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Let’s Talk Faith

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Yahoshua Set Another Parable Before Them, Saying, “The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like A Grain Of Mustard Seed, Which A Person Took, And Sowed In His Field; Which Indeed Is Smaller Than All Seeds.  But When It Is Grown, It Is Greater Than The Herbs, And Becomes A Tree, So That The Birds Of The Air Come And Lodge In Its Branches”, (Matthew 13:31-32; Luke 13:18-19).

So Yahoshua Said, “If You Have Faith As A Mustard Seed, You Can Say To This Mulberry Tree, ‘Be Pulled Up By The Roots And Be Planted In The Sea’ And It Would Obey You”, (Matthew 17:20; Luke 17:6).

Faith Is Nothing More Than Trusting Yahweh To Do What He Said That He Was Going To Do”, Whether That Be In The “Spoken” or In The Written Word.

But Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please Him, For He Who Comes To Yahweh Must Believe That He Is, And That He Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Diligently Seek Him, (Hebrews 11:6).

For Everyone Born Of God Overcomes The World.   This Is The Victory That Has Overcome The World, Even Our Faith, (1 John 5:4).


Holy Spirit~!

Before I Get Started, I Strongly Suggest A Book That My Brother Gave Me And I Waited In This Long Before Opening It Up.  It Is Andrew Murray On The Holy Ghost, (You Can Usually Buy It At Wal*Mart For Around $5.99 As A Small Paperback Book Under The Choice Books Revolving Stand Near The Book Department). 

Andrew Murray Has Gone On To Be With Yahweh, (1828-1917), But Here Is An Example Of His Words That He Left Behind.  He Was In Cape Cod, South Africa, (So You Might Not Have Heard Of Him).

Also, With The Recent World Events, I Want To Make Sure That I Am Not Talking About The Other Gods, So ALL References On This Website Refer To The Name Of Our Lord, Yahweh, The Loving Abba Father.  Also, I Talk A Lot Below About How I Did In The Stock Market.  I Don’t Put My Trust In Stocks Anymore, Nor In The Deceitful Riches Of The World.

I Do Not Trust In Uncertain Riches, But I Trust In The Living God, {Yahweh}, Who Gives Us Richly ALL Things To Enjoy, (1 Timothy 6:17).  However, This Is A True Testimony Of How I Learned To Trust Yahweh More, And This Time Yahweh Chose To Teach Me By Using The Stock Market So I Mention Stocks.


Sometime Faith Requires That You Believe From Another Person~!

1 Samuel 1:2,6-7, 9-20

2 Elkanah Had Two Wives, The First Named Hannah And The Second Peninnah.  Peninnah Had Children, But Hannah Was Childless.

6 So Hannah’s Rival, {Peninnah}, Would Provoked Hanna Severely And Make Fun Of Her Because Yahweh Had Kept Her From Having Children.
7 Every Year When They Went Up To The House Of Yahweh At Shiloh—Her Rival, {Peninnah}, Would Taunt Hannah.  Each Time, Upsetting Hannah Until Hannah Would Cry And Not Eat Anything.

9 So Hannah Rose Up After They Had Finished Eating And Drinking In Shiloh.  Now Eli The Priest Was Sitting On His Seat By The Doorpost Of Yahweh’s Temple.
10 She Was In Bitterness Of Soul, And Prayed To Yahweh, Weeping Bitterly.
11 She Vowed A Vow, And Said, “Yahweh Of Armies, If You Will Indeed Look At The Affliction Of Your Servant And Remember Me, And Not Forget Your Servant, But Will Give To Your Servant A Boy, Then I Will Give Him To Yahweh All The Days Of His Life, And No Razor Shall Come On His Head”.
12 As She Continued Praying Before Yahweh, Eli Saw Her Mouth.
13 Now Hannah Spoke In Her Heart. Only Her Lips Moved, But Her Voice Was Not Heard.  Therefore Eli Thought She Was Drunk.
14 Eli Said To Her, “How Long Will You Be Drunk?  Get Rid Of Your Wine~!”.
15 Hannah Answered, “No, My Lord, I Am A Woman Of A Sorrowful Spirit.  I Have Not Been Drinking Wine or Strong Drink, But I Poured Out My Soul Before Yahweh.
16 Don’t Consider Your Servant A Wicked Woman; For I Have Been Speaking Out Of The Abundance Of My Complaint And My Provocation”.
17 Then Eli Answered, “Go In Peace; And May The God Of Israel Grant Your Petition That You Have Asked Of Him”.
18 She Said, “Let Your Servant Find Favor In Your Sight”.  So The Woman Went Her Way And Ate; And Her Facial Expression Wasn’t Sad Any More

19 They Rose Up In The Morning Early And Worshiped Yahweh, Then Returned And Came To Their House To Ramah.  Then Elkanah Knew Hannah His Wife; And Yahweh Remembered Her.
20 When The Time Had Come, Hannah Conceived, And Bore A Son; And She Named Him Samuel, Saying, “Because I Have Asked Him Of Yahweh”.

I Would Venture To Say That I Bet That Eli Told Many People That “The God Of Israel Grant You Your Petition That You Have Asked Of Him”.  But Not All Received. Because They Didn’t Mix It With Faith, (Hebrews 4:2)~!  But, Hannah Did And Her Countenance Was No More Sad.  That’s When She Received The Word Of Yahweh’s From Yahweh’s Representative ~ That’s When This Miracle Happened.  She Received Samuel By Faith.

Isaiah 7:9 ~ 9 “… If You Will Not Believe, Surely You Shall Not Be Established”.


Faith Is As Simple As Just Believing What Yahweh Said~!
{And Speaking It Out Loud, As Faith Speaks, ~ The Righteousness Of Faith Speaks (Romans 10:6)}.

I Want To Encourage You.  I Have Heard Folks Say Perhaps You Can’t Pray Like Me and Get The Same Results That I Get.  I Think You Can And I’ll Show You Why.

Most Of The Denominational World Would Say That Yahoshua Is Their ‘Savior and Lord’, {With More Emphasis On The ‘Savior’ Part}.  This Might Sound Odd To Hear Me Say This But Yahoshua Is Already The Savior Of The Entire World:  Even His Name Yahoshua, (or Spelled Yeshua), Means, NT: G2424; Means “Savior”, (From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 by AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993); and To Deliver; To Rescue. ~ “And You Shall Call His Name Yahoshua, For He Will “SAVE” His People From Their Sins”, (Matthew 1:21).

“For God So Loved The World That He Sent His Only Begotten Son That Whosoever ‘BELIEVES In Him Should Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life”, (John 3:16).  So Yahoshua Is Already Everybody’s Savior.  It Is Like Someone Falling Over A Waterfall; And A Person On The Bank Tosses Them A Ring Buoy With A Rope Attached And They Grab Hold Of It And Get Pulled In.  That Person On The Bank Is Their “Savior”, But He Has Not Become Their “LORD”.  Now, If They Don’t Grab Hold Of This Life Buoy, Then Yahoshua Is Not Their “Savior”, But Yahoshua Still Made The Effort To “Save” Them… He Doesn’t Have To Die On The Cross Again.  “It Is Finished”.

Tetelestai Was A Greek Word That Was Used In A Business Context On Ancient Receipts In The New Testament Bible Times,
To Indicate That A Literal Debt Had Been Paid In Full~!
And In A Judicial Context In Court ~ A Particular Sentence Had Been Fully Served~!
And In A Military Context Meaning That A Battle Has Been Won~! Like Triumph And Victory~!

Your Debt Of Sin Is Fully Paid, The Judgment For Your Sin Has Been Fully Served~! And The Spiritual War Against Death, Debt, Sin And Satan Has Been Completely Won~!  In Christ The Work Of Salvation, Healing, Victory, Reconciliation And New Life Is Fully Yours~!  It Is Finished~!

So, They Do Have To Make Jesus Their “Savior”.  But, They Also Must Make Him Their “LORD”.  These Two Things Are Different.  Lord Means Boss Man.  But “Savior” Means That You Have Been Delivered From Sickness & Disease, Poverty and Lack and I Will Expound On That As We Go Along Below At “Stand Firm In Your Confession ~ Hold Fast and Don’t Waver~!”

Romans 10:8-10
“But What Does It Say?, ‘The Word Is Near You, In Your Mouth And In Your Heart’  (That Is, The Word Of Faith Which We Preach): That If You Confess With Your ‘Mouth’ THE LORD Yahoshua And Believe In Your Heart That Yahweh Has Raised Him From The Dead, You Will Be Saved.”

Matthew 7:22-23
22 Many Will Say To Me In That Day, “LORD”, “LORD”, Have We Not Prophesied In Your Name?  And In Your Name Have Cast Out Devils?  And In Your Name Done Many Wonderful Works.
23 And Then Will I Profess Unto Them, I Never Knew You: Depart From Me, You That Work Iniquity.

Notice That These Folks That Think That They Are “Saved”, Never Mentioned The Word “Savior”.  They Mention The Word “LORD”.

So, If Yahoshua Is Already Everybody’s Savior, Why Do Some People Go To Heaven And Some Don’t.  What Makes The Difference?  The Difference Is That Some BELIEVE His Word And Some Don’t.  The Phrase, ‘BELIEVES’ In Him Should Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life” Indicates That We Are Called To Be BELIEVERS.  Suppose You Heard or Read That “The Mercy Of Yahweh Is From Everlasting To Everlasting Upon Them That Fear Him, And His Righteousness Unto Children’s Children”, (Psalm 103:17).  Since There Was An “And” Between “Mercy And Righteousness”, Then “Mercy And Righteousness” Both Applies To Your Children.  Or You Could Just Abbreviate It And Say This Way, His Mercy Hovers Over My Children.

And You Don’t Have To Get Up Early In The Morning And Pray For One Hour To BELIEVE This, But Suppose You Are Just Ironing, or Sewing or Quilting or Mowing The Lawn or Trimming the Hedges or Cooking And In Your Mind, You Realize That You’re Very Concerned About Your Child or Children.  But, Instead Of Just Letting That Thought Make You Worried or Anxious, You Mix Faith With The Word Of God, (Hebrews 4:2), And You Speak It Out Loud And BELIEVE It In Your Heart That His Mercy Hovers Over My Children’; And That’s Not My Concern Anymore and I’m Not Going To Be Anxious or Worry or Be Concerned About That Anymore.  Now The Angels Have Something To Work With And They Retaliate, (Psalm 103:20-21).  Most Folks Would Be Worrying And Saying With Their Mouths, “I Just Don’t Know What I’m Going To Do With My Children”.  But, Not You.  You’re Standing Firm On What Yahweh Has Promised.  This Is Faith.  Wow, And You’ve Just Surpassed Most People’s Prayers~!

We Are Called To Be BELIEVERS, (Mark 11:22-24, {WEB}).  22 So Yahoshua Answered And Said To Them, “Have The Faith Of God. 23 For Assuredly, I Say To You, If You Say To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Do Not Doubt In YOUR Heart, BUT BELIEVE THAT THOSE THINGS You SAY WILL BE DONE, You WILL Have What You Say~! 24 Therefore “I Say To You”, Whatever Things You Ask, When You Pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE THEM, AND YOU WILL HAVE THEM~!


Who Gives Us Richly ALL Things To Enjoy~!

For Two Weeks I Watched A Certain Stock Option And I Was Praying And Yearning And ALL The Other Anxious Things That Can Be Done.  When I Wrote This, I Was Just Hoping It Would Go To 21¼ And I Could Get My Money ALL Back Before The Expiration Date Of The Coming FRIDAY~!~!!!  After Friday, The Money Would Be Gone.

However, I Heard A Sermon Yesterday About Mark 4, And The Word When It Has Gone Forth From Yahweh.  Some When They Hear The Word Of Yahweh, Immediately They Don’t Hang On To The Word And It Is Gone.  Others Allow The Cares Of This World To Come In And Choke The Word.  (The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Reads This Way, “Then The Cares And Anxieties Of This World, Creep In And Choke The Word”, Mark 4:7).

You See, Walking By Sight Is The Exact Opposite Of Faith, (or Relaxing And Trusting Yahweh), {and Worrying Is A By-Product Of Walking By Sight}.


W eeping
O ver
R idiculous
R easonings (And)
Y ielding Your Thoughts To d—Evil One

Have You Ever Heard The Expression, “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is?”  Well, That’s Not Quite Right.  It Should Say, “Put Your Mouth Where Your Faith In Yahweh Is”.


Faith Talk ~!

So, I Relaxed, And Then Starting Saying Out Loud, Because Faith Does Speak, (or Talk), (Romans 10:6), And I Proceeded To Quote Malachi 3:10-12 About The Part Where Yahweh Will Rebuke The Devourer, And The Devourer Will Not Destroy My Fruit And That Neither Shall My Fruit Fall To Ground Before It’s Time.

I Relaxed, And Started Saying Out Loud To The Matter At Hand, Because Faith Does Speak Out Loud, (or Talk Out Loud), (Romans 10:6).  This Is Faith, This Is Trust.  This Is Resting In Yahweh, Depending Solely On Yahweh To Honor His Word.  Oh, Pardon Me, I Was Just Rehearsing For What I’m About To Share With You And Reminiscing.  You See, I Have A Dual Fluorescent Drop Light That I Like A Lot.  But, I’ve  Been Working Up In My Attic Doing Electrical Wiring Installing Some LED Spot Lights, So I Brought This Light Up There With Me.  But, Somehow or Another, I Misplaced This Light And Haven’t Found It After 11 Days or So.  The Last That I Could Recall, It Was Up In The Attic With Me.  I Have Searched Every Cabinet In My Garage, And Throughout The House And Even A Hidden Place In The Attic That I Might Have Tucked The Light In, But To No Avail.

So, I Went Back Up Into The Attic Tonight, While It’s Cool.  By The Way, Have You Noticed That It Has Been An Exceptionally Cool Winter Down Around Where I Live?  That Is Because I Have Been Working In My Attic And I Don’t Need It Hot, So I’ve Been Speaking To The Weather.  I Haven’t Been Saying, “Boy, It Sure Is So Hot~!” or “My Attic Is So Hot~!”  I Have Restrained My Words Because I Have Some Insider Information, I Have Some Knowledge.  “Whoever Restrains His Words Has Knowledge, And A Person Who Has A Cool Spirit Is A Person Of Understanding”.  (Proverbs 17:27), {I Enjoy A Good Play On Words Such As Having A Cool Spirit, Meaning Calm, Resolved, I Am Relaxed, Resting, And I Have Cool Spirit; However, Since I’m Dealing With Temperature, I Relish The Irony In The Cool Spirit Also Referring To Cooler Weather.  If You Think I’m Taking This Scripture, Too Literally, Then Chill, Dude :)  So, Restrain Your Words, Especially Around Others, And Don’t Say, “Well, It’s Hot As Blue Blazes”, But Instead Say, It’s Going To Be A Record Breaking Cool Summer, And They Will Respond With Something Like, “Is That What They Are Saying?”

Yahweh Cannot Lie, And We Have Been Given Dominion Over The Earth And Told To Subdue The Earth, [Adam Was Told This In (Genesis 1:28), And He Lost This Privilege, But The 2nd Adam, {Yahoshua}, (1 Corinthians 15:45), Got It Back For Us, (Romans 5:17)].


My Light Was Found ~ Testimony~!

However, I’ll Tell A Testimony And That Will Be Enough To Turn Your Thoughts Into Reality.  Back To My Favorite Drop Light.  The Scripture Says That The Blessing Of Yahweh Adds No Sorrow With It, (Proverbs 10:22), And That Drop Light Has Been A Blessing To Me, And To Have It Be Lost, Is Sorrow.  So, That Means That It Will Be Found, Because Of The Blanket Coverage Of A Blessing From Yahweh.  It’s Not Really Lost You Know, For Yahweh Knows Exactly Where That Drop Light Is.  It Was Me, That Didn’t Know Where It Was.  All I Have To Do Is Align Myself Up With Yahweh By Confessing, (or Saying The Same Thing That Yahweh Says And I’ll Know Where This Light Is Also).  However, That Didn’t Occur To Me Then, So I Was In The Attic And I Searched Through All The White Installation In The Area That I Had Been, Thinking That Maybe It Fell And Got Buried In There.  I Search Diligently, But Could Not Find The Drop Light, (Nor It’s Attached 6’ Cord).  When I Came Down Out Of The Attic, Thoughts Were Being Submitted To Me From d—Evil One.  Thoughts Like, Well, “I Just Don’t Know Where That Drop Light Could Be”.

Then It Just Occurred To Me That I Have Been Preaching Very Boldly About Having What We Say, And So, I Quickly Took That Thought Captive By Speaking The Word Of Yahweh Out Loud, That Says, “For Nothing Is Hidden, That Will Not Be Revealed; Nor Anything Secret, That Will Not Be Known And Come To Light”,

 (Luke 8:17; Luke 12:2;
Matthew 10:26; Mark 4:22

And Just Then I Had The Thought Come From Yahweh To Look In One Of The Garage Cabinet Doors That I Had Already Checked For This Particular Drop Light And At The Same Time, I Was Getting A Word From Abba Father Saying, “Say What You Said To Your Garage Door”.  So, I Did.  I Said, “Drop Light, You Better Not Get Used To Being Hidden, Because You’re Already Found”.  And At That Exact Moment, I Spotted My Drop Light In The Back Of The Cabinet Where I Had Already Looked 4 or 5 Times Near The Bottom Under A Shelf.  There Was The Drop Light~!  Was That Cool or What?

James 1:6 ~ But Let Them Ask In Faith, With No Doubting, For He Who Doubts Is Like A Wave Of The Sea Driven And Tossed By The Wind…

Philemon 1:6 ~ That The Communication Of Your Faith May Become Effectual By The Acknowledging Of Every Good Thing Which Is In You In Christ Jesus, (Webster’s Bible Translation).


My Word Is My Bond~!

I Really Want To See You Grasp That Your Words Are Powerful Also, So, I’m Also Going To Tell You A Parable.

Suppose, Now That You Have A Daughter And She Wants A Specific Rare, Hard-to-Find Doll.  You Tell Me About It, And I Tell You That I Know Where One Of These Dolls Are.  I Saw One On My Last Business Trip Out Of Town, And The Next Day I Would Be Back In That Same Town and That I Am Going To Buy Your Daughter This Certain Doll For Christmas That She Wants; and I’ll Mail It To You To Give To Her.  The Following Day or So, I Phone Back And Tell You That I Found The Doll, And That I Bought It.  You Haven’t Seen It, And You Don’t Have Any Proof That I Bought It.

You Only Have My Word Over The Telephone That I Bought It.  Now, Your Daughter Whines And Begs You Day After Day For That Doll, Would You Feel Rushed To Go Buy It, Knowing That I Am Going To Get This Doll To You?  This Is Putting Your Trust In Me, Believing That I Would Be Faithful To Do What I’ve Said That I Would Do.  Believing Me, Based On My Word Alone.

This Is Faith, This Is Trust.  You Are Putting Your Trust In Me, And Supposing That I Will Not Let You Down.  There Is A 99.9% Probability That I Will NOT Let You, Nor Your Daughter Down, With Some Possibilities That I Could Forget It, or Be Delayed or Send The Doll And It Could Get Lost In The Mail, or The Plane Carrying The Doll Might Crash, And Things Like That, But There Is A Much Higher Probability That I Will Do What I Said I Will Do.

Now, Suppose Someone Called You And You Two Started Talking About Your Daughter And Wondering If She Was Going To Get That Doll.  Wouldn’t It Be Really Odd For You To Say, “Well, I Guess I’m Just Going To Have To Go Out And Buy The Doll, For I Have Not Seen One Yet, And I Know That He Told Me That He Was Going To Mail Her One”.  Now, On Our Human Level, It Really Won’t Matter If You Talk Against What I Am Going To Do or Not.


Don’t Talk The Problem, When You Want Faith~!

(It’s Not Like We Got To Go Up To Heaven And Get The Stuff).  It Is Right Here On Earth, It’s In Us.  The Kingdom Of Yahweh Is Within Us.  I Will Show You A Glimpse From

Mark 11:23-24; Romans 10:6-10;
Matthew 12:34-35, And
Deuteronomy 30:9-19

Deuteronomy 30:12-15, 19
12 It Is Not Up In Heaven, So Distant That You Must Ask, ‘Who Will Go To Heaven And Bring It Down So We Can Hear And Obey It?’
13 It Is Not Beyond The Sea, So Far Away That You Must Ask, ‘Who Will Cross The Sea To Bring It To Us So We Can Hear And Obey It?’
14 The Message Is Very Close At Hand; It Is On Your Lips And In Your Heart So That You Can Obey It.
15 Now Listen~!  Today I Am Giving You A Choice Between Prosperity And Disaster, Between Life And Death.
19 I Call Heaven And Earth As Witnesses Today Against You, That I Have Set Before You Life And Death, Blessing And Cursing; Therefore Choose Life, That Both You And Your Descendants May Live;

We Don’t Have To Get Heaven To Come To Us To Get Our Things Done.  The Angels May Well Come From Heaven To Do The Things, But The Force That Calls Them Into Doing These Tasks Is Us Voicing His Word, Coming Out Of Our Heart, Done In Faith And Love.  It Has To Come Out Of Our Mouth, (And Also In Our Hearts As Our Praise Opens Up A Gate, Enter Here To See More On How Praise Opens Up A Gate).

Don’t Go Ranting And Railing And Saying, “I Just Don’t Know What We’re Going To Do About The Doll”, When You Want Me To Supply The Doll.  So, Don’t Call The Dog When You Want The Cat~!  And Don’t Talk The Problem, When You Want Faith.  Don’t Allow Worry To Cut Down The Faith.

What Comes Out Of Your Mouth Affects Your Heart, And Your Heart Affects Faith, And What Comes Out Of Your Mouth Is The Catalyst That Calls In The Right Answer From Yahweh.  It’s Yahweh’s Faith, Yahweh’s Words.  Yahweh Puts His Faith In Our Heart, And Yahweh Puts His Words In Our Mouth.  So, We Say Yahweh’s Words Back, (See Isaiah 55:9-11), And The Angels Respond, (Psalm 103:20-21, Daniel 10:11-12).

Talk Faith~!

Here Is A Quote From Andrew Murray’s Book, (Mentioned Above).  “We Have Here An Answer To The Question, How Is Yahweh Going To Be My God?  Am I To Regard Him As A Great And Almighty And Distant God, Outside Of Me And Separate From Me In The Heaven Above, From Whom I Am From Time To Time To Have A Little Help?”

The Way That Things Come From The Heaven To The Earth Is Through Us, So It Does Matter If You Talk Bad About What’s Hoped For?  Faith Has To Be In Two Places.  First It Has To Be In Your Heart, And The Second Place, Faith Has To Be Coming Out Of Your Mouth.  So, Now You Can See That The Title Of This Section Is A Play On Words.  You Have To Talk Faith To Expect Faith Results~!   But, You Can’t Just Talk It, or, “Name It—Claim It”, “Blabb It—Grab It”, Because Just Speaking Alone Won’t Work.  You Have To Mix Faith With Your WordsSpoken Out Loud,

(Mark 11:23; Luke 6:43-45; Romans 10:9-10; Psalm 106:24; 2 Corinthians 4:13).
{Faith Resides In Our Heart},
(Deuteronomy 1:32; Psalm 106:24; Hebrews 4:2).
UnBelief Is Called An Evil Heart, (Hebrews 3:12-Hebrews 4:2).

Okay, Where The Rubber Meets The Road.  Suppose You Have A Lot Of High Debt, And You Are Wondering What Do I Need To Do.  Do I Go Get A 2nd Job?  Thoughts Are Trying To Run Rabid In Your Brain, (Who Do You Suppose Is The Originator Of These Fear Thoughts?).  But Suppose You See And Say This, “And My God Shall Supply ALL My Need According To His Riches In Glory By The Messiah, Yahoshua”, (Philippians 4:19).  Or You Read, or Recall… He That Spared Not His Own Son, But Delivered Him Up For Us ALL, How Shall He Not With Him Also Freely Give Us All THINGS?, (Romans 8:32).

So, You Have The Same Exact Choice That I Had Yesterday, And The Reason Why I Included That Testimony That Had Been Tested And Proven Concerning My Drop Light That I Didn’t Know Where It Was.  I Can Either Get In Line With The Word Of Yahweh And Find The Light, or I Can Say, “I Don’t Know Where That Light Is”, And It Will Remain Lost~! You Can Get Agree With The Word Of Yahweh That You Are Rich, For You Know The Grace Of Our Lord Yahoshua Christ, That Being Rich He Became Poor, For Your Sakes; That Through His Poverty You Might Be Rich, (2 Corinthians 8:9).

One Choice Will Get You The Results You Want, And One Choice Will Not.


Hope Is The Earnest Expectation~!

Yahweh Is Not A Human Being, That He Should Lie, or A Son Of Man, That He Should Change His Mind.  Does He Speak And Then Not Act?”, (Numbers 23:19).

If He’s Promised It, He Will Do It~! ~ (Word)

It’s Our Part To Believe As If It’s So, And Then Act In A Manner Accordingly~!

You’ve Done It Often Yourself When You Heard A Word From Yahweh And Then Acted On It.  Maybe You Were Told By Yahweh That There Was A Parking Space Down This Row, And You Went Down That Row, Not Seeing A Parking Space, But Just At The Last Moment A Vehicle Pulled Out Very Close To The Front And You Took It.  That Is What Faith Is.

Faith Is… (Hebrews 11:1). 

  • The Substance Of Things Hoped For
  • The Evidence Of Things Not Seen.

For We Were Saved In This Hope, But Hope That Is Seen Is Not Hope; For Why Does One Still Hope For What He Sees? (Romans 8:24-25).

You Didn’t Have The Parking Space In Your Sight, Only A Word From Yahweh, or A Promise.  But, You Were Pregnant With The Parking Space That Yahweh Promised And You Knew That It Would Come.  You Had ‘Hope’, (Not The Word Used In Today’s Society Meaning That If You Spin The Big Wheel On The Price Is Right, You Hope It Lands On $1.00, But More Like You ‘Hope’ That The Baby Will Come Soon, Knowing That The Baby Will Come, (Not An Uncertainty).

When You Get A Word From Yahweh, (Spoken or Written) And You Believe That Word And Act On That Word, (As If It’s So), Then You Are Pregnant With That Word, “You Are Expecting~!


Hope Defined~!

Wait In Faith Through Each Day As A Woman Waiting To Give Birth.  Yahweh Does Not Bring You To The Time Of Birth Just To Stop The Whole Process.  He Did Not Bring You This Far To Leave You Now.  He Will Not Forget You~!  It Will Happen~!  (Romans 10:11) ~ For The Scripture Says, “Everyone Who Believes In Him Will Not Be Put To Shame”.  For, “He Who Began A Good Work In You Will Be Faithful To Complete It”, (Philippians 1:6).

This Could Be The Day~!
By Victoria Boyson

Here’s How One Mother, (Victoria Boyson), Explains Hope, And This Sums Up My Definition Of Hope.

When The Expected Due Date For Each Of My Children Neared, I Would Awaken Each Day With The Expectancy That Today Could Be The Day That I Would Deliver This Child.  Each Day I Would Think, “Today Could Be The Day”.  I Never Thought To Myself That It Just Could Not Happen Today, Because I Knew My Time Was Coming And That This Day Could Be The Day That I Would Give Birth.

As Each Day Ended Without Seeing The Birth Of My Baby, I Would Feel Somewhat Disappointed.  But Once Again, Another Morning Would Come And I Would Arise With Hope From Heaven, Remembering That This Day Could Be The Day.  And I Was Prepared To Go At Any Time; I Had My Bags Packed And Gas In The Car.

Each Day That You Serve God And Wait On His Timing For Your Destiny’s Fulfillment Is One Day Closer To Its Birth.  As You Near Your Time Of Delivery, You Feel In Your Spirit That The Time Is Near.  Perhaps Today Is The Day~!  You Look Around And See Your Christian Brothers And Sisters Receiving The Promises Of God In Their Lives - You Are Happy For Them.

But, When Is It Your Turn?  When Will Your Destiny Come Forth In The Way God Promised It Would?

Each Day We Must Prepare Our Hearts To Believe That, “This Could Be The Day He Fulfills His Promises To Me”,
And Then Suddenly He Does.  The Longer You Serve God, The Deeper You Will Trust Him To Bring The Promise To Pass For You.  As You Near The Time Of Receiving The Fulfillment Of His Call On Your Life, You Can Know That Every Day Will Bring You One Day Closer.  Today Could Be The Day You Receive A Great Blessing From God.  Today Could Hold The Answer You Have Been Waiting For.  Wait In Faith Through Each Day As A Woman Waiting To Give Birth.  God Does Not Bring You To The Time Of Birth Just To Stop The Whole Process.

He Did Not Bring You This Far To Leave You Now.  He Will Not Forget You~! It Will Happen~! And Remember That
“He Who Began A Good Work In You Will Be Faithful To Complete It”, (Philippians 1:6).

God Is Not A Man, That He Should Lie, or A Son Of Man,
That He Should Change His Mind.  Does He Speak And Then Not Act?” (Numbers 23:19).

If He’s Promised It, He Will Do It~! Say This With Me: God Will Do What He Has Promised.  He Has Not Forgotten Me, For I Am Constantly In His Thoughts.  God Is Waiting To Fulfill His Word Through Me.  It Will Happen~! This Could Be The Day~!  God Cannot Lie; He Will Not Change His Mind.

I Choose To Believe What God Has Told Me And Not The Lies Of Fear And Doubt.  He Has You Hidden For A Purpose - You Are His Secret Weapon~!

Victoria Boyson
Speaking Life Ministries
Email: Victoria@Boyson.org

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Take Stock~!

I Asked Yahweh To Show Me Something.  In Fact, It Was The Last Thought That I Recall Thinking Last Night Before I Dozed Off To Sleep.  First, I Have To Give The Background, Then I’ll Tell You The Question I Put Before Yahweh.

To Me, I Believe That This Is The Fundamental Foundation ~ Cornerstone; And From Which I Base ALL My Other Beliefs.

I Believe That, “Faith Is Nothing More Than Believing The Word Of Yahweh, (Spoken or Written), And Then Acting On That”.  To Say It More Precisely, Taking The Appropriate Action That Would Correspond As If You Believe What Was Said Was True.  Not Just Hearers Only, But Doers Of The Word, (James 1:22).

Here’s An Example Of What I Am Talking About.  Suppose, I See A Neighbor Child Running After A Ball Between Two Park Cars, And I Spy A Car Coming Along That Does Not See This Child.  If I Shout At The Child To, “Stop”, And The Child Stops Immediately And The Car Whizzes By, Then I Would Say This Child, “Heard The Word, Believed The Word, And Acted On The Word”.  Not Just Hearers Only, But Doers Of The Word.

Notice How I Neglected To Tell The Child The Reason Why, So That He Could Turn His Head And Confirm What I Told Him And Then Walk By Sight And Believe With His Natural Senses.  This Is The Way Yahweh Does Us, As Often There Just Is Not The Time For Him To Explain Why, Just Obey.  Then You’ll See Clearly Why And It Will Come In Front Of You.

I Implore You Before You Finish Reading This To Reason That From Now On, That You Will Not Have To Have Your Mind And Your Understanding Enlightened Before You Will Act On The Word Of Yahweh, Whether It Be In The Word or In Your Ear.


Faith Is

So, Here’s The Question I Posed Before Yahweh.  If What I Believe To Be True, That The Definition Of Faith Is:

Faith Is Nothing More Than Believing The Word Of Yahweh, (Spoken’ or Written),
And Then Acting On That

Then That Ought To Be In Yahweh’s Word Some Place.  Faith Ought To Be Defined Some Place In Yahweh’s Word, (ALL I Could Think Of Was, Hebrews 1:1 ~Faith Is The Substance Of Things Hoped For, The Evidence Of Things Not Seen”, And Romans 8:24-25 ~ 24 “For We Were Saved In This Hope, But Hope That Is Seen Is Not Hope; For Why Does One Still Hope For What He Sees25 But If We Hope For That Which We See Not, Then Do We With Patience Wait For It”.

Yahweh Had Spoken This To Me, But It Should Also Be Confirmed In His Word.  If I Just Think This, No Matter How Clever Sounding It Is, Then It Is A, “Tradition”, And It Will Make The Word Of Yahweh Of No Effect, (Matthew 15:6; Mark 7:8-9,13; Colossians 2:8).

I Was Basing My Foundation On Mark 4:20, [The Same Chapter And Part Of The Same Talk Where Yahoshua Said, That, “Do You Not Understand This Parable?  How Then Will You Understand ALL The Parables?”.  This Tells Me That This Parable Is A Key That Unlocks Some Understanding, {By The Way, In Case You Think I Am Trying To Have A Relation With Yahoshua, With Just The Word Alone, Yahoshua And The Word Are The Same, (John 1:1), And So That Cannot Be Possible}].

And Those Sown On The Good (Well-Adapted) Soil Are The Ones Who Hear The Word And Receive And Accept And Welcome It And Bear Fruit—Some Thirty Times As Much As Was Sown, Some Sixty Times As Much, And Some [Even] A Hundred Times As Much, (Mark 4:20).



I Was Awaken The Next Morning And Felt Drawn To Go Out To My Private Place To Prayer With My Word Of Yahweh.  I Had Forgotten About Last Night’s Request.  I Just Said, “Yahweh, It’s A Pretty Big Book To Read ALL In One Setting, So Where Would You Like For Me To Read This Morning”.  I Felt A Drawing To A White Vertical Strip Where The Bronze Edging Of The Pages Was Slightly Opened To.  I Opened To This Section, And I Had No Yellow Highlights On This Page, So This Was Not A Page In Yahweh’s Word That I Have Turned To Very Often.  (Around About March, I Gave Away My Normal Book Of Scriptures And Had To Start Over In My Highlighting In This New Book Of Scriptures).

* * * * *

It Was Galatians 3.  Wow, I Thought To Myself, I Know Galatians 3:13, And In My Spirit, I Heard Like An Interesting Narrator Saying, “Yes, And Now You’ll Find Out What Leads Up To Galatians 3:13”.

The First Verse About The Foolish or Silly And Thoughtless Galatians, Did Not Mean Much To Me, (So I Read On).

 2 Let Me Ask You This One Question: Did You Receive The [Holy] Spirit As The Result Of Obeying The Law And Doing Its Works, or Was It By Hearing [The Message Of The Gospel] And Believing [It] ?  [Was It From Observing A Law Of Rituals For From A Message Of Faith ?]

Emphasis Added To Show What Went Off In My Mind.  I Started To Pay Attention, (Could This Be Something Else That Yahweh Was Showing Me, or Was Yahweh Showing Me The Answer To My Prayer From The Night Before, {My Mind Recalled Asking The Question}, So I’m Alert Now And Paying Attention).

My New Book Of Scriptures Is, “King James”, On The Left And, “The Amplified Bible Classic Edition”, On The Right.  I Was Reading The Amplified Bible Classic Edition, So I Glanced Over To See If The King James Worded This Verse The Same Way.

2 This Only Would I Learn Of Did You Receive The Spirit By The Works Of The Law, or By The Hearing Of Faith?

And This Reminded Me Of Galatians 3:13, {Christ Purchased Our Freedom [Redeeming Us] From The Curse (Doom) Of The Law [And Its Condemnation] By [Himself] Becoming A Curse For Us, For It Is Written [In Yahweh’s Word], Cursed Is Everyone Who Hangs On A Tree (Is Crucified)}.  There It Was Even Clearer, In Romans 10:17 Where The Scripture Says, “So Faith Comes By Hearing [What Is Told], And What Is Heard Comes By The Preaching [Of The Message That Comes By The Word Of Yahweh”.  Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or ‘Revealed Word From Yahweh.


Question Answered~!

This Reading Of The Word Of Yahweh Was Pretty Cut And Dry To Me.  But, I Just Proceed On, Rather Than Trying To Read The Word Of Yahweh To Confirm My Beliefs, I Was Choosing This Morning To Read The Words Of Yahweh To See What Yahweh Wanted To Communicate With Me.

Then I Got Down To Galatians 3:5 ~
  5 Then Does He Who Supplies You With His Marvelous [Holy] Spirit And Works Powerfully And Miraculously Among You Do So On [The Grounds Of Your Doing] What The Law Demands, or Because Of Your Believing In And Adhering To And Trusting In And Relying On The Message That You Heard?

By This Time, My Thoughts Were Saying, “Wow, Wow, Wow~!” I Knew In My Knower That Yahweh Was Directly Answering My Question I Posed Before Yahweh.  If What I Believe To Be True, That The Definition Of Faith Is:

Faith Is Nothing More Than Believing The Word Of Yahweh, (Spoken’ or Written),
And Then Acting On That

Then That Ought To Be In Yahweh’s Word Some Place. 

But Before I Got Too Excited, I Checked The ‘King James’, For Galatians 3:5.
  5 He Therefore That Ministereth To You The Spirit, And Worketh Miracles Among You, Doeth He It By The Works Of The Law, or By The Hearing Of Faith?

If You’re Ever Seen Me Lay Hands On The Sick And Pray For Them, You’re Very Most Likely To Hear Come Out Of My Mouth, “And These Signs Shall Follow Them That Believe, They Shall Lay Hands On The Sick And They Will Be Made Whole”, (Found In Mark 16:18).  I Never Lay Hands On Someone Apart From The Word Of Yahweh, And Every Time Someone Asks Me To Pray For Them To, It Might Seem Spiritual To Be Quiet Before Yahweh, And See What Yahweh Wants To Do This Time.  {I’m Still Waiting For The Command To, “Spit On The Dirt And Rub Mud In Their Eyes” :) }.


Same Method Of Operation Every Time~!

Honestly, I Don’t Need To Get Another Command, (Yahoshua Already Commanded Us To Heal The Sick, Raise The Dead ~

Matthew 10:8; Luke 9:2;
Luke 10:9,19; Matthew 28:19-20

So, If You’re Taking Notes, And You See The Success That I Enjoy In Watching Folks Get Healed; You Don’t Have To Do Something Different Every Time.  I Do The Same Thing Time And Time And Time Again, And It Just Builds And Builds And Gets Stronger On The Inside Of Me Every Time I Use The Same Words.

I Base My Actions On The Word Of Yahweh.  These Signs SHALL Follow Them That Believe In The Name Of Yahoshua, THEY WILL LAY HANDS ON THE SICK AND THEY WILL RECOVER, (Be Made Whole, Be Healed).  I Lay My Hands On Them In The Name Of Yahoshua Of Nazareth, And They ARE Completely Healed, (Mark 16:18).

I Went Into A Gas Station And When I Paid For The Gas, The Register Say, “God Loves You”, And I Commented On That Being Nice, And The Cashier Said That The Owner Doesn’t Mean Your God, Because They Call Their God, “God”.

So, Later On, I Prayed This Prayer For The Young Football Player That Was Told To Me That He Was Muslim.  When I Prayed For His Hand To Be Healed, I Prayed Specifically Using The Name Of Yahoshua, So That There Could Be No Doubt That I Wasn’t Talking About The Hey-Zeus Down The Street, or To Be Confused With Their Term For God.  I Used The Name Yahweh, And I Think We ALL Will We Want To Follow Suit In This Present Time As The Term, “God” Means One Thing To The People That Worship Their Gods And Another To The Followers Of Christ, (*Actually God Means Fortuitous, Happen-Stance).  Then I Asked This Young Man To Move His Hand, And He Said, “It Feels Better”.

I’m Ready In Season And Out.  I Made Myself Memorize Mark 16:18 And That’s The Verse I Use Most Often, (or Sometimes If They Are Believers’, I’ll Switch Over And Use James 5:13-15).

So, Back To My Story About My Quiet Time With Yahweh And His Word.  By Now My Ears Are ALL The Way Pricked Up~!  Abba Father Was Being Very Kind To Me, And Patient And Teaching Me With Loving-Kindness About His Word.  I Was In Delight To Be In The Presence Of Yahweh~!


The People [Who Live] By Faith Who Are [The True] Children Of Abraham~!

But, I Felt Drawn To Read More.

6 Thus Abraham Believed In And Adhered To And Trusted In And Relied On Yahweh, And It Was Reckoned And Placed To His Account And Credited As Righteousness (As Conformity To The Divine Will In Purpose, Thought, And Action).

7 Know And Understand That It Is [Really] The People [Who Live] By Faith Who Are [The True] Children Of Abraham.

8 And The Scripture, ForeSeeing That Yahweh Would Justify (Declare Righteous, Put In Right Standing With Himself) The Gentiles In Consequence Of Faith, Proclaimed The Gospel [Foretelling The Glad Tidings Of A Savior Long Beforehand] To Abraham In The Promise, Saying, In You Shall ALL The Nations [Of The Earth] Be Blessed.

There It Was In Black And White.  The Promise.  How Did Abraham Get This Promise, And What Is Its Significance?


Heard The Word, Received The Word, Produced Fruit~!

Abraham Heard The Word Of Yahweh, Believed The Word Of Yahweh Where Yahweh Told Him, “In You Shall ALL The Nations [Of The Earth] Be Blessed”, And Even Went To Offer Isaac On The Altar Believing The Word Of Yahweh So Strong That Yahweh Would Fulfill The Promised Word “Spoken” To Him That Abraham Believed That Yahweh Was Going To Raise Isaac Up From The Dead, (Check Out Hebrews 11:16-19, If You Think I’m Making This Stuff Up).

  17 By Faith Abraham, When He Was Put To The Test [While The Testing Of His Faith Was Still In Progress] Had Already Brought Isaac For An Offering; He Who Had Gladly Received And Welcomed [Yahweh’s] Promises Was Ready To Sacrifice His Only Son.

 18 Of Whom It Was Said, Through Isaac Shall Your Descendants Be Reckoned.

 19 For He Reasoned That Yahweh Was Able To Raise [Him] Up Even From Among The Dead.  Indeed In The Sense That Isaac Was Figuratively Dead [Potentially Sacrificed], He Did [Actually] Receive Him Back From The Dead.

Bonus:, “I Will Go Yonder And Worship, And We Will Come Back To You”. (Genesis 22:5).


An Act Of Faith~!

In Fact, Jack, This Act Got No Flack From Yahweh.  This Is The Act That Established Righteousness In Abraham, (It Wasn’t The Law, But An Act Of Faith And, “Faith Is Nothing More Than Hearing What Yahweh Said, And Then Taking Action Based On That Word From Yahweh).  The Only Reason That It Makes Sense For It To Be Faith For Abraham To Offer Isaac Was That Abraham Believed That Yahweh Was Going To Fulfill His Promise.  Yahweh Was Going To Keep His Word, Despite What Abraham Was Seeing By His Sight.

And Here’s Another Witness Saying The Same Thing.

Romans 4:18
[For Abraham, Human Reason For] Hope Being Gone, Hoped In Faith That He Should Become The Father Of Many Nations, As He Had Been Promised, So [Numberless] Shall Your Descendants Be.
Romans 4:17-19, (In Context) ~ Romans 4, (Whole Chapter Is Quoted Below).


Hearing, Believing And Acting On It~!

So, Faith Is Defined In The Word Of Yahweh In At Least Three Places.

Mark 4:20

And Those Sown On The Good (Well-Adapted) Soil Are The Ones Who Hear The Word And Receive And Accept And Welcome It And Bear Fruit—Some Thirty Times As Much As Was Sown, Some Sixty Times As Much, And Some [Even] A Hundred Times As Much.

Galatians 3:2

  2 Let Me Ask You This One Question: Did You Receive The [Holy] Spirit As The Result Of Obeying The Law And Doing Its Works, or Was It By Hearing [The Message Of The Gospel] And Believing [It]?  [Was It From Observing A Law Of Rituals or From A Message Of Faith ?].

Galatians 3:5

  5 Then Does He Who Supplies You With His Marvelous [Holy] Spirit And Works Powerfully And Miraculously Among You Do So On [The Grounds Of Your Doing] What The Law Demands, or Because Of Your Believing In And Adhering To And Trusting In And Relying On The Message That You Heard?



But, Really In ALL Honesty, The Point Of Galatians 3 Is Get You To Believe That You Don’t Have To Follow ALL The Letter Of The Law Described In Deuteronomy 28 To Get The Blessings That Now Come To Us Through Yahoshua Through Faith, (Romans 4:1-25).  And To Get You To Believe, The Word Believe or Faith Had To Be Defined.

Romans 4:1-25.
  1 What Then Will We Say That Abraham, Our Forefather, Has Found According To The Flesh?
  2 For If Abraham Was Justified By Works, He Has Something To Boast About, But Not Toward God.
  3 For What Does The Scripture Say?  “Abraham Believed God, And It Was Accounted To Him For Righteousness”, (Genesis 15:6).
  4 Now To Him Who Works, The Reward Is Not Counted As Grace, But As Something Owed.
  5 But To Him Who Doesn’t Work, But Believes In Him Who Justifies The Ungodly, His Faith Is Accounted For Righteousness.
  6 Even As David Also Pronounces Blessing On The Man To Whom God Counts Righteousness Apart From Works,

  7Blessed Are They Whose Iniquities Are Forgiven, Whose Sins Are Covered.
  8 Blessed Is The Man Whom The Lord Will By No Means Charge With Sin”, (Psalm 32:1-2; Psalm 103:8-11).

  9 Is This Blessing Then Pronounced On The Circumcised, or On The Uncircumcised Also?  For We Say That Faith Was Accounted To Abraham For Righteousness.
  10 How Then Was It Counted?  When He Was In Circumcision, or In Uncircumcision?  Not In Circumcision, But In Uncircumcision.
  11 He Received The Sign Of Circumcision, A Seal Of The Righteousness Of The Faith Which He Had While He Was In Uncircumcision, That He Might Be The Father Of All Those Who Believe, Though They Might Be In Uncircumcision, That Righteousness Might Also Be Accounted To Them.
  12 He Is The Father Of Circumcision To Those Who Not Only Are Of The Circumcision, But Who Also Walk In The Steps Of That Faith Of Our Father Abraham, Which He Had In Uncircumcision.
  13 For The Promise To Abraham And To His Offspring That He Should Be Heir Of The World Wasn’t Through The Law, But Through The Righteousness Of Faith.
  14 For If Those Who Are Of The Law Are Heirs, Faith Is Made Void, And The Promise Is Made Of No Effect.
  15 For The Law Produces Wrath, For Where There Is No Law, Neither Is There Disobedience.
  16 Through Faith That It Might Be Of Grace, To The End That The Promise May Be Sure To All The Offspring, Not To That Only Which Is Of The Law, But To That Also Which Is Of The Faith Of Abraham, Who Is The Father Of Us All.

Romans 4:16 From The J.B. Phillips New Testament In Modern English.

The Whole Thing, Then, Is A Matter Of Faith On A Person’s Part And Generosity On God’s.  He Gives The Security Of His Own Promise To ALL People Who Can Be Called Children Of Abraham”, i.e. Both Those Who Have Lived In Faith By The Law, And Those Who Have Exhibited A Faith Like That Of Abraham.

  17 As It Is Written, “I Have Made You A Father Of Many Nations”, (Genesis 17:5).  This Is In The Presence Of Him Whom He Believed: God, Who Gives Life To The Dead, (Hebrews 11:19); And Calls The Things That Are Not, As Though They Were.
  18 Besides Hope, Abraham In Hope Believed, To The End That He Might Become A Father Of Many Nations, According To That Which Had Been Spoken, “So Will Your Offspring Be”, (Genesis 15:5).
  19 Without Being Weakened In Faith, He Didn’t Consider His Own Body, Already Having Been Worn Out, (He Being About A Hundred Years Old), And The Deadness Of Sarah’s Womb.
  20 Yet, Looking To The Promise Of God, He Didn’t Waver Through Unbelief, But Grew Strong Through Faith, Giving Glory To God,
  21 And Being Fully Assured That What He Had Promised, He Was Also Able To Perform.
  22 Therefore It Also Was “Credited To Him For Righteousness”, (Genesis 15:6).
  23 Now It Was Not Written That It Was Accounted To Him For His Sake Alone,
  24 But For Our Sake Also, To Whom It Will Be Accounted, Who Believe In Him Who Raised Jesus, Our Lord, From The Dead,
  25 Who Was Delivered Up For Our Trespasses, And Was Raised For Our Justification.

What Are The Blessings Of Abraham?  Deuteronomy 28 Gives Us Some Of The Promises Made To Moses, (I’m Blessed Coming In And Blessed Going Out”, And These Are Still Yours… However, Now, But Without The Curse As We Could Never Keep Deuteronomy 28:1 ~ “And It Shall Come To Pass, If You Shall Hearken Diligently Unto The Voice Of Yahweh Your God, To Observe And To Do All His Commandments Which I Command You This Day, That Yahweh Your God Will Set You On High Above All Nations Of The Earth”.


The Blessing Of Abraham~!

Galatians 3:13-18 ~ Now Makes A Whole More Sense.

 13  Christ Purchased Our Freedom [Redeeming Us] From The Curse (Doom) Of The Law [And Its Condemnation] By [Himself] Becoming A Curse For Us, For It Is Written [In Yahweh’s Word], Cursed Is Everyone Who Hangs On A Tree (Is Crucified); (A)

14 To The End That Through [Their Receiving] Christ Yahoshua, The Blessing [Promised] To Abraham Might Come Upon The Gentiles, So That We Through Faith Might [ALL] Receive [The Realization Of] The Promise Of The [Holy] Spirit.

 15 To Speak In Terms Of Human Relations, Sisters And Brothers, [If] Even A Person Makes A Last Will And Testament (A Merely Human Covenant), No One Sets It Aside or Makes It Void or Adds To It When Once It Has Been Drawn Up And Signed (Ratified, Confirmed).

 16 Now The Promises (Covenants, Agreements) Were Decreed And Made To Abraham And His Seed (His Offspring, His Heir).  He [Yahweh] Does Not Say, And To Seeds (Descendants, Heirs), As If Referring To Many Persons, But, And To Your Seed (Your Descendant, Your Heir), Obviously Referring To One Individual, Who Is [None Other Than] Christ (The Messiah).  (B)

 17 This Is My Argument: The Law, Which Began 430 Years After The Covenant [Concerning The Coming Messiah], Does Not And Cannot Annul The Covenant Previously Established (Ratified) By Yahweh, So As To Abolish The Promise And Make It Void.  (C)

 18 For If The Inheritance [Of The Promise Depends On Observing] The Law [As These False Teachers Would Like You To Believe], It No Longer [Depends] On The Promise; However, Yahweh Gave It To Abraham [As A Free Gift Solely] By Virtue Of His Promise.


Better Covenant~!

So We Have A New And Better Covenant ~ {Hebrews 8:6, Hebrews 12:24} That Allows Us To Draw Close To Yahweh, Not Based On What We Do or Don’t Do, But Based On Faith, (Faith Righteousness As Mentioned In Romans 3:22 & Romans 10:6).

In Huntsville, Alabama, The C.C. Clay Bridge, (Also Called The Whitesburg Bridge) Was An Old Bridge Built In 1931 That Resembled A DrawBridge With Its Beautiful Shaped H-Beams And Bolts That The Cantilever Truss Bridges Are Famous For.  It Supported The Weight Of Many Trucks That Brought Supplies From Other Places And Taking People And Supplies Out.  I Had Traveled On It Myself Several Times With Great Success In Crossing The Tennessee River Below Without Any Delays Whatsoever.  And It Was A Much Desired Improvement Over The White’s Ferry That Used To Transport People And Cars Over The River.

The C.C. Clay Bridge Was A Tried And True Bridge And Really Very Artistic To Behold From The Nearby Marina At Ditto Landing.

Progress, New Designs, Wider Cars And The Age Of The Bridge Brought About The Demolition Of The C.C. Clay Bridge, (Enter Here To See A Clip Of The Collapse).

I Really Thought That This Was An Eye-Catching Bridge To Look At And To Ride Over Watching The Beams OverHead Pass By.  However, Now That The Bridge Is Completed, The Highway Department Opened Up The New Bridge That Took The Place Of The Former Bridge.  It’s A Much Taller, Concrete Based Bridge, And It Will Hold More Cars And Trucks At One Time Without A Hitch And It Is Taller Allowing Taller Vessels To Go Underneath It.

But, What Caught My Eye Was That As Resplendent As The Former Bridge Was, For The First Time In My 20 Some Odd Years We Were Now Able To See The Grandiose Of The Hills That Outlined This Passage That We Had Not Seen Before.  While The Older Bridge Had A Nice Aesthetic Value From The Outside Looking On, This New Bridge Revealed A Breath-Taking View That Had Been Obscured By The Old Bridge’s Elaborate Framing.

Both Bridges Allowed For Safe Passage Over The Deep And Churning Waters Below, But One Is Newer And Better And Taller.

The Same Is True With The New Covenant.  We Don’t Lose What We Gained In The Old Covenant That Yahweh Established With Abraham, or With Moses, But We Have ALL Those Benefits Plus, “We Don’t Have To Be Righteous Based On Our Performance”.


Heirs According To Promise~!

Galatians 3: 11, 25-26

 11 Now It Is Evident That No Person Is Justified (Declared Righteous And Brought Into Right Standing With Yahweh) Through The Law, For The Scripture Says, The Man In Right Standing With Yahweh [The Just, The Righteous] Shall Live By And Out Of Faith And He Who Through And By Faith Is Declared Righteous And In Right Standing With Yahweh Shall Live.  (A)

 25 But Now That The Faith Has Come, We Are No Longer Under A Trainer (The Guardian Of Our Childhood).

 26 For In Christ Yahoshua You Are ALL Sons Of Yahweh Through Faith.

 27 For As Many [Of You] As Were Baptized Into Christ [Into A Spiritual Union And Communion With Christ, The Anointed One, The Messiah] Have Put On (Clothed Yourselves With) Christ. 

 28 There Is [Now No Distinction] Neither Jew Nor Greek, There Is Neither Slave Nor Free, There Is Not Male [A] And Female; For You Are ALL One In Christ Yahoshua.

 29 And If You Belong To Christ [Are In Him Who Is Abraham’s Seed], Then You Are Abraham’s Offspring And [Spiritual] Heirs According To Promise.


A Call To Action~!

A Call To Action, (The ABC’s Of Faith), For This Is The Definition Of Faith, (Mark 4:20).

A: Acknowledge And Hear The Word

B: Believe The Word

C: Commit An Action Based On That Word

Mark 4:20

And Those Sown On The Good (Well-Adapted) Soil Are The Ones Who Hear The Word And Receive And Accept And Welcome It And Bear Fruit—Some Thirty Times As Much As Was Sown, Some Sixty Times As Much, And Some [Even] A Hundred Times As Much.

2 Corinthians 5:21
For Our Sake He Made Christ [Virtually] To Be Sin Who Knew No Sin, So That In And Through Him We Might Become [Endued With, Viewed As Being In, And Examples Of] The Righteousness Of Yahweh [What We Ought To Be, Approved And Acceptable And In Right Relationship With Him, By His Goodness].

IF You Believe Galatians 3: 11, 25-26, And 2 Corinthians 5:21 Then Say This, “I Am The Righteousness Of Yahweh Not Based On What I Do or Don’t Do, But Based On The Fact That The Word Of Yahweh Says So”.


Enter Here To See More On Walking in Faith

“And He Said, WhereUnto Shall We Liken The Kingdom Of Yahweh?  Or With What Comparison Shall We Compare It?  It Is Like A Grain Of Mustard Seed, Which, When It Is Sown In The Earth, Is Less Than ALL The Seeds That Be In The Earth: But When It Is Sown, It Grows Up, And Becomes Greater Than ALL Herbs, And Shoots Out Great Branches; So That The Fowls Of The Air May Lodge Under The Shadow Of It”. (Mark 4:30-32).


The Law Of Faith~!

I Believe It Will Take These Elements To Make Something Happen, (To Produce Fruit).  The Best I Can See Is That Faith Is Like An Epoxy And To Have The Epoxy Turn Into An Adhesive Compound And Glue Things Together, You Must Have A Resin And A Hardener.

1st ~ You’ve Got To Hear The Word Of Yahweh In Your Heart.

Your Word Have I Laid Up In My Heart, That I Might Not Sin Against You, (Psalm 119:11).

2nd ~ You Have To Mix Faith With Word And It Has To Be Believed In Your Heart

But The Message They Heard Did Not Benefit Them, Because It Was Not Mixed With Faith, (Hebrews 4:2).

Okay, The Word Would Be The Resin, And Faith, (In Your Heart) Would Be The Hardener In An Epoxy.

3rd ~ You Must Have An Action, An Act Of Faith~! (James 1:22).

You Must Apply The Epoxy Mixture~!

  1. The Word Has To Be In Your Heart
  2. Faith Has To Be Mixed With The Word That’s In Your Heart
  3. Then You Must Be A Doer Of The Word, (James 1:22); (To Believe Only Will Not Get The Job Done~! ~ You Believe That There Is One God.  You Do Well.  Even The Demons Believe--And Tremble~! (James 2:19).


The Kingdom Of Yahweh~!

For Example, The Word In Mark 4 Reads, “And He Said, WhereUnto Shall We Liken The Kingdom Of Yahweh?  or With What Comparison Shall We Compare It?  It Is Like A Grain Of Mustard Seed, Which, When It Is Sown In The Earth, Is Less Than ALL The Seeds That Be In The Earth: But When It Is Sown, It Grows Up, And Becomes Greater Than ALL Herbs, And Shoots Out Great Branches; So That The Fowls Of The Air May Lodge Under The Shadow Of It”. (Mark 4:30-32).

The Kingdom Of Yahweh Works On A, “Seed Principle”.  If You Plant It, Money, Time Invested ~ Then It Will Grow.

However, This Is The Word Of The One True Living God, And, “That’s The Way It Is”.  This Is How The Kingdom Of Yahweh Operates.

But, Suppose You Cut Your Neighbor’s Lawn, And You Don’t Apply This Word Of Yahweh To The Process.  You Might Think, I’m Just Cutting Their Lawn Because I Know That They Are Busy.

Your Actions Are Good, And Commendable, But So Far You Haven’t Mixed Faith With It, “Well, I’m Not Trying To Get Anything Back”.  I Understand This, But Your Children’s Children Might One Day Need A Return On What’s You’ve Sown.


Results Of Trusting Yahweh And Speaking It Forth~!

Let’s Step Back In Time.  Has Yahweh Ever Told You To Say A Word To Someone And You Obeyed?  Sure, Lots Of Times.  Perhaps, You Also Got To Preach That Word, But Maybe It Was Just A Word Spoken At Wal*Mart At The Right Time, But It Was Still A Word From Yahweh.

Now, Suppose One Day You Come Along And Find In Mark 16:20 That Yahweh Will Confirm The Word With Signs And Wonders.  And They Went Out And Preached Everywhere, Yahweh Working With Them And Confirming The Word Through The Accompanying Signs.  Amen.

Mark 16:20, (Amplified Bible Classic Edition)
And They Went Out And Preached Everywhere, While Yahweh Kept Working With Them And Confirming The Message By The Attesting Signs And Miracles That Closely Accompanied [It].   Amen (So Be It).

Well, Then You Come To Understand In Your Heart That Since Yahweh Is The Same Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow, Yahweh Never Changes, Then Yahweh WILL Work With You Also And Confirm The Word With Accompanying Signs, {Also At:

Mark 16:20; Acts 14:3; 1 Corinthians 2:4; Hebrews 2:4)}.

2 Samuel 5:10; John 14:16; Acts 10:38; Hebrews 13:6 Says, Yahweh Is My Helper; I Will Not Fear.  What Can Humans Do To Me?” Not “I Am The Yahweh’s Helper”.

Yahweh Said It, I Believe It, It Is So.  Perhaps, You Failed To Believe It.  You Didn’t Mix Faith, (Your Hardener, And So The Word Is Still Like A Resin).  And Now Your Heart Is Condemning You.  Right?

1 John 3:20
For If Our Heart Condemn Us, Yahweh Is Greater Than Our Heart, And Knows ALL Things.


A Ray Of Hope And Of Joy~!

So, I Have Some Great News For Myself Included.  The Word Is Still Willing To Work, But It Needs Some Faith Mixed With It For It To Adhere.  Why Don’t We Just Mix Our Faith With It Right Now.  People From Where We Had Spoken To Them A Word From Yahweh From Years Ago, Suddenly Becoming Whole And Healed In Their Bodies, or A Miracle Of Their Finances.  I’m Not Going To Limit Yahweh, Abba, Father, You Said In Your Word That You Would “Work With Us And Confirming The Word Through The Accompanying Signs”, (Mark 16:20),.  I Rest In That Promise By Faith; And I Look Forward To Hearing The Folks Attesting To The Fact That Yahweh, Abba, Father God Healed Them or Made Them Whole In Their Family Relationships or In Their Finances or Whatever Was Broken.  I Count It As So.  It Is So.

Wasn’t That Fun~!  I Can’t Wait To Hear These Testimonies.  By The Way, Since I Now Know Yahweh Will Confirm The Word Through The Accompanying Signs, I See Healings, Deliverances, Miracles, Signs And Wonders Every Time I Speak A Word From Yahweh.

But, Wait, There’s More.  I Failed On Purpose To Tell You That For Faith To Operate, It Has To Be In Your Heart, And That Came Just While We Read, But Faith Also Has To Be On Your Lips.


Get Your Hopes Up~!

We Have Green Grass.  It’s Very Exciting To Me, As We Planted It And I Didn’t Know How Or If It Would Take.  But, I’ll Come Back To That In A Moment.

I Want You To Get Your Hopes Up.  (Get A Hope Chest~!)  I Am Finding That I Am Getting Results By The Boatload Using This One Phrase, “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It”.  (Notice The Word Blessing Is Singular, Not Plural, “The Blessing”).

Proverbs 10:22
The Blessing Of Yahweh—It Makes [Truly ] Rich, And He Adds No Sorrow With It [Neither Does Toiling Increase It].

For Example, Anytime That I Recognize That I Have Sorrow or Am Having Sorrow, Then I Say Out Loud, The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It~!


Blessed All The Time~!

Several Years Ago, I Realized That My Internet Connection Was Being Slower Than A Dial-Up Connection, And The Connection Was Lost A Lot.  Even To The Point That For One Whole Day, I Could Not Even Connect To The Internet And A Certain Cable Company Still Hadn’t Serviced This Area Of Our Neighborhood, And Yahweh Had Told Me Before I Moved Here That I Would Be Serviced By This Certain Cable Company.

So, I Got Mad At The Situation And Realized This Was Painfully Frustrating.  So, I Said, “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It”, And Having A Nice House And A Fine Computer, But Having A Bad or Slow Connection To The Internet Is Sorrow.

I Have A Foundation Of Other Supporting Verses, Like, “Are Not The Angels ALL Ministering Spirits (Servants) Sent Out In The Service [Of Yahweh For The Assistance] Of Those Who Are To Inherit Salvation?”, {Hebrews 1:14}.  We Have Inherited Salvation, (Soteria ~ Health, Wealth, Prosperity, Zoe ~ Fullness Of Life)

I Am Blessed Going In And Blessed Going Out, Blessed In The City And Blessed In The Country, (Deuteronomy 28: 3-6).  And This Is Sorrow, And I’m Not Having Sorrow.  I Bless You Angels Of Yahweh Who”

{Hold That Thought, I’ll Come Back To It In A Moment.  But First Let Me Tell You About The Results}.


Expected Blessing~!

The Very Next Morning This Certain Cable Company Was Out In Front Of Our Home Installing The Cable.  Is That Awesome or What?  This Has Been Happening Over And Over Again, Just By Standing On One Promise.

Now, It Might Work Better For Me Because In The Back Of My Mind, I Also Have A Repertoire Of Verses Replete With Yahweh’s Promises Like Psalm 103:20-21.

 20 Bless Yahweh, You His Angels, That Excel In Strength,
      That Do His Commandments, Hearkening Unto The Voice Of His Word.
 21 Bless You Yahweh, ALL You His Hosts; You Ministers Of His, That Do His Pleasure, {His Will}.

So, I Begin To Say What Yahweh Says About My Current Situation, {This Is By Action, The Very Definition Of The Word, “Confess” As It Is Meant To Be Used In Romans 10:9-10}. That If You Shall Believe That Yahweh Has Raised Yahoshua From The Dead And Shall Confess That Yahoshua Is Lord, You Will Be Saved, {Sozo ~ Healed, Delivered, Saved, Welfare, Wealth, Prosperous In ALL Ways Of Life ~ See The Greek Word For Salvation ~ Soteria}.


Life To The Fullest~!

Anyhow, Since Yahweh Raised Yahoshua From The Dead, Then I Get Life, (Not Just Life, But Life In The Absolute Sense, Life As Yahweh Has It, Which The Father Has In Himself, Of This Life Men Become Partakers Through Faith In Yahoshua, {The Messiah} ~ Zoe ~ John 10:10).  This Surmises Three Things I Know About The Covenant And Its Exchange.

Yahoshua Was Rich And Became Poor That I Might Be Made Rich, (2 Corinthians 8:9).

He Who Knew No Sin, Became Sin For Us In Order That We Might Become The Righteousness Of Yahweh In Him, (2 Corinthians 5:21).
Because Christ Also Suffered For Sins Once, The Righteous For The Unrighteous, That He Might Bring You To God; Being Put To Death In The Flesh,
But Made Alive In The Spirit; (1 Peter 3:18).

He Himself Bore My Sickness And Diseases And By His Stripes, I Am Healed~! … (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24).

This Is Covenant.  I Know My Covenant.  I Know What I Get, And Having A Slow Internet Connection Is Sorrow~!


Blessing The Angels Of Yahweh~!

{Okay, Let’s Continue On With Where I Left Off}

I Bless The Angels Of Yahweh That Excel In Strength, That Do His Commandments, Hearkening Unto The Voice Of His Word.  Bless You Yahweh, ALL You His Hosts; You Ministers Of His, That Do His Will, {His Pleasure}”.

When I Do This, I’m Doing Two or More Things.  I Acknowledge Faith In That The Angels Are Going To Do This That Needs To Be Done To Eliminate Sorrow From My Midst.

I Do So By Blessing The Angels Of Yahweh, (I’m Agreeing, And Adding My Decree ~ Declaration) That The Angels Of Yahweh Excel In Strength And That They Do Yahweh’s Commandments.  They Are Obedient.  The Angels Are Hearkening To The “Voice Of The Word” And I Am The One Shouting The Voice Of The Word.  I Put Forth Faith To Believe That The Angels Are Responding To The Words That I’m Saying, Because The Words That I’m Saying Are Yahweh’s Words.

Words Like, “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It”, (Proverbs 10:22).  Or, “Every Good Gift And Every Perfect Gift Is From Above, And Comes Down From The Father Of Lights, With Whom There Is No Variation or Shadow Of Turning”, (James 1:17).


Standing On The Promises~!

Or Words Like:

2 Corinthians 1:20
For As Many As Are The Promises Of Yahweh, They ALL Find Their Yes [Answer] In Him [Christ].  For This Reason We Also Utter The Amen (So Be It) To Yahweh Through Him [In His Person And By His Agency] To The Glory Of Yahweh.

2 Peter 1:4
By Means Of These He Has Bestowed On Us His Precious And Exceedingly Great Promises, So That Through Them You May Escape [By Flight] From The Moral Decay (Rottenness And Corruption) That Is In The World Because Of Covetousness (Lust And Greed), And Become Sharers (Partakers) Of The Divine Nature.

I Am Employing The Promises, And Enacting The Angels And Putting Forth My Faith To Make It So.

Not Because I Want To Get Yahweh To Do Things For Me, Like I’m Spoiled, But Because I Know What Belongs To Me And As A King I Stand Firm On What Yahweh Has Promised.


His Angel Is Working On Our Behalf~!

2 Peter 1:5
For This Very Reason, Adding Your Diligence [To The Divine Promises], Employ Every Effort In Exercising Your Faith To Develop Virtue (Excellence, Resolution, Christian Energy), And In [Exercising] Virtue [Develop] Knowledge (Intelligence),

I Just Went Out The Door, I’m Blessed Going Out.  I Just Came In The Door, There Comes Another Blessing~!  But, I’m Seeing Sorrow, And I’m Not Supposed To Have Any Sorrow And I Know Yahweh, Before Whom I Walk, Will Send His Angel With Me, And Prosper My Way, (Exodus 23:20; Genesis 24:7;40).

Now, If At Anytime You Can See Yourself Having Sorrow, Feel Free To Jump Right In And Say Aloud, “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich, (Rich In ALL Ways, Like Having Close Friends, etc.), And Adds No Sorrow With It”.  And I’ll Not Have Sorrow.  Angels Are Working On My Behalf, {Hebrews 1:14}.


The Seed Principal~!

Okay, Back To My Grass.  It Was A Barren Landscape In Our Backyard, And Even More So, As I Had The Land Scraped With A BackHoe Machine.  Then I Aerated The Soil With A Machine That I Rented.  Then I Planted Seed, And Covered It With Straw.

However, I Put These Scripture Passages In Me About The Seed Growing From Mark 4:26-28 Below:

 26 And He Said, The Kingdom Of Yahweh Is Like A Person Who Scatters Seed Upon The Ground,
 27 And Then Continues Sleeping And Rising Night And Day While The Seed Sprouts And Grows And Increases—He Knows Not How.
 28 The Earth Produces [Acting] By Itself—First The Blade, Then The Ear, Then The Full Grain In The Ear.

I Looked At My Lawn And The Seed Had Been Planted, And Now I Go To Sleep And The Seed Will Sprout And The Grass Will Grow, (I Know Not How, “I Agreed With The Word Of Yahweh By Faith, Rather Than Worrying Because I Don’t Know How To Make It Grow”).


Its Leaf Will Be Green~!

Deuteronomy 28:10-13 Tells Us,
 10 And ALL People Of The Earth Shall See That You Are Called By The Name [And In The Presence Of] Yahweh, And They Shall Be Afraid Of You.
 11 And Yahweh Shall Make You Have A Surplus Of Prosperity, Through The Fruit Of Your Body, Of Your Livestock, And Of Your Ground, In The Land Which Yahweh Swore To Your Fathers To Give You.
 12 Yahweh Shall Open To You His Good Treasury, The Heavens, To Give The Rain Of Your Land In Its Season And To Bless ALL The Work Of Your Hands; And You Shall Lend To Many Nations, But You Shall Not Borrow.

Jeremiah 17:7-8 Says,
 7 “Blessed Is The Man Who Trusts In Yahweh, And Whose Hope Is Yahweh.
 8 For He Shall Be Like A Tree Planted By The Waters, Which Spreads Out Its Roots By The River, And Will Not Fear When Heat Comes; But Its Leaf Will Be Green, And Will Not Be Anxious In The Year Of Drought, Nor Will Cease From Yielding Fruit.


My Grass Is Green~!

So, Then It Rained And Then It Rained Some More, And Then It Rained ALL Week Long.  It Did Not Rain Until I Had Completed Seeding The Lawn And Putting Straw On Top Of The Seeds.  Yahweh’s Word Says That It Will Rain In The Due Season.  Also, It Didn’t Rain So Hard As To Wash Away Our Seed, But It Was A Good Soaking.  And It Rained For Almost 4 Days, And Stopped And Then Rained Some More.

The Grass Grew And Turned A Bright Green ALL Over Our Entire Backyard.

What Happens Again When It Rains?

You Get A Bumper Crop.  You Get Harvest~!

Well, Doesn’t Yahweh Promise Us That He Will Send Forth Both The Early And The Latter Rain?

(Joel 2:23; Zechariah 10:1;
Deuteronomy 11:14;
James 5:7-8

Romans 8:17 (The Passion Translation) ~ “And Since We Are His True Children, ‘We Qualify To Share ALL’ His Treasures, For Indeed , We Are Heirs Of God Himself.  And Since We Are Joined To Christ, We Also Inherit ‘ALL’ That He Is And ‘ALL’ That He Has.  We Will Experience Being Co-Glorified With Him Provided That We Accept His Sufferings As Our Own”.

Hebrews 1:2 (WEB) ~  “Has At The End Of These Days Spoken To Us By His Son, Whom He Appointed Heir Of All Things,  Through Whom Also He Made The Worlds”.

Since We Are Joint-Heirs With Christ, We Also Inherit ‘ALL That He Is’ And ‘ALL That He Has’…

And He Is The Heir Of All Things~!


Put To Death Anxiety~!

Removing/Removal (Of)
Everything That Causes
Stress (or)


Aside (And)
Concentrating On Christ

And Stay

Loads (To The)

(Colossians 3:1-2,15)


Stand Firm In Your Confession ~ Hold Fast and Don’t Waver~!

My Family’s Heath Will Be Just Fine.
The Reason I Know This Is Because The Scripture Says In Acts 16:31 ~
So Shall You Be Saved And Your HouseHold”;

The Greek Word Translated For Saved Used Here Is Sozo In The New Testament In The Following Ways:

Save or Saved

First of All Stand Fast~!

Hebrews 10:23 ~

“Let US Hold On To The Confession Of Our Hope Without Wavering,

For He Who Promised Is Faithful”,

Hold Fast To Your Confession ~ Confess Literally Means To,

Say The Same Thing”, {As Yahweh Says or Said In His Word}.

So, Let’s Take A Look At Yahweh’s Word.

Remember That Time A Woman Touched The Hem Of Yahoshua’s Garment And She Got Healed.  If You’ve Only Heard It Preached That She Touched The Hem Of Yahoshua’s Garment and Got Healed, Then You’ve Missed Part Of The Gospel And We Want The Whole Gospel.  You Have To Look At The Scripture Verse That Reads “She Said”, {And The Amplified Bible Classic Edition Said “She Kept On Saying”}, or In Other Words That Was Her Confession.  But What Did She Confess?  She Confessed That She WOULD Definitely Be Healed If She Could But Touch The Hem Of Yahoshua’s Garment. The Very Word For Healed That She Used Is The Greek Word “Sozo”.

How Do You Put Forth Faith?  The Same Way That You Got Saved~!  You Believe It In Your Heart And Then You Say It Out Of Your Mouth, That’s How~!   Romans 10:9-10 ~ 9 That If You Confess With Your Mouth The Lord Jesus And Believe In Your Heart That God Has Raised Him From The Dead, You Will Be Saved. 10 For With The Heart One Believes Unto Righteousness, And With The Mouth Confession Is Made Unto Salvation~!  {See The Greek Word For Salvation ~ Soteria}.  You Might Recall Making a Profession of Faith, (Profession and Confession ~ Strong’s Concordance # 3671 ~ Are The Same Exact Greek Words In the Scriptures).

But Go Back And Look At Isaiah 55:10-11 Where Yahweh Says, 10 For As The Rain Comes Down And The Snow From The Sky, And Doesn’t Return There, But Waters The Earth, And Makes It Bring Forth And Bud, And Gives Seed To The Sower And Bread To The Eater; 11 So Shall My Word Be That Goes Forth Out Of My Mouth: It Shall Not Return To Me Void, But It Shall Accomplish That Which I Please, And It Shall Prosper In The Thing Whereto I Sent It.

Matthew 9:21 ~ For She Said Within Herself, If I May But Touch His Garment, I Shall Be Whole, {Sozo}.
Matthew 9:22 ~ But Jesus Turned Him About, And When He Saw Her, He Said, Daughter, Be Of Good Comfort; Your Faith Has Made You Whole, {Sozo}. And The Woman Was Made Whole, {Sozo} From That Hour.

Mark 5:28-29 ~ For She Said, If I May Touch But His Clothes, I Shall Be Whole, {Sozo}.
Mark 5:34 ~ And He Said Unto Her, Daughter, Your Faith Has Made You Whole, {Sozo}; Go In Peace, And Be Whole Of Your Plague.

Let’s Look At Other Places Where The Word Sozo Is Used.

To Save, Deliver, Make Whole, Preserve Safe From Danger, Loss, Destruction.
(From The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament © 1992 by AMG International, Inc. Revised Edition, 1993).

  1. Sozo (Swzw) (Verb), “To Save, To Keep From Harm, To Preserve, To Rescue, To Heal”.
  2. Soteria (Swthria) (Noun), “Salvation, Deliverance, Preservation, Health, Well-Being”.

Mark 5:23 ~ And Besought Him Greatly, Saying, My Little Daughter Lies At The Point Of Death: I Pray You, Come And Lay Your Hands On Her, THAT SHE WILL BE HEALED, {Sozo}; AND SHE SHALL LIVE.
Mark 6:56 ~ And Whithersoever He Entered, Into Villages, or Cities, or Country, They Laid The Sick In The Streets, And Besought Him That They Might Touch If It Were But The Border Of His Garment: And As Many As Touched Him Were Made Whole, {Sozo}.
Mark 10:52 And Jesus Said Unto Him, Go Your Way; Your Faith Has Made You Whole, {Sozo}.  And Immediately He Received His Sight, And Followed Jesus In The Way.
Luke 6:9 ~ Then Said Jesus Unto Them, I Will Ask You One Thing; Is It Lawful On The Sabbath Days To Do Good, or To Do Evil? To Save, {Sozo}, Life, or To Destroy It?
Luke 7:50 ~ And He Said To The Woman, Your Faith Has Saved, {Sozo}, You; Go In Peace.
Luke 8:36 ~ They Also Which Saw It Told Them By What Means He That Was Possessed Of The Devils Was Healed { Sozo}.
Luke 8:48 ~ And He Said Unto Her, Daughter, Be Of Good Comfort: Your Faith Has Made You Whole, {Sozo}; Go In Peace’.
Luke 8:50 ~ But When Jesus Heard It, He Answered Him, Saying, Fear Not: Believe Only, And She Shall Be Made Whole, {Sozo}.
Luke 17:19 ~ And He Said To Him, “Arise, Go Your Way. Your Faith Has Made You Well’., {Sozo}; Go In Peace’.
Luke 18:42 ~ And Jesus Said Unto Him, Receive Your Sight: Your Faith Has Saved, {Sozo} You.
Acts 4:9 ~ If We This Day Be Examined Of The Good Deed Done To The Impotent Man, By What Means He Is Made Whole, {Sozo};
Acts 14:9 ~ The Same Heard Paul Speak: Who Steadfastly Beholding Him, And Perceiving That He Had Faith To Be Healed, {Sozo}.
Said With A Loud Voice, “Stand Up Straight On Your Feet~!And He Leaped And Walked.
Acts 16:31 ~ “So Shall You Be Saved, {Sozo}, And Your HouseHold”.

Sozo ~ Matthew 9:21 / Mark 5:28

So Shall You Be Saved And Your HouseHold”, (Acts 16:31).

Sozo in Acts 16:31

For She Said, “If I May Touch But His Clothes, I Shall Be ‘Made Whole {Sozo}, (Mark 5:28-29; Matthew 9:21-22).

It Seems To Be The Hardest Thing In The World To Hold Fast Your Confession Because Your Mind Is Saying That’s Impossible ~ How Can That Be Done?

I Just Got Through Believing For A Self-Propelled Lawn Mower Last Week And I Got It And I Have Already Mowed Our Lawn With It.  This Didn’t Come From My Wife’s Money or My Money, But It Came In Miraculously, {Tap Or Click Here To Read About That}.
But The Word Sozo Means Healed and It Also Means Delivered.  So It Doesn’t Matter If It’s A Lawn Mower or If It’s My Niece’s Hearing.  Being Delivered and Healing Belongs To Us As It Is The Children’s Bread, (Matthew 15:21-28).

By The Way, After This Was Prayed, My Niece Passed Her Hearing Test~!

I Believed In Faith For The Rain To Come And That’s Why I Needed A Lawn Mower~!
Tap Or Click Here To Read How That Came About~!

But The Problem Is, If Your Mind Doesn’t Want To Believe It… But Your Mind’s Not Going To Matter; Because The Scripture Says In Mark 11:23 ~ “For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!
~ *{THIS IS YAHOSHUA SPEAKING~! ~ The Head Of The Church~!}.

You Might Notice That The Word ‘Mind’ or Any Mention of ‘Intellectual Properties’ or ‘Analytical Thinking’ Is Not Mentioned In This Verse, Nor Is Yahweh Mentioned, or The Holy Ghost Or Even Yahoshua.  With Our ‘Mind’ We Might Want To Try To ‘Figure Out’ How We Are Going To Accomplish The Task, or How Are We Going To Pay For It.  Yahweh Never Asked Us To Pay For It.  He Asks Us To ‘Believe’, (Mark 11:24), For It~!  So, You Can Doubt In Your ‘Mind’, But Not Doubt In Your Heart And Your Heart Is Defined As Your ‘Soul’, or More Specifically: Your Mind, Your Will, And Your Emotions.  So Your ‘Mind’ Can Be Just Doing Flip Flops, Arguing How Can This Be Done ~ It’s Impossible.

I Think It’s Even Harder For Somebody That Relies On Their Analytical Head Knowledge To Walk In Faith Because They’re Smart and Can Figure Things Out.  Oftentimes, It’s Easier For Someone That Doesn’t Have The Ability To Figure It Out On Their Own And Just Trust God Like A Child ~ So We Would Call This Child-Like Faith~!  Anything That Is Doable Can Be Obtained With Expertise and Experience.  Anything That Is Impossible Can Only Be Obtained By Faith,

(Jeremiah 32:17,27; Matthew 19:26; Mark 9:23; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; Luke 18:27)

If It’s Unbelievable, And It’s Impossible, Then With Yahweh, It’s Totally Doable~!

Observe That When Yahoshua Healed Someone, Often He Healed Folks By Using Mark 11:23 and He Was Often Heard To Say,Go In Peace” or “Go Your Way” or “Receive Your Sight, Or With The 10 Lepers, Go, Show Yourselves To The Priests”.  But, What Really Stands Out Is The Number Of Times Yahoshua Also Said, Your Faith Has Made You Whole and They Had Gotten Healed ~ Validating What Yahoshua Was Saying.

But Now Watch This.  Please Count The Number Of Times That Yahoshua Said Heart And The Number Of Times He Said Says.
Mark 11:23 ~ “For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~!

* Aside From The First Time Yahoshua Says Assuredly, ‘I Say To You
There Are Three Times The Word Say Is Used And Only One Time That The Word Heart Is Used.
So The Saying Is Going To Be Three Times More Important Than What’s In The Heart.

And Again The Brain Is Not Mentioned At All.
But The Brain or The Intellectual Part Of You Called ‘The Mind’ Is Mentioned In Another Scripture.
1 Corinthians 14:14 ~ If I Pray In Another Language, My Spirit Prays, But My Mind Is ‘Not Productive’, (Lots Of Translations Say ‘Unfruitful’).

You Could Go Around With Your Mouth Right Now Telling Everybody That I Said My Niece’s Hearing Is Good.
They Will Probably Laugh At You, And I Don’t Blame Them Because I’m The Same Guy That Said My Niece
Will Be Born On August 24th And That She Would Be A Boy; And I Really Genuinely Believed That.

However, I Am Just A Man And I’m Not Infallible; And I Was Wrong, Wrong, Wrong~!
I Think The Reason God Put That On My Heart Is So That I Would Be Wrong …
So That I Could Point Out To You That If I Say Something It Might Not Be Right,
But I Am Not The One Saying This and Yahweh Is Never Wrong~! 
So, If Yahweh Says Something Then It Is Always Right~!

But, Unless You Mix Faith With The Word, (Hebrews 4:2); And Confess, (Romans 10:8-10); Meaning To Say The Same Thing As What The Word Of Yahweh Says … It Will Profit You Nothing.

So For Now, I’m Not Sure If I Should Encourage You To Do This In Front Of Others; But, At Least Make Your Stand By Yourself But Say, Yahweh Said, So Shall I Be Saved †’ And My Family.

{Sozo ~ The Same Greek Word That The Woman That Touched Him On The Hem Of Yahoshua’s Garment Used When She Said, “If I But Touch The Hem Of His Garment, I Will Be Healed’”}.  This Same Method Works For Finances, {Click Or Tap Here For Proof Of That}.

Tap Or Click Here To See How I Held Fast To The Word Of Yahweh and Didn’t Have To Go Through Customs.



To Read More, Go To The Following Web Sites.

Our Covenant
Faith Comes
The Faith Walk
The Faith Talk
What We Say Matters
Speak It Into Your Life~!


Yahweh Provides~!

Your Power Is In Your Saying and Believing | Jesse Duplantis

I Couldn’t Sleep And It Was 1:19 a.m. or So When I Started And I Just Listened To This Link Above, And It Has Tremendously Affected Me Already.

The Scripture Says, “To Owe No Man Nothing But To Love One Another”, So I’m Determined Not To Get In Debt But To Make A Point Of Loving One Another.

As You Know My Push Lawn Mower Has Gone Kaput.

So I Shopped Around And I Could Have Got One For Less Money On Amazon, But The Engine Is Made In China And I Just Don’t Want To Buy Things From China.

And After Praying About It, I Felt Like I Should Get A Self-Propelled Because Of That Little Hill That My Neighbor Has In Her Backyard.  I Found That I Can Cut It Better With A Push Mower Than With The Riding Lawn Mower.  Plus If I Have Something With Self-Propelled Power, I Can Go Up That Little Hill Better.  So, I Chose The Self-Propelled Push Mower At Lowe’s That I Wanted With The Most Power Which Is 163 cc’s or 7.25, {Horsepower Which Is A Lot}.

Now I Don’t Know If I Told You This Ahead Of Time; But I Started Declaring That All My Needs Were Met According To Christ Jesus That Gives Me Strength, And I Only Had 67 Cents In My Checking Account At The Time That I Declared That.

It Is Without A Doubt That I Need A Lawn Mower, And I Can Borrow One But I Don’t Want To Because The Bible Says Not To Borrow, (Owe No One Anything But To Love One Another ~ (Romans 13:8).  And So, Having A Lawn Mower Is A Need And My Grass Grows Up Tall Enough Every Two Weeks That I Had Decided That I Needed It By August 24th, Or At The Very Latest August 30th As That Was Part Of My Need And All My Needs Are Met In Christ Jesus, (Philippians 4:19).  This Lawn Mower Was Priced At $479~!  As I Had Been In The U.S. Navy, I Get A Veteran Discount.  So, The ‘Out The Door’ Cost Including Tax Would Be $472.05.

We Have Two Banks, Because We Had A Bank In Our Previous City, And We Got Another Account At A Different Bank When We Moved.

My Bank Account In The Previous City, I Still Use But, I Haven’t Never Collected The Reward Points And I Didn’t Even Realize That I Got Reward Points, But Suddenly This Time When I Went To The Reward Points and It Asked "Would You Like To Redeem Your Points?" So, I Went To Check On And We Had $606.50 Worth Of Cash Value.

In The Morning, I Called This Bank To Make Sure That Was Correct And They Said That If I Didn’t Know I Had Points For That Many Years It’s Really Quite Possible.

So I Cashed In MYChoice Reward Point And I Bought The Lawn Mower.

I Went Ahead And Ordered The Lawn Mower By And Still Have Enough Money Left Over To Tithe On The $606.50.

At 1:10 a.m. I Felt Restless And Just Couldn’t Sleep And So I Felt LED Of The Lord To Watch This Video Last Night And It Was After I Watched This Video By Jesse Duplantis, That I Made A Quality Decision And A Declaration That I Will Not Borrow Money Ever Again In My Life For That This Lawnmower Was Paid For It And That’s When The Redemption Points Were Drawn To My Attention.

I Think You Will Benefit Greatly If You Watch This. It Explains A Great Deal To Me About Prosperity That I Have Been Questioning About.

Tithes Vs. First Fruits Vs. Alms Vs. Seed

This Self-Propelled Riding Lawn Mower Will Arrive August 24th.

On The Same Week My Riding Lawn Lawn Mower Also Started Having A Problem And It Looks Like It Maybe Too Expensive To Repair As The Governor May Have Come Unglued.

This Riding Lawn Mower Is Approximately 20 Years Old And They Last Approximately 20 Years According To The.

So Again I Prayed About It And I Picked Out The Riding Lawn Mower That I Want With The Three Leaf Bagger Attachment Picked Out And It Cost $3,271.40 At Lowe’s.

So I Am Telling You And Declaring Right Now That This Is Also A Need Of Mine And This Money Will Come In Just Like The Other Did Suddenly Unexpectedly And Rapidly And I Will Be Telling You Soon That I Have That Lawn Mower Paid For And In My Possession.

I Left This Part Out Cuz I Didn’t Want To Bring Attention To Myself But I Just Realized It’s Probably A Vital Part Of The Formula The Original Person That I Was Sending This Email To Is An 88-Year-Old Widow That I Also Cut Her Grass For Her Without Charge.

But That’s Not The Point My Point Is That Since Mine Quit I Have Been Borrowing Her 36 Inch Riding Lawn Mower To Cut Her Lawn, But Giving Of My Time.

So, I Named My Seed And Said Every Time I Cut Her Yard I Am Sewing For My Time For A New Riding Lawn Mower Since Mine Went Kaput.

And She Has A Large Yard I Can Cut Mine Easily Under An Hour But It Takes Me Almost 2 Hours To Cut Hers So It Is Probably Half Acre.

It Is Very Rough Terrain And She Has This Small Hill With A Steep Incline In The Middle Of Her Backyard With Roots And I Went And Cut The Roots Out With A Pick-Axe Cuz I’ve Hit Those Roots With Both My Lawn Mower And Her Lawn Mower.

In Fact, I Hit One Of The Roots So Hard That I Bent The Spindle On Her Lawn Mower And Had To Pay $85 To Have Her Lawn Mower Repaired And Plus I’m Cutting Her Grass For Free, I Felt Like I Was Losing Money.

That’s When It Occurred To Me To Name My Seed.

So Every Time I Cut Her Grass That Was My Seed To Get My New Riding Lawn Mower, That Will Cut Going Forward And In Reverse And Has 22 Horsepower Which Can Easily Navigate Her High Little Hills.

The Thing Is It That, This Money Was In My Bank Account All This Time Even While I Was Trying To Figure Out How I Was Going To Get This Money.

But It Will Start With A Seed.

I Am Working On Trying To Sew Into An Orphanage Ministry, Well Let’s Just Say For Example That I Was Able To Give $333 And I Get A Hundredfold Return On That.  Which Would Be $33,300.  And So I Would Tithe On That Which Would Be $3,330, Leaving $29,970.

And Then If I Can Sow $29,970 Into A Ministry.  I Will Reap Back One Hundredfold or $299,700.

That Oughta Really Help This Orphanage Ministry Take Off And Get That Building Paid For And Get Them Out Of Debt.

I Sowed Money To Them Last Time As Alms. But I Read From The Scriptures That When You Sowed For Alms That Yahweh Will Reimburse You Exactly What You Sowed, Unless You Tell Everybody What You Did And Then Your Reward Is Only The Praise Of Men~!

I Have Given $555 + $100 Previously, {Which Is $655} And Got Back So Far $608.50 That Came Miraculously, {Tap Or Click Here To Read About That}, So There’s Still Some More Money Left To Come In, ($46.50) From That Alms Giving.

However, If I Sow A Seed, Instead Of Alms, I Can Get Back A Hundred Times As Much~!

I Want To See The Overseer And This Orphanage Succeed.  So Soon, I Want To Pay Off Their Building That Was Just Purchased, Because I Don’t Want Them In Debt.  So To Do That, This Time Instead Giving Alms For For These Children To Get Food ~ I Want To Send Money To Them As A Seed To See This Ministry Grow, And That Seed Might Still Include Providing Food For The Overseers and Their Children As Well As Fine Clothing and A New Building And A Car, So That He Doesn’t Have To Walk or Ride a Bicycle All Over The Place.

Yahweh Gives Seed To The Sower And I Am A Sower And I Will Pay Off This Orphanage Building Completely Unless Someone Else Does It Before Me, As Time And Seed Produce A Harvest On The Seed That I’ve Already Sown, (2 Corithinians 9:8-16).


Easy As 1-2-3~!

Philippians 4:4-9
4 Rejoice In Yahweh Always! Again I Will Say, “Rejoice~!”
5 Let Your Gentleness Be Known To All Men. Yahweh Is At Hand.
6 In Nothing Be Anxious, But In Everything, By Prayer And Petition With Thanksgiving, Let Your Requests Be Made Known To God.
7 And The Peace Of God, Which Surpasses All Understanding, Will Guard Your Hearts And Your Thoughts In Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, Sisters And Brothers, Whatever Things Are True, Whatever Things Are Honorable, Whatever Things Are Just, Whatever Things Are Pure, Whatever Things Are Lovely, Whatever Things Are Of Good Report: If There Is Any Virtue And If There Is Any Praise, Think About These Things.
9The Things Which You Learned, Received, Heard, And Saw In Me: Do These Things, And The God Of Peace Will Be With You.

Psalms 46:1-3
1 God Is Our Refuge And Strength,
A Very Present Help In Trouble.
2 Therefore We Won’t Be Afraid, Though The Earth Changes,
Though The Mountains Are Shaken Into The Heart Of The Seas;
3 Though Its Waters Roar And Are Troubled,
Though The Mountains Tremble With Their Swelling. Selah.

I Wanted To Go See The Blue Angels Practice.  But, As I Left To Go See The Blue Angels I Looked Up And The Sky Was Very Cloudy And From My Previous Attempts To Go See The Blue Angels When It’s Cloudy; They Don’t Perform All Their Maneuvers Because Of The Limited Visibility And They Need To See One Another To Do The Aerial Aerobatics That They Do.

I Heard The Holy Ghost Say That The Clouds Are The Same Where They Are Performing As They Were Where I Live.  Well, I Started Not To Go Because I’ve Gone Before And They Didn’t Do As Many Aerial Tricks Because It Was Cloudy.  But, I Just Really Wanted To Go.  I Asked The Holy Ghost Should I Go Or Not Go.  I Heard Back, “That’s Up To You”.  I Didn’t Hear A “Don’t Go”.  So I Started Declaring That Yahweh Whom I Serve, Will Send Forth His Angels To Go Ahead Of Me And Prosper My Way.  Prosper Can Mean To Gain Wealth And Riches; But Prosper Also Means To Have Success, {or To Succeed In Reaching}.

And This Was Told To The Servant Of Isaac By Abraham When He Went To Get A Wife.
Yet, This Scripture Still Applies To Us Today 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week ~ 24/7, {And You Can Use That As A Memory Jog To Find This Verse Because It’s Located In Genesis 24:7}.

Genesis 24:7
7 Yahweh, The God Of Heaven—Who Took Me From My Father’s House, And From The Land Of My Birth, Who Spoke To Me, And Who Swore To Me, Saying, ‘I Will Give This Land To Your Offspring—He Will Send His Angel Before You, And You Shall Take A Wife For My Son From There.  The First Time It Was Mentioned Yahweh Was Talking Directly To Abraham And This Is What Yahweh Said.

But Then Abraham Repeated These Instructions To His Servant Telling Him What God Had Told Him And That Is Found In Verse 40 And You Can Think Of That As Yahweh Is At Work 24/7, And They Are 40 Hours In A Work Week So Genesis 24:40 Says

Genesis 24:40
40 He Said To Me, “Yahweh, Before Whom I Walk, Will Send His Angel With You, And Prosper Your Way.  You Shall Take A Wife For My Son From My Relatives, And Of My Father’s House”.

So I Took These Two Verses And I Started Declaring That There Would Be Blue Skies In Pensacola For The Blue Angels And “Are Not The Angels ALL Ministering Spirits (Servants) Sent Out In The Service [Of Yahweh For The Assistance] Of Those Who Are To Inherit Salvation?”, {Hebrews 1:14}.  The Angels Are Also At Work 24/7~!

I’m Not One Of Those That Command Angels But I Believe Yahweh’s Word That Says That Yahweh Sends Forth Angels Ahead Of Me To Prosper In My Way; And Going All The Way There And Spending Money For The Gas And Seeing The Blue Angels Not Perform Would Not Be Prospering.  It Would Be Sorrow And Would Not Be “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich And He Adds No Sorrow With It”, (Proverbs 10:22).

So To Have Blue Skies When It’s Cloudy Means We’ve Got To Have Wind To Blow The Clouds Out Of The Way~!  The Blue Sky Already Exist, It’s Just That We Can’t See It Because Of The Clouds.

So, I Started Also Saying With My Mouth Because The Scripture Says In Mark 11:23 ~ “For Assuredly, ‘I Say To You’,* Whoever SAYS To This Mountain, ‘Be Removed And Be Cast Into The Sea,’ And Does Not Doubt In Their Heart, But Believes That Those Things You SAY Will Be Done, “You Will Have What You Say~! So I Started Saying “There Will Be Blue Skies In Pensacola And The Clouds Are Being Moved Away That Yahweh Whom I Serve Is Sending For th Angels To Go Ahead Of Me To Prosper My Way”.

As I Was Driving There, I Could Actually See The Clouds Were Being Moved A Little Bit And There Was A Little Bit Of Light Sky Blue Breaking Out.  I Said We Need It Much Bluer Than This As We Need Real Blue Skies And Then I Heard The Holy Spirit Tell Me “That If I Need Much Bluer Skies Then I Need A Stronger Wind And I Need To Tell The Angels We Need A Stronger Wind”.  So, I Started Declaring That There Would Be A Stronger Wind In That Area.

Some Folks Might Get Confused At This Point, Because I Just Said That I Don’t Command The Angels, Yet I Appear To Be Commanding The Angels.  The Truth Is The Word Of Yahweh Commands The Angels and I Am Just Voicing The Word Of Yahweh As Angels Respond Only To The Voice Of Yahweh, And The Angels Respond To When We Voice His Word, (Psalm 103:21-22).

20 Praise Yahweh, You Angels of His, Who Are Mighty In Strength, Who Fulfill His Word, Obeying The VOICE Of His Word.
21 Praise Yahweh, All You Hosts of His, You Servants of His, Who Do His Pleasure, (His Will).

To Read More On How Angels Operate, {Enter Here}.

All The While I’m Not Really Commanding The Angels I’m Just Believing Yahweh’s Word Based On , (Hebrews 4:2) That Said If I’ll Mix Faith With The Word Of Yahweh, Then It’ll Profit Me (My Translation) and We Are The Ones That ‘Voice The Words Of Yahweh In Faith’ ~ And The Angels “Hearken” To Those Words;.

So The Angels Made The Wind Really Really Picked Up Along The Gulf Coast And When I Got Down There The Wind Was So Visible That The Row Of Trees On My Left Side Were Just Literally Being Swept Back and Blown Around.  I Could See The Sky Clouds In The Sky Moving Really Rapidly.  And I Thought We Could Get Too Strong To Win They May Even Cancel The Whole Air Show.

And Again I Heard The Holy Spirit, {Who Is My Helper}, Tell Me That When It Gets 25 Minutes Till The Actual Lunch Of The Air Show Tell The Winds To Be Quiet ~ Peace Be Still, {Just As Jesus Did In The Boat}.  They Are Supposed To Start At 10:30 But From My Experience They Start At 10:45 Almost Every Single Time.  So At 10:20 I Told The Winds “Peace Be Still”.  And You Know What?  The Winds Stopped, And I Looked Over At That Same Row Of Trees On My Left And The Leaves Were Just Barely Waving.

At The End Of The Air Show The Blue Angels Boss Said That He Felt Like They Did A Really Good Air Show Considering That When They First Started That The Winds Were 55 mph~!  Wow.  I Didn’t Know That The Winds Had Gotten Up That High~!  It Was Like The Old Hamburger Helper Commercial That Said, “And I Helped”.

It’s Not A Coincidence That The Wind Suddenly Started Up That Fast And Blew All The Clouds Away And Then Suddenly Substantially Quieted Down.  But It Took Faith In Yahweh’s Word.  Faith Mixed With The Word Of Yahweh As Prayer Changes Things.

So Whatever Circumstance You’re Facing Right Now That You’re Asking Me To Pray For This Is The Way I’m Praying, And It Would Probably Help Me If I Knew Specifically What I’m Praying For But That’s Between You And Yahweh.  You Know What You’re Praying For.

So I Can Just Say Yahweh Whatever It Is That You Are Praying For Is A Done Deal And I Start Thanking Yahweh And Rejoicing But You Can Probably Thank Yahweh And Rejoice Even Better Than Me, Cuz You Know What It Is That You’re Praying For.

But I Guarantee You That’s Giving Thanks Is Key~!

Whatever Cloudy Skies Are Clouding Your Day Are The Facts.  But The Facts Won’t Set You Free.  It’s The Truth {Of Yahweh’s Word} That Sets You Free.  So Start Declaring Whatever Desires That You Want Like (Mark 11:24) Says; And You Will See It Come About, {Our Part Is To Believe}.  Start Rejoicing And Thanking Yahweh Despite The Circumstances Which Are Only The Facts.  But It Is The Truth That Will Set You Free And Not The Facts. The Truth Of What Yahweh’s Word Says About Your Situation.

Psalm 127:3 Reads, “Children Are An Inheritance From The Lord, Offspring A Reward From Him”.
So A Reward From Yahweh Would Be A Blessing. 

Now Combine That With, Proverbs 10:22; “The Blessing Of Yahweh Makes One Rich, (To Have Success, To Succeed In Reaching) And HeAnd Adds No Sorrow With It.  So For Example If Your Prayer Is Concerning The Health Of One Of Your Children or Grandchildren.  Then Mix Faith With The Word Of Yahweh And Declare That Your Children or Grandchildren Are A Blessing And Yahweh Adds No Sorrow With It.

With Me Going To See The Blue Angels, It Would Have Been The Easier Route To Just Say Well The Skies Are Cloudy And I’ll Just Try To Schedule To Go Another Day; But, Because I Didn’t Do That, Then Not Only Was I Blessed But My Declaring The Winds To Move The Clouds Out Also Blessed Everyone That Was There And They Got To Experience The Same Blessing Because I Was Blessed With.  I’m Blessed To Cause A Blessing.

It’s As Easy As 1-2-3 And That Scripture Verse Is Found In Genesis 12:3 (NLT)
3I Will Bless Those Who Bless You And Curse Those Who Treat You With Contempt. All The Families On Earth Will Be Blessed Through You”.



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