put Him In Remembrance [Remind Him Of Your Merits~!].

Therefore, If Anyone Is In Christ, He Is A New Creation; Old Things Have Passed Away; Behold, All Things Have Become New”, (2 Corinthians 5:17).

No, Dear Sisters And Brothers, I Have Not Achieved It, But I Focus On This One Thing: Forgetting The Past And Looking Forward To What Lies Ahead”, (Philippians 3:13).

I Greatly Encourage You To Listen To This Testimony About A Person That Had Smoked For Years And Had Folks Lay Hands On Him And Prayed For Him, Yet He Still Smoked… Then Listen To This Testimony That Keith Moore Brought At The Afternoon Session On 08-18-2008 At The Great Lakes Believers’ Convention Called, “Let The Weak Say I Am Strong In Yahweh”, (Click or Tap On This Link).

In The Same Way, You Can Be Released From The Sin That So Easily Besets Us, {Surrounds, Distracts, Ensnares, Entangles, Encompasses, Foils, Ambushes, Torpedo’s, Slows Us Down Or That Keeps Us From Doing What We Should}, (Hebrews 12:1).

If You Want Further Strengthening And Encouragement, Tap or Click On This Link.

Enter Here To Read More About The Fact That Yahweh Is Not Mad At You~!

Ask For And Receive Forgiveness ~ (1 John 1:9)
Then, After You‘ve Asked And Received Forgiveness, Why Not Do The Lord’s Supper With Just You And Our Heavenly Father?

The Lord’s Supper~!

The Lord’s Supper Is Not Meant To Be Taken Only If You Can Do So Without Sinning, But Rather To Get You Out Of Sin. (1 Corinthians 11:28-31).  “But A Person Must [Prayerfully] Examine Themselves [And Their Relationship To Christ], And Only When They Have Done So Should They Eat Of The Bread And Drink Of The Cup”.

I, Even I, {Yahweh}, Am He Who Blots Out And Cancels Your Transgressions, For My Own Sake, And I Will NOT Remember Your Sins Put Me In Remembrance [Remind Me Of Your Merits]; Let Us Plead And Argue Together.  Set Forth Your Case, That You May Be Justified (Proved Right)”,

(Isaiah 43:25-26).  Remind Me Of Your Merits.


Confess The Good Confession~!

The Key Is To Confess or To ‘Say The Same Thing That Yahweh Says’, {Which Is The Definition Of Confession, {or Declaring}, (G3670), As Used In Various Places In Scripture, And Equivalent With The Word Profession, (G3671)}… In Your Heart And Coming Out Of Your MouthBut What Does It Say?  “The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth And In Your Heart” (That Is, The Word Of Faith Which We Preach), (Romans 10:8).

Hebrews 3:1

Therefore, Holy Brothers, Partakers Of A Heavenly Calling, Consider The Apostle And High Priest Of Our Confession, Jesus, {Yahoshua}; (WEB).

Wherefore, Holy Sisters And Brothers, Partakers Of The Heavenly Calling, Consider The Apostle And High Priest Of Our Profession, Christ Jesus, {Ha Mashiach Yahoshua}; (KJV).

Hebrews 4:14

Having Then A Great High Priest, Who Has Passed Through The Heavens, Jesus, The Son Of God, Let Us Hold Tightly To Our Confession, (WEB).

Seeing Then That We Have A Great High Priest, That Is Passed Into The Heavens, Yahoshua The Son Of God, Let Us Hold Fast Our Profession, (KJV)

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”. Lay Hold Of The Eternal Life To Which You Were Called, And You Confessed, (G3670), The Good Confession, (G3671),In The Sight Of Many Witnesses, (WEB).

Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”, Lay Hold On Eternal Life, WhereUnto Thou Art Also Called, And Hast Professed, (G3670), A Good Profession, (G3671), Before Many Witnesses, (KJV).

Both Words Are Used Interchangeably For The Word ‘Professed’ or Confessed.

Hebrews 10:23

Let Us Hold Fast The Confession Of Our Hope Without Wavering; For He Who Promised Is Faithful, (WEB).
Let Us Hold Fast The Profession Of Our Faith Without Wavering; (For He Is Faithful That Promised), (KJV).

You Can’t Say That You’re Fighting The Fight Of Faith, If Your Mouth Is Not Talking Because 1 Timothy 6:12 Goes On To Explain That Is Precisely What The Good Fight Of Faith Is Talking About, “Confess The Good Confession”… ‘Calling Those Things That Be Not As Though They Were’, (Romans 4:17).

The Other Three Amigos~!

Remember Those Three Hebrew Boys That Refused To Bow Down?  Those Three Hebrew Boys Went In The Fiery Furnace Were An Example Of Someone That Stayed Focused.  Some Astrologers / Chaldeans Folks, Considered The Wisest In The Land, Stirred Up Some Trouble And Told King Nebuchadnezzar, That, “These Boys Will Not Bow”.

And, Ultimately The Boys Response In Daniel 3:16-17 Where It States That If You Toss Us Into The Fiery Furnace, “Our God, (Yahweh), Is Able To, And Yahweh WILL DELIVER US~!

This Is What Caused The King To Go Into An Outrage.  The King Became Livid, Enraged, Furious, Full Of Fury, Filled With Wrath, {Compare This To Being Filled With The Holy Ghost.  Could This Have Been A Demon?}.  And So He Said, “We’re Going To Make The Fire Seven Times Hotter”, (Daniel 3:19).  Like Being Thrown Into A Regular Fiery Furnace Is Okay.  What Difference Does Heating The Furnace Seven Times Hotter Than It Normally Is Going To Matter?  Being That The Furnace Was Already Hot Enough To Kill Them, And You Can’t Get More Dead Than Dead?  This Was The Distraction To Get Them Out Of Faith, And Into Fear.  What Was The Promise?  Well, They Had Sharp Minds, Educated And Knowledgeable About The Word Of Yahweh, So I Have To Take My Best Guess.


Expectancy Of The Blessing~!

I Can Just See Those Boys Now In My Mind As They Are Processed Towards The Fire, With Their Hands Bound, Resting In The Confidence Of Walking In An Expectancy Of The Blessing, (Being The Descendants Of Abraham), Yahweh SaidI Will Bless Those That Bless You, And Curse Those That Curse You”, And Balaam Was Unable To Curse Their Forefathers, (Genesis 12:3; Genesis 23:38).  A Thousand Shall Fall At Your Side, And Ten Thousand At Your Right Hand; [But] It Shall Not Come Near You.  You Will Only Look With Your Eyes, And See The Reward Of The Wicked. ~ Psalm 91:7-8.

While They Were Being Thrown Into The Fire, The Ones Tossing Them In Died From Heat Exposure, But These Three Boys Were Unharmed, And Did Not Even Have The Clothes On Them Singed or Scorched, And Nor Did They Smell Like Smoke, (Daniel 3:27).

Probably, The Only Thing On Them That Burned Off Were The Cords That Were Used Keep Them Bound, (The Shackles Were Burned Off).  I Wonder If These Chaldean Astrologers Were Among The Folks Shoving These Boys Into The Furnace, Could They Have Been The “They” Referred To In Daniel 3:19, or Perhaps It Was Their Guards, And Probably Doing Some Jeering Along The Way, Not Much Compassion, And Certainly Not Standing In Faith.

The Fire Came To Both Groups Of Folks, (The Toss-ers, And The Toss-ees), But Only Consumed Those Not Full Of Faith~!   If The Supposition That These Boys Were Just Saying, “If It Be God’s Will”, Were True, Then ALL Should Have Been Spared, But Only Those Using Faith By Believing And Saying Out Loud Their Belief In Yahweh’s Salvation Were Saved~! … (Deuteronomy 30:14-15; Romans 10:8). *(Enter Here To See More Notes On The Three Hebrew Boys).  In Case, You Don’t Know These Three Hebrew Boys Had Said,Our God Whom We Serve Is Able To Deliver Us From The Burning Fiery Furnace, And He Will Deliver Us From Your Hand”, O King”, (Daniel 3:15-18).

Last Week, I Got Up On My Roof To Clean The Mold Off The Siding On The Dormers On My Roof And Leaning Over The Edge On My Stomach To Clean The Gable Ends Of Our Home Using A Water Hose And A Cleaning Solution.  I’ve Heard It Said If You’re Afraid Of Heights, That It Will Show Up At 33 Feet, (10 Meters), And That’s About How High I Was Up On The Pinnacle Of The Roof.  I’m Not Afraid Of Heights.  Very Much The Opposite.  I Really Like High Places.  However, When You’re Up On The Highest Point On A Very Pitched Roof And The Shingles Are Wet And Your Shoes Slip A Little, (Even Though I Was Sitting Down), This Is The Time When d—Evil One Will Attempt To Use Fear To Try To Get A StrongHold On Your Mind.  Pictures Of You Tumbling Off The Roof And Landing On The Concrete Below Are Being Flashed Before You, And In Your Mind, You Can Hear Over And Over Again, The Thoughts Of Others Saying, “Be Careful”.  However, At This Same Time, Another Scripture Kept Rolling Around In My Spirit.  “Be Anxious, (or Careful), For Nothing, But In Everything By Prayer And Supplication, With ThanksGiving, Let Your Requests Be Made Known To God”; (Philippians 4:6).

So, While My Wife Was Down Below Watching And Listening To Me, And Any Other EvesDropping Neighbors That Wanted To Listen In, I Started Thanking Yahweh Out Loud.  {Remember This Is How You Take Thoughts Captive, Because Your Mind Had To Stop Thinking Thoughts To Listen To Your Own Voice ~ Refresher Matthew 6:25-34 ~ 31 Therefore Take No Thought, SAYING”,}.

I Said, I Thank You Abba Father, That I’ll Not Fall Off This Roof, Because, “The Angel Of Yahweh Encamps All Around Those Who Fear Him, And Delivers Them”, And
10No Evil Shall Befall Me, Nor Shall Any Plague Come Near My Dwelling; {I Was Up On Top Of My Dwelling, You Can’t Get More Near My Dwelling Than That~!}
11 For He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You, To Keep You In ALL Your Ways.
12 In Their Hands They Shall Bear You Up, Lest You Dash Your Foot Against A Stone”, (Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:10-12).

Well, Once I Said These Scriptures, I Had A Peace, A Reassurance Of Faith, That I Would Not Fall.  But, More Than That, I Knew That I Knew That What Yahweh Had Said, He Meant Literally.  It Was The Displacement Approach In Action.  I Was Replacing Thoughts Of Fear With Thoughts Of Faith.  I Don’t Think When Yahweh Wrote, “Be Anxious For Nothing, But In Everything By Prayer And Supplication, With Thanksgiving, Let Your Requests Be Made Known To God”, That He Was Just Talking And Giving Us Good Suggestions, But Giving Us Literal Instructions That We Are To Follow For Us To Have Success~!

When A Thought Whether Health, or Financial or Children or Any Other Form Of Worry Tries To Be Thrown At You, Start Receiving And Believing Yahweh’s Word And Speaking Out Loud The Answer From The Word Of Yahweh And You’ll Also Be Surprised At How The Concern Just Goes Away~!


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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You. Isaiah 54:14

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